Sequel: Crush

Stop & Erase

You Think You Know Me So Well

Lacey's Pov

I Just finished Packing my last bag Ready to meet my tour mates " Acey Come on!" Alex yelled I Grabed my Last bag and Ran outside to the waiting car me Danny and Andy arrived at this big business Type building We walked inside Isaw nothing but people dressed in Suits and Nice clothing I Wonder if My Ripped Skinny Jeans and Long Sleved StripedTight Fitting Shirt And Green Converes and my Long Brown hair in a Messy bun. I Began Wondering if this was ok I Sighed my Brothers takeing care of all the Busniess when I saw a person who was somewhat Familar " Excuse me Miss can you help me find my mom and brothers?" He asked I nodded "hey Danny im gonna help this little kid ok" he nodded "be in the meatting room in ten minutes" he said. me a The little boy Began walking He held my hand as we walked looking at the doors as we walked by " im Frankie by the way" he said smileing up at me " i like your name frankie Mines Lacey " He Contuied to Smile I Noticed my shoe was untied and well with me thats like death "Hey frankie you can walk to the end of the hall if you want but i have to Tie my Shoes before i kill my self " i joked he laughed and nodded I Finished Tieing my shoes, and Noticed Frankie Gone? " Frankie?" I said walking down the hall until i got to this big room and heard my Name " Mom. Kevin ,Nick Joe this is Lacey she Helped look for yall Everyone turned around as frankie came over and huged my waist. My Eyes widend as did theres and I was Speachless " L-Lacey?" Mrs. Jonas said. I Smiled Then Alex ran into the room " acey come on your always late and today is not your day ok so stop talking and comeon " he said grabing my arm i waved by as i was draged out of the room " Peace yalls!" i yelled I was draged to a room and was sat down in a spinny chair. Waiting for those people to come in to see who they where. I got bored and started to spin in the chair " wee!" I said jokeing around my brothers and band laughing. " woah same old Lacey " i heard then i stoped and stood up " woah head rush man i should have figured it was yall when i hear yall got Famous man!" i said pouting " well if you wherent helping a kid you would have known-" dan started to say " hey I sorta saw them before you though cause ' That Kid' Is Apparently Frankie Jonas hehe sorry I Didn't know you wow thats gotta be bad considering i grew up with yall " I giggled again Denise came over and gave me a hug along with Kevin and Joe Nick Just Ignored me. Which I have to Say Hurt. We all started to talk about the tour which whent to what happend in life " So Daniel, Alexander-" Denise got cut off by me bursting out laughing and falling out of my chair " wow freak " Dan said " im really ashamed to call her my sister, i told you when she was ten we should have sold her on eBay I mean really who dosent want anyyoning girl" I Threw a Piece of paper at Them " Not Nice I Offically Kick you out of My Band " I said They glared then Smirked " fine but since we are your Gardians you have to Stay with Us Brat!" Dan said " Oh SHut up " I said The boys all but Nick burst out laughing Densie giggled a bit " So wheres your parents?" We stoped laughing " Um Well you See uh " Dan started I Sighed " Mom killed and dad in Jail Pretty Much Sums it Up " I said Standing up and going out into the Hallway I Could still here there Voice Dan sighed " Im Sorry I Didnt mean to upset her " Denise said " its not your falut its acttually has to do something with What happend after we moved its a Long Story that we don't want a Repeat of ". I sighed and Leand agesnt the wall and grabed a bottle of water " Lace?"
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I Like this one What dose anyone think?