Sequel: Crush

Stop & Erase

You put me down to build you up

"Lace?" I heard and i looked up to see Nick i smiled but he still kept that serious face I Sighed takeing another sip of water " yeah" i said " im sorry about what happend with your paren-" " Don't worry about it okay just another big mistake that happend in my life the life i want to forget ok so just drop the subject don't act all sad now just cause you ' Feel Sorry' for me I Don't need it ok " I said walking back into the other room with everyone eles but before I could sit down I was Tackled " ACEYYYYYYY!!!" I looked up to see the person crushing me " DEMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!" I said as loud as her she stood up and took me with her " hey i have missed you sssooooo much!" She said huging me " dude you saw her saturday " Alex said we stared at him Then Nick walked in and said " and how could you miss her THAT much shes not that Special" My Brothers Glared at him I Rolled my eyes " wow nick now you finally get how i feel about how girls think yall are hot or something" I said Demi laughed Mrs. Jonas Spoke up "Well Since we have one more day I was thinking you demi and Alex and Dan can all stay over for the night and we all start early in the morring " everyone nodded and left we all Met Up at The Jonas House. The Boys where watching tv when me and Demi ran into the room and Jumped on them I landed half on Kevin and Half on Nick as Demi Landed half on kevin and half On Joe. We started to laugh but Nick Pushed me off of him makeing me land of the hard wood floor. " ow Freak" I glared at Nick and there was now a Brusie on My Wrist " Jerk!" I said standing up and walking to The Kitchen to help Denise with The Pasta. We Set the plates and everyone came down for Dinner I sat Next to Danny and Demi Alex was Next to joe who was Next to Demi who was Next to Kevin who was next to Nick who was Next to Frankie who was next to Mrs. Jonas and Mr. Jonas. and Ofcores Nick was galring at me as was I to him Half way Threw dinner the brusie was starteting to show up on my wrist " Uh Lacey why do you have a Bruise on your wrist " Dan asked Starting to get mad " because nick pushed me on the floor after me and demi jumped on the guys and well its Hard wood what do you Exspect" everyone was now glaring at Nick " why are you mad at me She jumped on me Who said I wanted HER on me" He said starting to Stand up " Wait Nick Sit down "i said Standing Up "Why?!" He Yelled " Because your a JERK! and should sit down WITH your Freaking Family!" I said. I walked out of the room god what dose Nick have agesnt me we were Best Friends I even Loved him. I sat in The Guest Room Crying Sitting Agesnt the wall when there was A Knock on the Door I Didn't answer But they opend it anyways I Looked up to See.
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ok anyone know who Joey Page is idk who he is but he added me on twitter thats kinda Freaky! so Add me if ya wanna . ( Dose anyone even Read this Story cause that would make my day if someone Did : )