Christmas in Hollywood

So Meet Me Under The Mistletoe Lets ***

Christmas was a time of year that any girl would love to have someone special with her. But of course me, I was still alone. I hadn't had a boyfriend who lasted longer than a week since I broke up with Aron. Well it was more like we agreed to take a break and never looked back. We were high school sweet hearts. So in love that we hated being apart from each other for any amount of time. But unfortunately all good things come to an end and in our case it was a dramatic one.
“Aron I have to” I said looking into his eyes.
“But why?” he asked for the fiftieth time.
“Because I'm scared Aron, they know that you're the first one that I'd run to” I said,tears welling up in my eyes. He nodded.
“They won't touch you babe, I'll make damn sure of it” he said pulling me close. I let tears fall down my face and onto his shoulder.
“I'll be in Colorado. If you are asked by anyone other than the guys you have no clue, I left without a word to you” I said hugging him tightly.
“Can I come visit?” he asked pushing me at arms length to get a good look at my face. I nodded and he wiped the tears away from my face.

I left the next morning. I never told anyone where I was other than Aron and his sister. I took the first flight to Montana then took the train to Colorado. I kept track of Aron and his friends, supporting them for two states away. I went to every show they did in Colorado. I spent the next four years of my life in college where I got my degree. I'm now a well accomplished music producer.
I went into work the Monday before the week of Christmas. I didn't think much when I saw two guys that looked sort of familiar until I walked into my office. There stood the manager of Hollywood Undead, aka Aron's band, and my boss.
“Ah Marissa you're here” my boss stated happily. Where else would I be? I smiled and nodded before putting my coffee on my desk and turned towards the manager.
“This is Jeff Peters, manager of Hollywood Undead” my boss, John, said. I shook his hand and smiled at him.
“Pleasure to meet you” I said as I let his hand go.
“Same” he said. I offered him a seat and let my boss take my chair behind my desk. I sat in another chair by my desk.
“I want you to spend the next two months helping Hollywood Undead with their new album” John went on to say. I notice Mr. Peters look at me from the corner of his eye. He was waiting for me to turn it down.
“When do I leave?” I asked looking at my boss. He looked like he was afraid to tell me.
“Tomorrow night” he said, messing with some of the things on my desk.
“I should get packing then” I said, thinking of what I would need to bring. I looked at my boss again. He had a huge smile on his face.
“I suppose you should meet the band then” Mr. Peters offered. I nodded. I knew who they were, I knew them all personally but I wanted to see them again. I'd be with them for the next two months. John left with Mr. Peters and I started straightening my desk again. I heard someone clear their throat as I was putting a book that I was reading on the shelf. I turned around to see Mr. Peters in the doorway, six people stood behind him.
“Come in” I said warmly. They walked in and stood in a line. I looked them each over.
“This is J-Dog” Mr. peters started. He was pointing at Jorel, my funny criminal as I called him.
“This is Kurlzz” Matt, my secret spy.
“Johnny” George, my height factor.
“Funny Man” Dylan my half-baked burrito.
“Charlie” Jordan my non-blood related brother.
“And Deuce” Aron, the love of my life.
“Marissa Lording” Aron finished of for me, looking at me. I smiled and nodded. Recognition dawned on the other five guys. Mr. Peters seemed confused.
“You know her Deuce?” he asked all six guys merely nodded. Jordan looked sort of angry, Matt looked like he wanted to tackle me, Dylan looked like he was checking me out (which he probably was), George looked like he wanted to laugh (probably because I was still short), Jorel looked like I had revealed to him my most dirty secret, and Aron looked like he wanted to hug me and never let go. It was Dylan who approached me first. He picked me up in a bone-crunching hug. This made the other five guys laugh.
“I need to breathe Dilly” I said hardly breathing. He laughed and set me on my feet for me to be picked up once more, this time by Matt.
“I suppose I should get arrangements out of the way then” Mr. peters said walking out. Matt set me down and I hugged everyone but Jordan and Aron.
“Why didn't you let us help you?” Jordan demanded. He knew what my family was like.
“There wasn't anything you guys could do that wouldn't get you in trouble.” I stated looking at the floor.
“We wouldn't have given a fuck if we got in trouble or not. You're our girl” Jorel said from his spot next to me.
“I didn't want you guys to get caught up in my problems, if I hadn't left you guys wouldn't have made it as far as you have” I started saying before Aron stopped me. His lips tasted like cigarette smoke, alcohol and cherries. I couldn't keep myself from kissing him back.
“We would've made it farther if you had stayed” he said once he pulled back. I looked up at him, his dark eyes burning into my flesh. I hugged him and almost started crying.
“The cops couldn't find you at all. They traced all of your credit cards and your cell phone but they lost all track of you in Montana” George started.
“Where the fuck were you?” Jorel finished. Gotta love that guy, straight to the point.
“i took the first flight out of Cali after I told Aron I was leaving, canceled my credit cards and cell phone before catching the train to Colorado. I've spent the last six years here” I said looking at them all, my eyes stopping at Jordan.
“I'm sorry I left without letting you do something but I wanted you to achieve your dreams.” I said. Jordan walked over to me and hugged me.
“You're still my little sister” he said causing me to smiled.
“Good cause I'd give anything to have my big brother back” I said into his shoulder.

The next night I was sitting on a plane with Aron and George on either side of me, heading back to my home state of California. When we arrived Aron dragged me to his car where he drove me to his apartment.
“Aron, why don't you hate me like Jordan did?” I asked to disrupt the awkward silence.
“None of us hated you babe, even if we tried we couldn't hate you for six fucking years. We understood what you were going through, we just wanted to help you through it” he said parking in front of an apartment complex. He helped me out of his car and carried our bags up to his apartment.
“I can help you” I said taking two of my bags as we approached the stairs.
“I could've gotten it” I smiled at him. He hadn't really changed much at all.
“You haven't changed much” I stated as we stopped at a door. He dug in his pocket to get his keys out and unlocked the door. We walked in after opening it and he showed me to a spare bedroom.
“So Marissa,” he started when I walked into the kitchen. He handed me a beer and I laughed at him.
“So Aron” I mocked. He gave me an evil look before laughing.
“Why did you agree to come for Christmas?” he asked. I smiled and took a sip of my beer, I don't remember opening it.
“Why wouldn't I want to spend Christmas with the guys that I love?” I asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Figured you'd want to spend it with friends or a boyfriend or something.” he said sounding kind of sad.
“I let my friends spend Christmas with their family and there is no such boyfriend” I stated. His head shot up with a confused look on his face.
“Now why would a beautiful, talented girl like you not have a boyfriend?” he asked.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked trying to avoid the subject.
“No I don't. Now answer the question” he said fiercely with a smile on his beautiful lips.
“No guy ever compared to the one I left my heart and soul with. Why don't you have a girlfriend?” I asked.
“Never could wrap my brain around being with someone other than the girl who took my very essence when she ran away” he said as our head gradually grew closer. I didn't notice my eyes start to close until our lips met.
We stayed like that for a few minutes.
“I'm sorry I ever left Aron” I whispered after we drew apart.
“I'm never letting you go again baby” he said, his lips lightly touching mine. We kissed again.
“I love you Aron” I said, resting my head against his shoulder.
“I love you too Marissa” he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. I giggled when I noticed it was a mess, Aron was too preoccupied with my neck to ask why I had laughed.
After all our clothes were disposed of, Aron rolled on a condom and stared to thrust in and out of my body in perfect, practiced rhythms. He continued his attack on my body even after his orgasm.
A few hours later we were both laying next to each other on his bed, our sex high had worn off and now I was tired. I cuddled up to Aron's naked body and sighed in contentment.
“Merry Christmas Baby” I heard his say, as he ran his finger's through my hair.
“Merry Christmas Deuce” I whispered before sleep took over my body.