Status: on going

Luck Comes To Those Who Work For It

Luck Comes To Those Who Work For It 01

"Baby, come back here." Nat called out to the girl running in front of her.
The girl turned and smiled. She skipped back to Natalie and grabbed her hand, dragging her even faster to the swings.
"Honey, no need to rush, we can spend at least an hour here. Then we'll go have dinner with your parents ok?" Nat stopped the girl and chided her gently.
"Ok Auntie Nattie." the little girl grinned from ear to ear. She loved her Auntie Nattie very much.
Caroline ran to the swings and jumped on. She played on it for about 5 minutes before running to the monkey bars. Nat helped the 3 year old reach the bars. The baby girl swung from bar to bar expertly. After completing that obstacle, Caroline ran across the bridge to the slide. She flew down and into the awaiting arms of Nat.
Although Nat was not dressed appropriately for an outing at the park, she continued to play with Caroline. Nat was in her bouse and skirt and high heels from working in the office. She didn't have time to change before picking Caroline up from the daycare.
Half an hour later, an ice cream vendor rolled into the park. Pushed by Caroline, Nat bought them a strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone. Caroline was walking back to the benches whenlittle boy her age snatched the ice cream and took a big lick out of it.
A young man around Nat's age ran over. "I'm so sorry about that!! Joey's always been prone to steal ice cream from other kids. I'm so sorry, I'll get her another one."
"Oh, its ok. She can have mine. Its ok."
Nat replied as she handed a crying Caroline her cone.
"Are you sure? Its really no problem for me to get her a new one." The young man insisted.
"I'm sure-"Nat was cut off by a group of kids running over and whining about Joey having ice-cream. "They all yours?" She asked with a small smile.
"Oh god no! I'm not that old. Theyre the children at the daycare that I work at." He chuckled and shuddered at the thought of them being his.
A pretty young lady walked over. She laid her hand possessively on the man's right arm and said, "Tyler, its time to go now." She looked at Nat as if to say "he's mine, don't even think about it."
"Oh ok Mary. Um, well, nice meeting you. My names Tyler, what's yours?" He stuck his hand out.
"My names Nat." She shook his hand.
"Ok Nat. See you around." He smiled wide and called the kids to leave. He waved and walked away.
When he was out of earshot, Nat turned to Caroline. "Too bad he seems like he's taken. I thought my luck had turned around for once.