
Chapter Thirty

Nick's POV

Over the next few days, we fell back into our usual routine. After the jet lag wore off, it was bed by 11pm, awake by 8am, breakfast before 9, then lounging around until lunch time which was around 1pm. Dinner usually happened around 6pm or 7pm. Sam had become quite the little housewife. She was always helping mum wipe up, do the washing and helping cook dinner. It really put us boys to shame. It wasn't bugging Joe; it might've been but he wasn't showing it. When she wasn't helping mum, Sam was with Joe; snuggling on the couch, playing board games together, swinging on the swings and going for walks. These little get togethers left me in Frankie's company; which I usually didn't mind, but being almost 16, I wasn't really interested in "playing" wrestling or making his action figures "play" war. Kevin was out with Dad a lot; doing only God knows what. It was either hang with Frankie, help mum with house work or sit by myself. Given my mind liked to wander when I was by myself, I opted to hang with Frankie. At least he was enjoying himself.

Sam hadn't mentioned the almost kiss since it happened which wasnearly a week ago. We only ever shared niceties. Most of the time, she simply ignored me. It was understandable; she's dating my brother and I'm trying to come onto her. It was stupid to say the very least.

Today, Frankie had a playdate with some of the other kids in the street; which left me alone with my mind. Although, even me and my mind weren't on speaking terms at the moment. My thoughts were bugging me; they were filled with Sam. I sat alone on my bed; guitar in my lap mindlessly strumming. It was around 10am; Sam was downstairs helping mum with the dishes.

I looked up when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I said half heartedly; probably just mum wanting washing or something.

"Hey," Sam bounded into my room and jumped on my bed; landing on her knees.

"Oh, so you're talking to me now?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, yes," she answered, taken aback by my abrasiveness. "But if you're going to be an ass, I'll just keep my idea to myself."

She got up to leave and made it to the door, before I stopped her.

"Wait," I put my guitar on the stand beside my bed. "What was your idea?"

"Well," she slowly turned to look at me. "I was thinking we should have that day, tomorrow."

"What day?" I was confused.

"Remember the bet. That I lost," she told me, jogging my memory. "I owe you a full day of company."

"Oh, right," I smiled. "Why tomorrow?"

"Well, Joe and Kevin have a thing apparently, I don't know what," she shrugged.

"A meeting with the label," I informed her. "They want to meet somewhere. I don't know where, but Kevin said I was "too young". I frowned.

Damn me being the youngest.

"Well, seeing as though it'll just be us home tomorrow," she walked back over to my bed and kelt in front of me. "Do you want to do our hang out day tomorrow?"

"Do I get you all day?" I asked her; not very hopeful.

"Of course," she grinned at me; moving to sit cross legged. I smiled at her.

"Okay," I held out my hand and she shook it. "Deall."

"I'll see you tomorrow," she grinned at me and walked out.

I lay back on my pillow and smiled. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.

Sam's POV

I think I just made Nick's day. Little did he know what was planned for tomorrow.
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