
Chapter Sixty Four

Nick’s POV

Did she say what i thought she did? I sat looking at Sam; staring at her.

“What?” I half whispered.

“I came on to him,” Sam answered; her voice as small as mine.

She wiped a tear from her cheek. I looked at me hand that were sitting in my lap. What was i supposed to say to that?

“You mean you...?” I gulped.

“Literally threw myself at him?” Sam choked out.”Yes.”

“Oh,” I chewed my lip. This had thrown me.

“But at first he was submissive,” Sam continued. I couldn’t look at her; not now, knowing what she had done with Joe. “He walked me to the bed and we started making out and stuff. I remember pulling off his vest.”

She fiddled with the buttons on Joe’s vest. I looked at her from the corner of my eye.

“Then, I-I went to take of his s-shirt,” she stuttered. “He stopped me. He looked at me. I’ll never forget his face. It was like shock, frustration and shame. He said “what are we doing?” and pushed himself off me and stormed off.”

“So you didn’t know?” I gestured with my hand; hoping I didnt actually have to ask her if she and Joe had sex. Sam looked at me; her face a mask of horror.

“No!” she shook her head quickly. “He stopped before anything happened.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed my hand across my face. I stood up.

“Bathroom,” I told Sam. “I’ll be right back. I promise.”

I walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I relieved myself and washed my hands. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was getting so long. It’s definitely getting a cut when we get back home. I opened the bathroom door; drying my hands on my jeans from last night. I made a mental note to shower later; i definitely needed one. I looked at Sam; she had a her legs out in front of her, she was looking down. Her body convulsed and she sobbed.

“Sam?” I made my way over to the bed again and sat close to her; I held her like Kevin held me during my breakdown. She grabbed a fistful of my jacket and sobbed into my chest. I rubbed circles

"Oh my gosh, Nick," she cried. "What if I've ruined everything? What if he nevers wants to see me again?"

"I doubt it," I told her; still rubbing her back. I kissed the top of her head. "He's crazy about you."

"What about all that stuff with Ed Westwick?" she breathed; her breath hot on my exposed collar bone. "I don’t even remember talking to him. Well I do. But not alot."

"It won't matter," I assured her simply.

"He hates me," she whimpered. I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her gently away from me. I looked her in the eye.

"He doesn’t hate you," I told her. "Noone could hate you; ever."

"You didn’t see his face last night, Nick," she whispered; tears streamed down her face again. "You didn’t see it."

Sam sobbed again and i held her close to me. I would give anything to have her stop crying.

“Oh God,” Sam pulled away from me and looked around. “I love him. I love Joe so much and I’ve killed everything.”

“You haven’t,” i told her and kissed her forhead. I pulled away at the sound of a knock at the door.

“Morning guys,” Kevin smiled into the room. “It’s breakfast time.”

Kevin stepped into the room and crossed his arms.

“Nick?” Kevin tilted his head at me.

I looked down; I had Sam’s hands in mine; her legs were over my lap. I released Sam and she swung her legs off me; pulling them up to her chest. I glanced at her briefly before turning back to my brother.

“Where’s Joe?” i asked him.

“I dont know,” Kevin shurgged. “I expected to see him in here. The last time i saw him was last night. I feel asleep pretty much straight away. I don’t know where he is.”

“Oh,” Sams said beside me; her voice vulnerable.

“I'm sure he’s fine, Sam,” I smiled softly at her. She didn’t look up.

“What? Why? What happened?” Kevin asked us.

I glanced at Sam; she looked at me with wide eyes.

“It’s not my place to tell,” I shrugged. Kevin looked at me.

“I’ll text Joe,” Kevin pulled out his phone; texted and slid it back into his back pocket.

Sam reached for her clutch whihc was on the bedside table beside her. She pulled out her sidekick and slid it open. The screen didnt light up. She sighed; it was dead.
Kevins phone went off and he checked it.

“He’s coming to breakfast,” Kevin announced.

“Where is he?” Sam asked, climbing over me and walking over to Kevin.

“I didn’t ask,” he shrugged. “Come on; mum, dad and Frankie are waiting.”

Kevin led the way out of the room. I walked up beside Sam and held her hand. She slipped on her vans that were by the door. She queezed my hand gently and let go. She half smiled and followed Kevin. I pulled the door closed behind me; silently preying for an uneventful breakfast.