
Chapter Sixty Six

Sam’s POV

Even throughout coffee date, Joe made it obvious that he was still upset with me. He would look at me properly, he didn’t hold my hand, he didn’t hug me and we hardly spoke.

“Joe?” I asked; on the ride home from the coffee shop.

“Yeah?” he turned to look at me.

“Do you,” I bit my lip. “Hate me?”

“I don’t hate you Sam,” he shook his head.

“Then, why aren’t you speaking to me?” I looked away from him.

“I guess, it’ll just take me some time to get over the events of last night,” he sighed.

“The hotel room?” I asked, leaning back in the chair.

“Yeah,” Joe bit his lip and rang his hand through his hair. “I’ve never been in that situation before.”

“Oh,” I glanced down again.

“Have you?” Joe turned to face me properly.

“Have I what?” I tucked my hair behind my ear.

“You know,” Joe, sighed again. “Have you had sex before?”

“Oh God no!” I exclaimed loudly. I regretted it; biting my lip.

“Sam,” he warned; I smiled innocently. “Give me time, yeah?”

I nodded. I really had never regretted so much in my life. I shouldn’t have sat with Ed Westwick, I shouldn’t have drank what I did and I really shouldn’t have thrown myself at Joe in the way that I did. I looked up at Joe’s face. He was smiling. Then the thought hit me; his birthday. I grinned at my thought. I could surprise him like he had surprised me. He would probably expect it though. How could I get Joe to not expect a surprise party? I sat and thought for a moment; gazing around the empty limo before looking back at Joe. He had his eyebrow raised at me. I grinned back at him.


"What are you grinning at?" Joe asked me. I looked at him. He had his head tilted slightly, a crooked smile on his face and his eye brow raised. He looked absolutely adorable.

"You," I smiled at him. I turned and ran my fingers through his hair; raking his fringe off his face. "You and that gorgeous face of yours."

He smiled at me; a real smile. His teeth were white and perfect. His eyes were sparkling and perfect. His lips looked so soft and kissable. He stared at me; a new light shining in his eyes. It was a light I'd never seen before. They were warm; the flecks of green brighter than ever before. I smiled at him and rested my hand on the side of his face.

"Joe?" I said softly, not breaking eye contact with him. "What are you thinking about?"

"IthinkiloveyouSam," he said quickly.

"What?" I asked, a smile playing around my lips.

"I-I think um, love y-you, Sam," he looked down.

My mind was racing a million miles a minuteand my heart kept pace with my mind. He loves me? Joe loves me? Joseph Jonas freaking loves me? He looked up again; patiently waiting for a response. What should I say? Do I love him? I don't know what....

"Thank you," I half smiled at him.

Thank you? Thank you? Are you kidding me brain? That's the best you could come up with? Joe's face fell and he turned away from me; facing forward. I rested my hand on his thigh but he brushed it a way. We pulled up outside the hotel and Joe slid out first.

"You're welcome," he muttered, not turning around. I slid out next and followed him inside; into the elevator and up to our floor.

Joe didn't say a word to me the entire trip up.

"I, um, I have a headache," he told me; he rubbed his head. "I'll talk to you later."

He hurried off into our room and closed the door behind him. I sighed. Seriously. Thank you? I'm an idiot.

I love you too. I love you too. I love you too.

It wasn't hard to say in my head. I knocked on the door to Nick and Frankie's room. After a few moments, Kevin answered the door. I half smiled up at the tallest of the Jonas boys.

"Hey you," he grinned at me.

"Hey," I sighed; looking down. I felt tears welling in my eyes. Why couldn't I just tell him I love him too? It was true. I love Joe so much; with all of my heart. I guess Kevin saw my tears because as soon as one fell from my eye, I was swept up into a hug. I rested my cheek on Kevin's chest. I could see Frankie and Nick playing some sort of game on a playstation in the corner of the room.

"No fair, Nick!"

"It is so fair!

I closed my eyes. I had never noticed how good Kevin smelled. His cologne and deorderant resembled that of my older brother; a musky scent. I smiled at the memories the smell produced.

"What's the matter Sam?" I heard Frankies voice come from somewhere behind Kevin. Kevin released me and stepped aside. I squatted down to Frankie's level and smiled at him half heartedly.

"Me and Joe just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all," I assured him. "It's no big deal."

"Oh, alright then," Frankie smiled. "Should I go bash him?"

"I wouldn't," I half laughed at his offer. "He has a headache right now."

"Darn," he frowned. "I'll go see if he's alright then."

Frankie walked out of the room and I leaned out watching him walk to the room I shared with Joe. He didn't knock, he just walked straight in. I shook my head and turned back in the room. Nick was standing beside Kevin now; both had there arms folded cross their chests. The facial expressions were questioning.

Nick's POV

"What?" Sam asked and mimicked their current position.

"What was the fight about?" I asked her, curious.

"It wasn't really a 'fight' fight," she responded in a small voice. She suddenly looked nervous.

"What was it then?" I took a step closer; letting my arms fall to my sides.

"Joe. He; Joe told me he loves me," Sam bit her lip.

"He what?" I questioned in a surpised and shocked tone. What? Joe actually told Sam that he loved her. I didn't recall him falling that hard before. With Taylor it was more of a fing and Camilla broke his heart. I expected it to take longer than this and truth be told, I didn't expect Sam to be the person he would fall for. I had completely missed my shot with Sam. But I couldn't blame her. Joe's a man. I'm nothing but a boy. Sam averted her eyes. I couldn't look at her.

"That's fantastic Sam!" Kevin exclaimed; his voice the complete opposite to mine. "What'd you say?"

"Thank you," she crossed my arms tighter. Sam glanced up. Kevin was gaping at her and I looked her. I couldn't believe it.

Thank you? Not I love you too; thank you? She had told me that she loved him only this morning. But she couldn't say it to his face?

"You said thank you?" Kevin asked and Sam nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, which is why I need your help," she sighed. "You, Kevin."

I looked up at her.

"But especially, you," she looked at me seriously.

What did I have to lose?
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