
Chapter Ninety Four

Sam’s POV
I trudged my way back into my bedroom. I hadn’t bothered to put on anything fancy; opting for a pair of grey sweats and a dark blue tank top. I was still feeling miserable, upset and down. I hadn’t felt so, shitty, in years. I felt lost and confused. I was like I had suffered a break up; a severe one. But I hadn’t. It was just a simple disagreement with Nick. Why did it hurt so much? I hadn’t spoken to Nick in ages. When i say i haven’t spoken to him, I mean that in the literal sense. We haven’t said a word to each other since that stupid confrontation in the living room almost 2 weeks ago. It was hard; given that I lived in the same house as him.

Breakfast and dinner was awkward as heck, and I spent the rest of the day in my bedroom; either reading, listening to music or making more collages. The collages were that good to say the very least; I was uninspired.

I was also sort of annoyed with Joe. He was there for me, sure, but not as much as I expected him to be. He hadn’t tried much to cheer me up. But something as simple as a hug took so much effort from me. I was physically and emotionally drained.
Why haven’t I spoken to Nick, apologised to him, you ask? Well, that would be too simple for my stubborn ass wouldn’t it?

I sighed as I sat myself down on my bed and edged my way to the window. I looked down at the swing set. Nick sat on the same one he had sat on that first night. He looked so small and young. He was no doubt thinking about the same thing i was. What went wrong?

Nick looked up at my window and tilted his head. He then glanced down again and got up from the swing; making his way to the house. I remained sitting looking out the window. The sky was grey but there was no threatening clouds; which meant no rain. I sighed; I’d love to be able to dance in the rain. Maybe Joe could make it rain.

After a few minutes, a knock on my door pulled me out of my dream world. I sighed. It had to be Nick. I heard the door open.

"I’m not in the mood Nick," I sighed, not turning around.

"Oh alright, I'll just go home then," a females voice answered me.

I whipped around to find Tash standing in my open doorway.

"Tash!?" I jumped up and practically threw myself at her. "Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?"

"Let me breathe, S, please," Tash begged and I released her.

“Right,” I smiled. “Sorry. So, what brings you here?”

I was too excited for my own good. I couldn’t stop smiling. Here stood Tash, my best friend from Australia, in my bedroom.

"Joe emailed me," she told me. "He told me you needed cheering up. So, I'm here for Halloween!"

"Really? Joe did this?" I asked her and she nodded and smiled at her.

I smiled at the thought of Joe doing this for me. He had thought of something to cheer me up; really cheer me up. I grinned at Tash and hugged her again quickly.

“I’ll be right back,” I said and stepped around Tash. I walked out of my room and caught Joe coming up the stairs.
I ran right up to him and threw my arms around his neck.

“Oh Joe!” I exclaimed. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!!!”

“I guess Tash found you,” he laughed.

“Yes! She did!” I pulled away from him and kissed him quickly. “Thank you so much! You are the best boyfriend ever!”

“You’re welcome!” he held me close. “I just wanted to see that smile again.”

“You had the best idea to bring it back,” I practically squealed. I pulled him in to kiss me again; draping my hands hand his neck; his hands found my waist.

“Um, as much as I’d love to watch my best friend and one of my idols make out in the hall way,” Tash said from somewhere behind me. “I’d like to catch up with her.”

I released myself from Joe’s grip and turned to hug Tash again. We pulled back and she turned to go back to my room. I spun around quickly and gave Joe another kiss.

“I love you!” I told him, grinning from ear to ear.

“I love you too!” he replied. “Now go! Your best friend is waiting!”

I turned back towards my room and caught Nick coming out of the bathroom. I caught of a glimpse of his face before he shook his head. Disappointment was an understatement. I grinned at him and he pulled a face; clearly shocked. I threw myself at him and squeezed him into a hug. He didn’t have time to react before I pulled away again. He wasn’t going to kill this mood, but maybe, my happiness was contagious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Joe is the best boyfriend ever!