Status: Active... Sort of.

Lost in Stereo

Chapter Seven

Later that day, when I had cooled down, and eaten something, I called Dad, and apologized. The conversation was rather chill. For the most part, I explained that I was sorry for flipping out on him, and he apologized for thinking I was being a groupie. He knew I was better than that. I mean, everyone on the Internet already knew I constantly insulted Pete Wentz. What else was there to be said about me? That I was sleeping with someone who I had already dated at one point? Goodness. Lets get some new insults people…or a better resource.

About a week and a half later, I had been laughing and joking around with the guys, things had been pretty mellow, and right now, I was on the ATL bus, joking around with Jack and Alex. Rian and Zack were in the other room playing Xbox, and so it was just Alex, Jack and I… playing truth or dare, no less.

“Jack. Kiss Harper.” Alex dared Jack, only to get a response of a punch in the stomach.

“Dude, we’ve been there. Done that. We’re like siblings now. You kiss her.” Jack said, grinning. Knowing something would happen on at least one end of this equation. I knew he was plotting something. He had always been talking about one day how he was going to get Alex and I to hook up. But I always figured he was joking around.

“Jack. Dude. It’s your ex girlfriend… seriously?” Alex said, turning his head to me, a smile on his face.

“Oh, and that’s supposed to make me feel better? You happen to be the one with the dare Alex.” Jack grinned, “You know, unless… you happen to be chicken.” He smirked. Gave Alex that smirk he gives people when he teases them. I knew it was going to happen the moment Jack called Alex chicken.

I just didn’t expect it to happen so fast. The moment Jack smirked at Alex I was pushed backwards onto the couch. Alex’s lips attached to mine. It was interesting, to say the least. Although, I couldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it. I’m pretty sure it would have kept going too, since my hands were tangled in his hair, and his hands were on my waist, had Jack not cleared his throat. As we split apart, Jack raised an eyebrow at my blush I knew was creeping on my cheeks. “So… I’m not a chicken.” Alex said, as he stood up, and walked towards the back of the bus to where Rian and Zack were. All I got was a look from Jack as I sat up straight, and grinned at him.

“You liked that way too much.” Jack said, grinning at me, his cunning smirk on his face.

“And? So what if I did?” I asked, a smirk on my face.

“Well, I’d say it’s a damn good thing you weren’t getting into Travis… that’s all I have to say.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, lets just say Alex has been trying to get you and I back together, and the whole plan of that not working in the first place, was faced with probably not working even more had you and Travis gotten together.” Jack said, with a straight face.

“What?” I asked, my eyebrow raised. I had heard him, but… I needed him to clarify.

Jack sighed, and lay down, placing his head in my lap. It was something he did often since we broke up a while ago, due to us being more like siblings than anything. “So, Alex has been trying to get you and I back together, after seeing how we act around each other all the time. Well, Rian and Zack thought he was just trying to be around you more cause he liked you. And come to find out, that’s true. Anyway, so… he was super bummed the night we kidnapped you, and you got all gooey with Travis. But I think it was more the fact that he wouldn’t be able to have you hanging out on our bus as often, as it was trying to get you and I back together.” He shifted in my lap, Turning and curling up on his side. “So, anyway, when you and Travis decided that it would be better if you two were friends, and let that be just… a drunken escapade, Alex got all excited again. Pretty much shit a brick when he found out you were all-free for everything. That’s why he’s been around you. Though, when he dared me, I seriously thought he was kidding. That’s why tables were turned, and he pinned you down.” Jack told me. I couldn’t help but smile afterwards.

Alex went though so much trouble to try and get me together with Jack only to like me instead. And besides, Jack and I were never going to be anything more than exes, and best friends that act like siblings. We tried it because it came along… we never said it would work. I chuckled a little bit as Jack sat up, and walked to the back bunks, stopping for a moment, to grin, and go “You should get your boyfraaaaaaand” incredibly loud.
With an eye roll, and a sigh, I stood up form the couch, brushed some invisible dust off of my black skirt, and headed to the back of the bus. Although, when I started to walk by the bunks, I felt a hand touch the top of my head. Looking up, I spotted the smirk of Mister Gaskarth. “Hey.” I said, a soft smile on my face as I looked up at him.

“Hey.” He replied. Figures, he was going to make me say something first. As if he didn’t already have an ego thing with being on a top bunk. Sighing, I glanced down for a moment at my cream ballet flats. Some that Alex had picked out earlier this week, along with the rest of the outfit, when we all went out on the huge shopping trip to the mall. Rubbing a hand across my forehead, I looked back up at him, to see that he had moved over, and was waiting for me to get up there with him. Which, I did.

Once up in the bunk, I looked at Alex, and opened my mouth to say something, only to close it again, not knowing what to say. Words were usually my strong point. “Alex, Jack told me your plot. You know, to get the two of us back together. Obviously, it didn’t work.” I said, a grin on my face. He glanced at me, and looked back at his lap.

“No. Because I have a huge crush on you, just like half of the guys here. I mean, Harper, you are hot. Walking around in that v-neck, and black skirt that hugs your curves so well, and shows your amazing legs. And your little feet, and your amazing smile, and your pretty blonde hair, and your eyes. And how you always know what to say, and you are just so… beautiful.” His eyes were in his lap as he said this. I grinned. I couldn’t help myself. He just boosted my self-esteem so much in that mini monologue of his.

“Well, Alex. You seem like a decent person.” I said, a grin covering my face as he looked up finally. “And I think it would be within our best interests to try to see what will happen. How about you and I go out and get ice cream? You know, since it’s amazing and all.” I got down off of his bunk, and smoothed my skirt back down. “Ice cream?” I said, looking up at him again, a smile on my face.

He hopped off his bunk, and laced his fingers with mine. “Ice cream.” And we headed off the bus.

“Told you so.” Rian said to Zack, who was handing over a ten. “Hey, I told you both.” Jack said from behind Rian. Only to have both Rian and Zack turn around, and glare at him. “But, you set it all in motion, doesn’t count.” Rian told him.



Exiting the ice cream shop, me with my orange sorbet in a cup, and Alex carrying a huge cone filled with Rocky Road ice cream. He told me that he has been a lover of Rocky Road since he saw The Goonies. (a/n: no idea if this is true.) So, walking along, and eating our ice cream, we ended up being seen by a few fans. Of course, the two of us gave autographs… he, because he’s Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low. Me, because I’m Mark Hoppus’ daughter… and because I was with Alex Gaskarth. After the fans dispersed, we headed back to the venue. Although, it would have been much more appealing had we not run into Brendon and Tiffany doing that stupid matchy-matchy couple outfit, and having each other’s hand in the back pocked of their jeans.

Rolling my eyes, I adverted my gaze to Alex, and wiped a bit of marshmallow goop off of his cheek with a laugh. “Aw, isn’t that cute! The whore has a new boy toy.” A high-pitched baby voice went off near my head. Biting my lip, I turned to Tiffany, who was standing there with Brendon, a smirk on her over made up face.

“What, Harper? Pissed off that I called you a name?” she said, her face carrying that stupid smirk I hated so much.

“No. I’m just confused as to why you and Brendon are wearing the same pants. And shirt. Is it dress like a tranny day Brendon?” I asked, only to have Alex stifle a laugh, and try to pull me away, which didn’t work when I pulled my arm back from his small pulling force. “Or is it try to be dress like a drag queen day for you Tiffany? I can’t tell which is better, or which is worse.”

Tiffany wrinkled her nose, and thought for a moment. The gears in her head were turning, but not very well. “Least I don’t date a guy who wears a stupid beanie, or girl jeans.” She said, only to glance over at Brendon, and then back to me.

“Really? Cause I think those are the same jeans you happen to be wearing Tiffany. You should make sure he doesn’t raid your closet… he does that often. Oh, and Brendon, you should make sure you use protection, like, a body suit condom. She might have more than just some STDs… maybe the Swine Flu… you know, it did start with a pig.” I said, turning now that I made my final comment. The only problem was that my exit would have worked way better had she not grabbed onto my hair…

“I am not a pig, you whore.” Tiffany yelled, still pulling on my hair. This time, Brendon tried to pull her off of me, and Alex tried to calm me down, and get her to let go as well. “Harper, you shouldn’t call people the names you stand for. I mean, really, how many guys are even on this tour that you slept with?” she asked, her hands now digging into the back of my head. Kicking her back in the shin, she let go, and I turned around.
“None of your fucking business Tiffany.” And at that, I threw my fist into her nose, turned and let her screams of insults follow me, as I walked off with Alex, who was trying to figure out where the hell that even came from.
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alright, and now i'm off to write some more.
because i have muse, and want to write...
and school is taking a back seat right now.