Status: active because i dont have a life. XD

Perfect Lies Come from Imperfect People


Wednesday. It seemed like such a life-changing day although only a couple weeks had passed since the break where Danny had found out my secret, I had that crazy party... and I kissed someone other than Dan.

And that someone just happened to be Gus.

'Speak of the devil,' I thought as I saw those faded blue jeans out of the corner of my eye. Gus had gotten a different North Face and new Nikes, but otherwise it was still him. I pretended not to notice him just in case he was off to find Caroline or something by sticking my nose in my locker and leaning against locker #732.

"So, guess what." Gus closed the locker door.

"Hey, Gus," I replied, smiling to the ground and trying to hide my blush. He laughed and flipped his blonde hair to the side, brushing his hand against my leg. That immediately got my intention.

"I like how we have that thing where you recognize my voice," he told me, raising an eyebrow and grinning with a little color tinting his ears. My mouth propped open slightly as I lowered my gaze to the ground. This whole Wednesday thing was really being good to me. "I mean that in a good way. I said I like that."

Our skin brushed again and my heart kept on speeding up until it was banging against my chest. I muttered something without realizing what I'd said and he shrugged. "Well, I mean I really like Caroline. She's so friendly and fun and I... I don't know, I just like her." So... what had I said again?

Danny ran over to me and hugged my neck, winning a gasp from me. I turned around and took his waist in my arms, embracing him quickly before looking over to where Gus was although he had left already, making my heart sink just a little. Danny leaned against the lockers and took my hand in his. "So, how are you?" He smiled with worried eyes and let go of my fingers.

"I..." I didn't want to mention that I had slit my arms the other day for the first timesince 6th grade so I just nodded. He grinned and pecked my head before blushing and rolling his eyes as the bell rung deafeningly.

"See you at lunch, 'kay?" He saluted me and walked off, leaving me extremely guilty and a little sick. A fresh razor sat in the bottom of my pocket so I decided that I would put it to good use. None of the teachers were in the hallways so I pranced off to my car, clutching the edge of the razor in between my index finger and thumb. The metal slid onto the carpeted floor and bounced against the door with a stabbing 'ping', bringing a sense of fright into my vision. I grabbed it and vertically slit both of my wrists, the effects suddenly becoming apparent as the blood dripped onto the seat. I would use Oxy-Clean on it later.

But then, the unexpected started happening. My body went cold and I felt myself go lightheaded, blurring my vision and making me feel slightly empty. I pressed a random number on my phone and waited for the speed dial, praying to whoever was out there that I wouldn't die. As I waited, I took my jacket off and pushed it against my left wrist, hoping that no more of my blood would spill out.

"Chelsea, why are you calling me?" an annoyed-sounding voice rung on the other line. Caroline. 'This is just great,' I thought to myself, my knuckles going white as I clutched the door handle.

"Dude, just come outside please. My car." I started crying for some ridiculous reason, wishing that I could just drag the blade across my wrist one last time. Was I really that sick?

I hung up the phone, not wanting to explain any further. She was just going to have to understand when she got to me.
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im so sorry that its so short and awful :C