Status: in progress of being written

Search For Truth: A story about vampires,cops and amnesia


I have never been so excited to start a day before! Yesterday the doctor finally said that I didn’t need to wear those annoying limb braces anymore. Today I am going back to that absolutely GORGEOUS shrink and on top of that I get to go shopping! (Unfortunately it’s for school but I am a girl after all and shopping is shopping!) I practically skipped down the stairs (Yes I was so exuberant!) and into the kitchen, where I found my aunt entertaining a strange man.
“Good morning!” I said unnaturally perkily.
“Good morning.” My aunt said back to me and before she could say anything more the stranger turned around I saw the mysterious man. I was really happy and shocked when I realised who it was.. (And no it’s not Dr Storm as everyone expects.)
“Morning Jane, how are you? It’s been a while.” Tom asked me obviously concerned.
“I’m fine thanx for asking. I’m sorry I knows it been a long time but I’ve been busy.” I said guiltily.
“Don’t you dare apologize! After all you have been through the last few weeks it’s very understandable that you’re distracted.” I started blushing. I have to admit that I am in love with Tom Jenkins. Not that he is as sexy as Dr Storm but Tom has a special space in my heart. He is my hero, and I mean literally! He is the man that found me. As a good cop does he made sure that I was okay. He however is not a good cop... he’s a great! Cop.. He didn’t just make sure I was okay he stayed with me in the hospital until they found my aunt.. Even after my aunt came he visited me constantly, he always asked me how I was and brought me flowers, balloons and sometimes stuffed toys. (I know it’s dorky but I love stuffed bears. That much I do remember from my past.)
“Are you okay Jane?”
“Hhmm?.. oh yes I’m okay just distracted.”
“What is it? Did you remember anything?” he asked quickly and he was anxious to hear my answer.. Huh that’s a bit weird.. A voice in my head said.. No it’s not he obviously cares about me. My aunt looked a little out of place so she subtly excused herself and went upstairs.
“Yes,” I replied. I watched his hands automatically clench into fists and he was sitting on the edge of his chair. I couldn’t help but take a careful step back. He suddenly calmed down and smiled at me.
“What did you remember?” he asked softly not looking at me.
“I remembered how sweet you where while I was in the hospital,” I replied suddenly feeling very embarrassed and awkward. Why did he react like that. I saw him relax completely and sat back into his chair, as if nothing had happened. He smiled at me apologetically.
“So um... how have you been? Caught any criminals lately?” I tried uselessly to make small talk.
He gave me a fatherly smile that filled me with warmth and comfort but I can’t help notice something that I had never seen before in his eyes and it terrified me.
“No I’ve been too busy working on your case.” The moment he said that I felt a spark of hope within my heart.
“Have you gotten anywhere?”
“I’m sorry, no we haven’t found anything.” He must have noticed my expression changing because he added “But I’ll make you a promise. The moment I learn anything new I’ll let you know. Okay?” he asked with a reassuring smile.
“Thanx.” I didn’t know what else to say, I just returned his smile.
“I think I should get to the reason I came,” he said.
“What? You didn’t come here just to talk to me?” I had a hurt look on my face but it was clear I was joking.
“Do you think I would be here at your home if I didn’t want to chat with you,” he played along.
“Okay so what do you need to know?” I asked as I took a seat across from him.
“I wanted to know if you have remembered anything about the man that attacked you or a reason for his attack.”
“Um not really. I have lots of dreams about that night but they are all the same... I never see his face.. and I only remember the attack, not his motives for attacking me.” I said with a lot of sadness in my voice. That always happens whenever I’m asked about that night or what I remember.
“I’m sorry Jane, more sorry than you will ever know.” He said, his voiced filled with sympathy for me and a hatred for himself. Once again Weird!
“It’s ok.. It’s not your fault.”
“I know thank you..” He looked at his watch and stood up, “Sorry Jane I have to go I am late for a meeting.” Finally! I practically cheered in my head. I walked him to the front door and we said goodbye. As the door slammed shut I sighed with relieve. I like him but there is something wrong with his behaviour. I just can’t place my finger on it. I might not have my memories but I do have my instincts and they are telling me something weird is going on and that something bad is going to happen.
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