Tragedy of the Highest Order

Chapter only

“So, what are you?” asked the girl of the man with lipstick stains for skin.
“I? I, my dear, am your saviour,” he replied with a voice like silk and satin and rust.
“But that, my dearest prince, tells me nothing,” for a prince he was, complete with a rusted crown of silver and pearls atop his head.
“But that is precisely it, sweetest darling; I am your Prince Charming,” he smirked with yellowed teeth, small and sharp.
“Oh, but I’ve waited all my life, and imagined you before. Why aren’t you like my imaginings?” asked the girl of the pale face covered by a swirl of smoke and ash.
“But I am, my princess, don’t you see? I am everything you’ve imagined gone away, long abused and disused. I am your past come back to the future that is now, princess, and you are my goddess,” he replied with eyes like fire and gold all at once, glittering and iridescent with tears and malice.
“But, if I am a goddess, then why can’t I breathe?” asked the girl of the man who had his arms around her waist, slick and cold as sweat and marble, and yet as comforting as blood.
“Because, my dear, I have killed you,” responded the man, his crown suddenly shining, his smile brilliant and white, his face broad and handsome, his eyes a deep blue of the clearest sky, his arms thick and strong.
“Oh,” gasped the girl to her now perfect prince.
“Yes?” he asked, smiling and warm as sun on her increasingly cold flesh.
“I loved you for years and now you’ve killed me. Why have you killed me?” asked the girl of her roughest lover and yet her gentlest murderer.
“Because, my love, it’s the only way we can be truly together,” responded the man, and suddenly his body went transparent and shining like a shallow pool, and they disappeared together into the Neverafter to live for all eternity, man and wife, prince and princess, Eros and Psyche.