Status: Im progress,ill try to write a chapter a week or two.


"What's your name kitty?"

As I walked along the trees, going further down into the deep wood. The animals, running like it's their world. So they think. The trees', so old, they've seen one hundred moons. I stop and let it all sink in. The world spinning as we speak, yet only it can tell it rotates. We revolve around this planet every day, but we yet to praise its qualities.

They yet to know that I have came. I'm too dangerous. Ask my parents. Of course you'd have to dig them up or have the ability to speak to the dead.
I live with regret every day, for the past three years. So I lasted a good ten years with them.

But now that's over, it's gone their gone.

So I’ve been trying to find my uncle, Sam Ulley. Word was in the family, that the quoits are descendants from wolves. So I’d thought I’d check out that seen.
Past three years I’ve been walking here alone, no friends, no family, and no imprint.

To me right now life is nothing but life then death, nothing in between. Except killing a vampire if I cross one. I let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?” a voice called out.
I turned around quickly, ready to pounce.
"Hey there little kitty, no need to get upset."
I let out a growl and watched as he back up.
"Could you just tell me how to get to Sam Ulleys' house?” I asked growing out of patience. He gave me a confused glance.
"He's my uncle.” a added quickly.
"What's your name kitty?" he asked walking up to me.
“Catharine and I prefer 'puppy'." I smirked "and you are?"
“Jacob, come on I’ll show you were he is.” He looked hesitant at first but then he busted out laughing.

“Would you like to share that with the class Jacob?” I asked eyeing him skeptically.
“No, it’s just that you remind me so much of Sam. The attitude, it’s kind of creepy. But I bet Paul will get a kick out of it.
For some strange reason, I just couldn’t wait to meet ‘Paul’.

We walked out of the forest to a sight of a small log house.
“Well this is it.” He said as he jumped over the stairs and busted through the door, with me following his trail.

Paul’s P.O.V

Everyone was sitting at the table eating some of Emily’s home cooked chicken. Sam was talking to us about another wolf he and Seth saw while they did their patrol. Apparently it was a big black wolf that looked like Sam.

“Gee maybe you have some family you’d like to tell us about?” Jacob said as he busted through the door. Everyone was quiet as a girl stepped up to the door. She was gorgeous.

Her hair was brown and reached below her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful ice blue; I could just swim in them. God what’s her name. Wait did I just…everyone including me was staring and her.

Catharine’s P.O.V.

I walked to the door standing in the entrance. I looked around glancing at all of the shirtless guys sitting at the table. But I stopped at one in particular. He has short spiked brown hair. His eyes. So cute. God I lo- wait hold up? I don’t even know his name. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until Sam spoke up.

“Catharine, what are you doing here?” he sounded angry.
“I need you help Uncle Sam.”
“Um, my parents, they-“
“Catharine! Oh goodness is that you? You’ve grown up sense we last saw you.” Emily said as she ran through the kitchen she eloped me into a hug.
“ Yeah well that was three years ago, a lot can happen.”
“How are your parents?” she asked as she released me.
“Oh um, that’s what I needed to talk to Sam about.”
I locked eyes with him.
“Okay, let’s go into the living room.” He left as I followed.
♠ ♠ ♠
1st chapter's up!!!
Send message,comment. tell me what you thin
