How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


People were called and things were canceled.

It started with a phone call to the Sykes home, where Mrs.Jenkins tended to Davey. It had been hours since Amelia had left and Mrs.Jenkins didn't think much of it. Of course that was up until the phone rang, bringing nauseating news to the older woman.

"Hello?" Mrs.Jenkins said into the phone.

"Hello we are looking for relatives of a Mrs.Amelia Sykes, do you have any relation to her?" A mans voice spoke.

Mrs.Jenkins knitted her eyebrows together while replying with a "Yes, I'm her mother."

"At about seven thirty Amelia was hit by a red-light-runner. Her side of the car got the brute of the accident and she is currently in critical condition," he said.

Amelia's mother gasped, and bit back the wail of horror threatening to escape from her chest.

"Oh my god," she said.

"Only family members can see her, if you'd like to come down," the man said.

Mrs.Jenkins said a small yes before hanging up the phone. She flopped down onto the couch and put her head into her hands. Of all the things to happen now, after Amelia had already gone through so much. It was like she was going to be lost forever this time.

With a deep breath, and a sigh she began dialing Oliver's cellphone. She hoped that he'd be around to catch it rather than be up on stage. The phone rang a few times before she head Oliver.

"Hello," he said.

"Oliver, it's Amelia's mom," she said with a shaky breath.

Oliver caught on right away that something had happened, or something to that extent.

"Oh, hey what's going on?" He asked sitting down in the lounge.

"It's Amelia...She's been in an accident and she's in critical condition, I just got the phone call just now," she said.

"Oh god," that was all it took for Oliver to be racing out of the bus.

He hailed down a taxi as well, all the while calling the airport to get a quick flight back home. If there was ever a time that he was scared about something, this definitely topped everything else off. He'd only just got Amelia back, and it was like the fates were ripping her away from him all over again.

Losing her absolutely was something he couldn't even begin to process or imagine. Life without her would not be life at all, he'd experienced the 'loss' of her before and didn't think that if he lost her forever now that he'd be able to cope.

Another thought crossed his mind, what about Davey? He couldn't just grow up with just Oliver raising him, no he too needed Amelia more than him. He hung his head low as he waited to get to the airport, heart racing.

Pale, cut up, and blood everywhere. Amelia lay in a hospital bed with machines beeping all over the place. Her broken body looked nothing like itself. After the car that had collided with her car, it flipped and she was slightly awake while it rolled and rolled. People had been frantically rushing around trying to see if people were alright.

They had called for the ambulance, and spoke with the police about what had happened. When they got her out of the car she was barely breathing, blood streaming from all over her body it seemed. She was lucky, to be breathing still with a crash such as this one. Some people, however managed to recognize her and silenced in the realization that this was Oliver Sykes wife.
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