How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


Oliver began to become distant all over again with Amelia in the state that she had been in for the passed couple months. To an outsider of the situation it would seem like things were in the right place.

Amelia had been released from the hospital and was now living at her parents. This wasn't going to be permanent however, seeing as they were hoping she'd start to remember everything. When she was first released there was a lot of debate on where she should be staying. Oliver stated his opinion in words like, "She'd probably feel more comfortable with you two."

So that was that, the two were once again separated. Their separation would only be increased as Oliver was scheduled to go back on tour.

Today Oliver stood with Davey perched in his colorful, long arms in the foyer of Amelias house. Her mother siting on the stairs leading to the top floor.

"We'll be heading off in a couple days, and I figured I should drop off the key so you could grab the mail and check the house," he said.

"I'm sorry we couldn't keep him here Oli, it seems we've both got a bunch of work and meetings to attend to," Mrs.Jenkins grimanced.

He nodded before replying with, "It's fine I don't think it'll be too bad for him, he'll have fun I'm sure."

"Morning mom, oh hey Oliver," Amelia said as she came down the stairs.

Oliver nodded and gave her a smile, to humor her.

"What were you guys talking about," she said taking a seat on the step beside her mother.

"Oh, Oli here is getting back to work and was just dropping off his house key seeing as he'll be away for awhile," Mrs.Jenkins said.

"Oh what do you do?" Amelia asked looking Oliver in they eye.

"I'm, in a band. We'll be gone for six months so I needed your mom to check up on the house," he said.

"Cool! I've always wanted to travel. Well, I mean touring is like a giant roadtrip! That's exciting!" She exclaimed.

Oliver chuckled at her response, and was distracted when Davey whispered at him.

"What's up kiddo?" Oliver asked.

"We still have to pack my games daddy!" Davey exclaimed with big eyes.

"We will don't worry, we've still got tomorrow to get everything ready," he told Davey.

"You..You're bringing Davey?" Amelia piped up.

Oliver gave her his attetion before nodding, "I can't just leave im here your mom and dad are gonna be away lots. I can't just pile on more things when they've got a lot of things going on. He'll be fine though it'll be fun, hey Davey?"

"Well, who's gonna take care of him while you're performing? Can't just leave him on the bus!" Amelia said.

"I can't help that, Tom'll be around. Not sure how much of the tour he'll be on but he'll be there," Oliver said.

"Um, well I mean if you need any help I could tag along?" Amelia offered.

Oliver was taken aback at her sudden interest with this. It would be incredibly hard for him to have her there for six months on a bus with limited space. Then he thought of Davey and how it'd be even more challenging for figure it all out if she wasn't around to help. Amelia couldn't understand his silence, what exactly was so bad about her helping him out?

It had occurred to her that they were something before the accident, and enough of something that they had a son. This she was sure of, every time she'd seen Davey her heart panged with longing and love for the little three year old. This only drove her more into trying to make herself remember them and everything.

Oliver scratched his head with his free hand and cleared his throat. He looked at Amelia and slowly nodded, "It'd definitely help me out, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks for offering Amelia>"

She only smiled and said, "It's not big deal, plus! I get to witness this 'grand roadtrip' that you get to experience all the time! So when exactly does this thing start?"

"Bus comes on Monday morning, so if you want to get packed up and stay over at um. My house Sunday night you can otherwise we'll have to do a bit of detouring," he said.

"Okay, mom would you be able to drop me off tomorrow night or whenever I'm ready to go at Oliver's?" Amelia asked.

Her mother stared at the ground before meeting Oliver's cautious hazel eyes. She gave him a weak smile before giving her daughter her attention.

"I can do that, yes," was her answer.

"Alright, so I guess I should get goin' Davey's throwing mad fights cause he wants to make sure he has his toys and such, see you tomorrow then Amelia," he said before leaving.
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Soooooo hey everyone, sorry about the massive delay. I had some serious writers block but I definitely know what I want to do with it so stay tuned!