How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


"Don't be so fucking daft Tom," Oliver said pacing back and forth.

"I'm serious Oli, knock this shit off," Tom said getting into his face.

"What the fuck? Who are you mom?" Oliver snapped out.

"No, you stupid shit I'm your fucking brother who gives a shit about you. Bloody moron," Tom cursed out.

Oliver stopped to take a look at his brother. He hadn't taken a good look at him in quite a long time it seemed, cause his little brother didn't look as young. His face seemed to mature even more, and his pudginess had disappeared. But those blue eyes stared back at him angrily.

With a defeated sigh he tossed himself onto the couch in front of his brother. His life wasn't always like this, and he was definitely on better terms with his brother a couple of years ago. Ever since he'd started drinking and doing countless amounts of drugs, it was like his brother became more of a guard and was always at him about it.

How else could he have dealt with what happened though? The aching emptiness was hard to fill, and that's exactly what he'd been doing. Even so, the years that have passed he could hardly remember. What was there to remember, it was like each year was just a filler. That he was just living because he had to for a while.

Maybe though, there was a shred of hope left in him that said that one day he'd get the love of his life back. Wasn't that the most load of shit he'd ever thought of. She was long gone, and he didn't even know if she had the baby, if it was a boy or girl. He'd fucked up and missed every important moments that they should've spent together.

He was happy to say that they were on tour for Christmas this year, he was grateful for it even. He'd spent the last two basically alone, spent them both drunk and drugged up. This year he'd be occupied with the band so that helped, only just.

His head dropped into his hands, and for once in his life he cried. A bewildered look erupted as he watched his brother completely lose it. He sat down next to him and put a hand on his back.

"This wouldn't of happened if I wasn't such an idiot," he stuttered out.

"I'm not going to say that what you did was alright, but man, you've gotta get yourself back together. Enough with the drugs and shit bro," Tom said.

Oliver only nodded in response, thinking of ways to get himself back and most importantly how he was going to find Amelia and their baby.
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Oh sweet jesus!
I got the monitor for my new desktop computer and it is gigantic, AND beeeeeeeeautiful.

Well that's that!