How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


We were on our way to the Sykes residence, Oliver sat quietly in the passengers seat watching as we sped along. He still didn't seem like he was all there, but maybe that was because of the blank look on his face. His hair still hung passed his collarbone and it gave me an idea.

"Hey Oli?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Did you want to go home and shower first?" I asked.

He looked at me for a few moments thinking it through before he nodded.

"Yeah and get some clean clothes on, good idea," he said.

I gave him a smile before giving the road my full attention. Instead of going straight I turned, going to his house; our house. The car pulled into the driveway and not too long after I followed behind Oliver a couple steps.

He stopped at the door and began searching for his key. I remembered the key that was still on my keyring and I made a guess that he hadn't changed the lock. The key worked and Oliver stared at me with an odd expression.

"I could never bring myself to get rid of this key," I said.

We both walked in and he began to go up the stairs.

"Hey wait a sec," I said.

I went up the stairs before he could go up anymore and began looking for the scissors that I was pretty sure were still hidden away in the bathroom. I knew he was standing at the door staring at me, but that wasn't my deal for the moment.

"Ah-hah!" I said, finally finding them.

"And you are doing what with those?" He asked tiredly.

"I'm giving you a haircut! You had such nice hair, now it looks like you've turned into a crazy bush man," I told him.

I grabbed his arms and pulled him over to the bathtub, making him sit on the edge. I stood between his legs and began the reformation of his hair, that definitely had been his pride and joy. Once my handiwork was completed I stood back from him, observing the change.

"You look more like you now," I said.

He looked to his left to look in the mirror, touching his shaggy hair. He nodded and looked up at me.

"You did a good job," he said.

"I would hope so, I did a few hairstyling courses and I'm glad they turned out to be useful," I said.

I quickly gathered up the mess of his cut hair and threw it all out. I hardly noticed Oliver running the water of the shower, and his missing shirt.

"Uh, so I'll be downstairs," I said when I noticed.

He gave me a look before walking over to me. I began feeling fidgety, sweaty palmed, and as if my heart was going to explode. He buried his face into the crevice of my neck and breathed out sending a shiver down my spine. His hands trailed up my arms to my shoulders taking a hold of the top of my jacket.

My jacket slid off and he placed it on the counter. Next he kissed up my neck, and it was like it used to be. If it was one thing that I couldn't deal with, it was him kissing up my neck. That was the trigger that sent me off the edge and soon we were a flurry of flying clothes and warm water.

I knew exactly what I was doing, it wasn't just a spur of the moment. I'd been away from him for so long that I'd forgotten how much I truly did love him, even though he had hurt me when I was pregnant with Davey.

Not even now could I suppress the moan that made itself known.
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Anyways I figured I should update, ugh school tomorrow.
I really can't wait until I graduate, school may be helping me get towards a 'good job' or whatever but I'd rather have a damn job cause I'd at least be getting paid rather than listening to some old douchebag go on and on.

So yeah, hoped you all liked this one.