How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


Evidently we ended up just calling his parents to bring Davey to his house rather than going there. The television was running and Oliver laid on the couch while I made him something to actually eat. Even with the haircut and the interesting shower he still looked a little off.

It almost felt like nothing ever happened three years ago and basically I even felt different. The shower had proved something else to me also. He'd been so careful and trailed his eyes over my body as if trying to imprint my image into his memory. I breathed in and closed my eyes tightly, trying to forget our moment in the shower.

That was what he did though, he wedged himself so far into someones mind that it was impossible to forget him as fast as you wanted. He would always leave a mark. However I'm not going to deny that I felt a hell of a lot more happier because of being with him.

I walked into the living room with two plates of mac and cheese. After handing him his bowl I sat down next to him. It was like watching a vacuum clean up a big mess, what with how fast he was chowing down. I let out a little chuckle and began to eat what was in my own bowl.

A few minutes later and the doorbell rang, signaling that Carol and Davey were now here. I got up quickly to let them in.

"Mommy!" Davey exclaimed.

"Hey sweetie," I said hearing footsteps coming from behind me.

Davey smiled widely up at me, and he looked around me when he too heard the footsteps. His expression changed into a criticizing look almost and I turned around to look at Oliver. He looked down at Davey and a small smile formed on his face.

"Davey, this is your daddy," I said.

He looked up at me questioningly, as is he wasn't too sure. However I nodded at him, and looked over at Oliver again. Oliver was looking at me as well and I smiled. Just like that he knelt down and opened his arms a little.

"Hey buddy," he said quietly.

Davey walked over to him cautiously, but as soon as he got closer it seemed like he threw himself into Oliver. My heart heated up at the sight. Olivers heavily tattooed arms wrapped around Davey and he held him close.

"Where have you been?" Davey asked when they pulled away enough to look at each other.

Oliver looked to the floor and sighed, "I made some stupid decisions so your mom needed to be away from me."

Davey seemed to understand and he nodded. His little body turned around to look up at me and I smiled at him.

"We should probably get you to bed hey little man?" I asked.

He let out a loud yawn and nodded making his eyes go big. I laughed at his response and picked him up, taking him to the room that would've been his if nothing had happened. He was already in his pajamas and I silently thanked Carol for doing so.

I turned around and Oliver stood at the door, looking kind of timid. I smiled at him as I walked to the door and turned the light off and shut the door slightly.

"He looks so much like you," I told him as we walked into the living room.

Oliver looked at me and exhaled, "Yeah, but he looks a lot like you too."

I smiled and nodded at him. His hand crept into mine and gently squeezed it. I looked over at him and he pulled me to him more as he laid down. I looked him in the eyes as he looked up at me. His eyes closed and he sighed.

"I've missed this more than you'll ever know," he said.

"Regardless of everything Oli, the passed three years have been so difficult," I whispered.

I sighed into his lips as he pulled me closer to him. It felt incredibly right at this current moment. I began to think though, what happens next?

Am I supposed to come back and leave the life I actually had started? This wasn't going to be as easy as it could have been, but I guess that it is a start.
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It's been awhile hasn't it?