How Do We Pick Ourselves up Now?


"Amelia where the fuck are you?" Daniella's indignant voice boomed through my phone.

"I'm uh, in Steel City," I said.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"I had somethings to sort out," I said slowly.

"So you couldn't tell us where exactly you were going? This is the first time in four fucking days that I've been able to get a hold of you, what the fuck?" She said.

I was angered at this, who was she to say anything about what I did? I paid bills, and I was definitely of age to do whatever I wanted whenever.

"I don't have to tell you anything, this was important," I said.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"You heard me, I'm a grown up, I have a kid. I'm married," was all I said next.

"How the hell are you-" I cut her off.

"Y'know I'll be back by tonight, I'll talk to you then," I said and hung up.

Oliver looked at me with his eyebrows raised, tilting his head at the same time. I shook my head at him. I had noticed for the passed little bit that Daniella had been getting very, well, controlling and I wasn't interested in being pushed around by my roommate. I looked over at Oliver who's attention was fixed on Davey. There was nothing more right than that picture right there and I found myself smiling like an idiot.

"What?" He asked with a small laugh.

I shook my head before saying, "Nothing."

"Hey Oli?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Yeah?" He said.

"I was thinking...maybe I should come back and stay," I said avoiding eye contact with him.

He was quiet for a few seconds so I finally took a look at him. His eyes stared into mine and he had a very strange look on his face.

"You mean that?" He said.

I replied by nodding my head.

He moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me onto his lap. His nose was nuzzled into my neck and he sighed. I shifted a little before wrapping my arms around him and resting my head against the top of his chest.

"When did you want to get your stuff then?" He asked.

"Would today be good?" I said.

I felt him nod and I looked up at him.

"I'll get my mom to look after Davey if that would make it easier?" He questioned.

"That'd be a good idea," I said.

So, he called his mom and we waited for her to come over and to look after Davey at his house. It took us at least a couple hours of driving to get near the apartment I shared with Daniella. The more I thought about this, the more I almost regretted bringing Oliver. I knew how Daniella found him irresistible and I always had to listen to her go off about him whenever they'd do a show around us.

"Well this just makes me feel stupid," he said from beside me.

I gave him a questioning look as we walked into my building.

"You've been so damn close for three years, how the hell did I not at least come across you?" He said.

I chuckled, "Maybe you just weren't looking hard enough."

He scowled, and muttered things under his breath which made me laugh.

I reached out and turned the door handle of the apartment and it clicked open. The two of us walked in together. I could hear the television on and people talking.

"Hey guys," I said as we came into the living room.

"Hey A-" Daniella began.

The three of them stared wide eyed at me, or well, mostly at Oliver. I looked over at Oliver myself and saw his eyebrow up.

"Well I guess we should uh, grab my stuff?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I hope you don't have a shitload of stuff that needs packing," he said uneasily.

I poked him in the chest and laughed at him leading him to my room. My room in fact only really had what I needed, and nothing more. I basically only needed to grab my clothing, Davey's things and my laptop that sat next to my bed on the floor.

"That was actually relatively easy," he said coming back into my room after hauling about four bags down to his car.

We both walked out of my now old room and passed by the living room.

"Amelia?" I heard Chase say.

"Yeah?"I said turning around.

"Where are you goin?" He asked.

"Home," was what I said.

Oliver's hugged me from behind and rested his head on my shoulder, probably looking at the three people in the living room. They all had bewildered looks on their faces.

"What exactly is he doing with you?" Daniella said.

"He's helping me move back home?" I said.

"I hardly think that Oliver Sykes would take time from his day to help some chick move," she said skeptically.

I heard him laugh and then say, "He would if it was his wife."

She stared at him with wide eyes, "You're his wife that took off?"

I scratched my head and nodded.

"Holy shit! All this time you've lied to us?" She exclaimed.

"It's not something I would have liked spread around, the news about him, ugh I'm not even getting into this," I said.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out. We got into the car and began our travel back to Steel City.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did I just do that?
Yes, yes I think I just did.

Anyways hola!