Autumn Games

Come and play.

Summer was ending, and the first leaves had been tinted with yellow and orange; however it was still warmth in the air and the scent of flowers were strong.

Children was playing in the background, shifting their shapes to match the different stages of the game. Sometimes there were just humans or just animals, but mostly there were an ever changing mixture of laughs and animal sounds.

“You are going south soon?” A tall man asked while he observed the children running around, now trying to get a young elf to join the game.

“Yes, even if moving will be dangerous now…” The fox queen replied eyeing the young elf.

“I have decided,” The man paused and turned to the queen. “That we will send four of our brothers to guard you on the trip.”

The queen was about to protest but he continued. “I will be one of them, so will my true brother bounded twice by blood, the others will also be well trained and well fed before the journey. “

“That’s very kind Warren, but…”

The young elf walked away from the othere children. The oldest of them just shook his head before he slipped into his fox form with ease and was soon chasing his sisters.

“Lord Orild won’t dare to become the enemy of the vampires. He needs us if he wants to keep his borders intact.” Warren replied.

“And yet you offer to openly offend him.”

“I assure you, we have our reasons.”

Rowana nodded, there was a long time since there had been such a change in the power balance. It was impossible to be certain of what could happen now.

“Then, by my rights as queen, given until my brother chooses his mate, I accept your offer.”

The children now spotted them and came running in human form. “Will you play with us? Please?” The smallest girl asked.

“Warren was just leaving.” Rowana said. The happy faces changed over to disappointment.

“Sorry kids. I have buissness to attend.” Warren gave a bow and turned his back moving faster and faster until he dissapeard in the woods.

“Don’t let him bother you, I’ll play with you.”

The children gave a happy squeal and ran off, some shifting and some not. Rowana waited a little, giving the a good head start before she changed into a big wolf to chase them.
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I just like to write all these shorts in autumn, it's just so fitting for the mood and this time relevant to the plot.
All comments welcome~