Status: FINISHED!!

The Jonas Brothers is the reason my life Changed?!

The End to the Beginning

Nicks POV
The next morning when I woke up I was in Ray's bunk.I turned and found Ray halfway out of the bunk. She must have gotten up in the middle of the night and been to tired to crawl all the way back in. I looked at her then the edge of the bunk. I cant exactly stay in here. Ray will fall out and I really do need to check my sugar levels. I pulled on her arm and she groaned at me before swatting my hands away. I stared at her for a few mintues trying to decide what to do. If I wake her up she'll murder me. If I dont and I have to sit here waiting for someone, she'll murder me when she wakes up. I shall crawl over her! Oh my God. I have got to stop hanging out with Joe. He's making me act like a 9 year old. I looked at Ray and shook my head before trying to crawl out of the bunk. I actually fell out of the bunk. I looked around as I blushed hoping no one had seen it. Unfortunately Kevin had and was looking at me like I was crazy. I just dropped my head and shrugged at him before turning back around. Joe was standing there slack jawed the food in his mouth halfway hanging out. God. Kai looked around Joes body and saw me standing there with Ray still halfway out of the bunk. She started laughing and didn't stop as I pushed Ray back into the bunk and sighed when she groaned again. I grimanced while pulling a blanket over her hoping she wouldn't swat my hand like she did earlier.
'Dude. What was that?'Joe asked as soon as I had sat down at the table with a bowl of Lucky Charms and milk. Oh crap.I really am turning into Joe. God help me.
'What was what?'I asked setting down my spoon so I could pour a little more milk in my glass. He just pointed to the back of the bus and then me again.
'Joe! Have you been using my hairspray again?!'Kai suddenly yelled from the bathroom before she marched out and shoved the hairspray under his nose.'Seriously and you can't be bothered to I dont know! TELL ME?!'Kai yelled at him before dropping the can onto the couch and stalking away from him to rummage in his duffel bag.
'Hey I'm sorry!I forgot to tell you!' I just watched this as Joe followed her and then came back in a few moments later muttering.'I'll just buy you some more.'He muttered more to himself than me and I shook my head sadly.
'What'd you do to her hairspray?'I asked with my mouth full. Joe just groaned and I smiled.
'I used all her hairspray on accident. I told her I'd buy her some more and she just slammed the door in my face.' He shrugged and I started to laugh. Seriously when your brother uses a chicks hairspray you laugh. Considering that chick is the same one who threatend me if I ever used her brush. Yeah Kai has issues with hair stuff. Joe chucked something at me and when I caught it from hitting my face I saw it was one of Kai's bra's. Instantly I dropped it on the table and flicked it off onto the floor with the milk carton.
'JOE! I NEED MY BRA!'Kai yelled seconds after I had knocked it on the floor.
'Why?'I asked slowly when he bent to pick it up and he groaned.
'She threw it at my face before she slammed the door.'Oh. Okay. Serious issues. I looked back at the bunk area somewhat worried about Ray before I saw Joe and Kai making out in the hallway. Ew. God. I knew they would end up dating. Besides that Ray was way to loud last night and its kind of hard to keep a secret on a tour bus. I stood and dumped the rest of my cereal in the trashcan before sighing.
'No Justin. Yes Micah.'I looked up at Kai as she came in and sat beside Joe.'Of course their being nice.'She rolled her eyes before placing her head in Joes lap and poking his thigh as her brothers spoke to her. Joe somewhat glared at her before turning back to the movie that was on tv.
3 hours later we were all just siting there before getting off the bus.
'Ah! So wonderful to be out-OMG!' A car backfired or something because we heard a loud pop. Ray jerked just once but then we were being hustled back onto the bus.
'Okay guys Im gonna go sleep I think.' Ray made her way to the back of the bus and I shook my head.5 hours later I was somewhat worried.
'Kai?Does Ray normally sleep this long?'She looked at me from Joe's lap and shook her head.
'Only when shes about to get really sick or she hasn't been sleeping at night.' I stood worriedly and started back to the back when Kai called my name.'Use this. She won't notice.' I looked at the thing Kai had threw at me and saw it was a thermometer. I nodded and opened the curtain looking at Ray slowly before feeling her forehead. She shivered and I covered her up with the blankets while I was waiting for the thermometer to go off.
'Nick Im cold.'Ray chattered and I nodded grabbing the blankets off mine and Kai's bunk since they were the closest. As soon as the thing beeped and I looked at it I had Ray up in my arms and was calling for Kai. I threw the thing at Kevin as I passed him by the fridge and then looked at Kai. She sat up before pushing Joe off her lap. He groaned and sat up opening his eyes to see me placing Ray by Kai on the couch.
'You pushed me off why?'I just pushed past him yanking Kevins phone out of his hand. He was about to call Lea. Oh well. 'Mom?Yeah we have a problem.'
'Whats wrong Nick?Is it Joe?Did he break something again?'
'No its Ray. Her temperatures a little bit over a hundered and shes burning up but she told me she was freezing.I dont have any clue what to do.'I whispered somewhat terrified at the thought of losing someone close to me.
'Sweetie we'll be right over. Tell Kevin to go tell the driver to pull off and look around for a hospitial.' I did so and Kevin rushed off pushing Joe out of his way. I looked back and Frankie stood there staring at us somewhat afraid.
'Nick is Ray okay?'I shot Kevin a look and he took Frankies hand and lead him to the back.
'Nick move over sweetie.'I turned around to look at my mother.'Kai how is she?'Kai looked super worridely at Ray then me again and then mom.
'I have no idea.She wont wake up.'I sat on the floor beside her holding Rays hand in mine as I watched her.
2 days later.
'Earlier this week Nick Jonas from the bands Nick Jonas and the Adminstration and the Jonas Brothers was seen going into a hospital in New Orleans. Reportedly there have been reports that the one and only Soraya Matthews from the Jonas tour was rushed to this same hospital a few days before. There is no word on how Ms.Matthews is doing and we do all have to wonder if this is simply a friendly visit or if Mr.Jonas is going into the hospital for test. The Jonas Brothers have cancelled their tour dates for the next month to be there for Ms.Matthews and they have said that they will be doing a major concert to make it up to the fans who are sure to be disappointed. There is no word yet when this concert is to be but we have learned that Jonas Brothers are flying those fans who live out of state or far away in for the concert.' I turned off the tv as it continued to go on about it all. They really think that Im sick?
'Nick?People are freaking out.'Joe announced as soon as he came into Ray's room.I shot him a look and glanced over at Ray.'Seriously Nick. They all think that your like sick or something. And that Ray is dying.'I shook my head and he sighed.'Look man just come to the stupid press conference that dad set up. Its just gonna be we talk then leave.'I sighed and glanced over at Jason and Kyle.
'Go ahead Nick.We'll grab you if she starts to wake up.'Jason said softly as he stared at his little sister. The doctors have no way to explain this at all. They have no idea and they all say that Ray will wake up when shes ready. She could sleep for 3 years! I want Ray awake now!
'Alright. Lets go Joe. The sooner we get this done the sooner I can get back here.'I stood and Joe moved back quickly.
'First.You.Need.A.Shower.'Joe plugged his nose and I stared at him.'Seriously.When was the last time you took a shower?'2 days?Sounds right.'No wait when was the last time you checked your blood sugar?'
'Right before I came here. Kai made me. She said that if Ray woke up and found me in the bed next to her she'd murder her and then me.'Joe shook his head sadly as he pushed me towards the bathroom.
'Thanks Lexi.' Lexi?Who is Lexi?'Nick, Lexi, Jasons daughter brought you some clothes. Their on the toilet.'Jasons kid. The one who Ray was freaking out about earlier this month? I guess so.
'Thanks.'I opened the shower after I was finished and grabbed the shirt on top before yanking on the pants.
'You know mommy says that I can be whatever I want.'I walked out to the little girl from last month. Red hair and all. Joe looked at Jason and smirked.
'And what does daddy say?'
'Daddy says Im his princess! He says that he had to slay a monster named Nick forever thats why it took him so long to find us!'I looked at Jason and he shrugged.
'It seemed like a good name at the time.'He said and Kyle hit his shoulder.
'Im gonna be a fashion designer! Daddy boughts me a-a sewing machine!'She told Joe as she skipped down the hallway with us.
'Really?And what does Auntie Kai say about this?'Joe asked her before picking her up and setting her on his shoulders.
'Aunt Ka-Ka says that her boyfriend Joey is the man to talk to about fashion.She says that he spends more time on his hair than she does!'I had to smile at that. That was to cute.Its so true to.'She was telling mommy that hes a good kisser to! Whats kissing Uncle Joey?'I smirked at Joe as he fumbled for an answer.
'Um-um.....Well I-and I-Nick!Uncle Nick knows what kissing is!'Joe yanked me towards him and stood there giving me the puppy dog eyes.'Ill leave you and Ray alone and I won't tell Jason and Kyle about you and her making o-u-t.'I shook my head sadly and looked up at Lexi.
'Lexi kissing is something that only grownups do.Its like taking medicine. You dont like medicine do you?'I waited for her head shake.'Well grownups dont like kissing.It keeps us from getting sick.'I explained and she made a face.
'Ewwwww!Thats yucky!Uncle Nicky why would grownups kiss anyway?Does it hurt?'
'Because some grownups are sick alot and they need their medicine.'
'Is their medicine like yours?'She had seen me checking my blood sugar the other day and had to ask me what it was.
'No.Their medicine is worse than mine.You know how I said ouch when I poked myself?Yeah well it hurts a lot more to kiss.'She made an oh face and I nodded at her.She looks so much like Ray when she does that.
'Okay dolly you have you to get down now.Me and Uncle Nick are about to go do something else for grownups.'Joe swung her around while tickling her.
'Kayers!Bye bye!'She waved as she skipped down to Anna and Kai. We watched as she said something to them and then they doubled over laughing.
'Boys you ready?'Big Rob asked us before opening the door and clearing a path to the podium. Kevin was already up there and he gave me a look at my wet hair. I shrugged and sat down beside him so that I was closet to the door.
'Okay.We'll start off with a couple questions and go from there.'Kevin spoke into the microphone and instantly hands were raised. I picked one not really caring who I picked.
'Is it true that you and your fiancee are having trouble?'Kevins wince was just barely visable and his sigh even less so.
'Danielle and I are no longer engaged. She deserves her happiness and we found out that we just weren't the right people for each other.'What?!When did this happen?!I saw Kevins arm go out as he pointed to someone else.
'Is it true that your sick Nick?'Okay blonde chick with a side part.Done.
'No.In fact Im perfectly healthy and fine.'I smiled at her my usual tight lipped smile and knew none of them noticed the way my body tensed.
'So why are you in the hospital?Is it true that Soraya Matthews is sick?And that she still hasnt woken up since last week?'Nobody noticed the bright red hair moving through the crowd except for me. I know Joe and Kevin didnt.
'Yes Soraya is sick. Shes caught something thats been going around.'Joe answered with smooth precision since my focus was totally gone.
'Is it true that your going out with Camilla Belle again?'My eyes shot to Joe and I lost track of the red hair.
'No.No. Camilla and I are not dating again.My girlfriend and I are very happy and we have no intentions of breaking up.'Great.That sent the stupid reporters in the frenzy.
'Whose the lucky girl?!'
'Right now we just want to be a normal couple so Im not going to say her name but shes an awesome person,caring and very protective. Shes hilarious but she knows how to be serious and shes the best thing to happen in my life so far.'Nice Joe. Kai's going to love you.
'So wheres your purtiy ring Nick?'Oh.Shit.Where is my purity ring?! I felt a tug on my leg and I just barely glanced down.Lexi?She held something up to me and smiled before settling against my leg.
'Right here.I was a little busy earlier and didnt want to lose it.'I held it up and smiled at them knowing that I was breaking open their little hope bubbles.Their always waiting for one of us to mess up.They all think Joes not pure anymore but he is. Hes possibly the strictest of us all. Its kind of funny the way people portray him in the media.
'Whose the little girl?'I looked down at Lexi and then back up to Joe and Kevin. Anna was standing off to the side beside Rob and she shrugged smiling at us.I lifted her up and set on my lap.
'This is Lexi-'She tugged on my arm.
'Uncle Nicky Im Kyla!'Oh opps.Joe and Kevin started to laugh and the reporters started to flip.'Uncle Nicks sorry!He confuses me and Lexi sometimes.'Kyla shrugged and smiled at the reporters winningly. They were won over. I looked over when Joe had yelped.
'Uncle Joey pick me up!I want on your lap like Kyla!'The reporters were so confused.Haha its nice to see that.
'Kyla and Lexi are Soraya's neices. They came to visit her while we're on this small break.'Kevin explained before any of them could make their minds jump.'Their twins and you can obviously see who their favorite uncles are.'Kevin laughed as he waved his hands around him.
'Aww!We love you too Uncle Kevin!'They launched themselves at Kevin as Kyle stood in the doorway breathless. He was motioning for me quickly and I stood thanking God that Kyla was secure in Kevins arms. I ran down the stairs and past the reporters to meet Kyle at the door.
'Shes been screaming and yelling for you.'He breathed as we ran down the hallway to the elevators. Nate was holding one open for us tapping his foot impatiently.I walked around the elevator anxiously and as soon as the doors open I was out them and running towards Rays room where I could hear her screaming.
'NICK!!'I stopped when I reached her bedside and pulled her into my arms rocking back and forth as she sobbed.What the hell happened?A nurse stood there with a scared look on her face as she held a needle in one hand and a tray in the other.
'What happened?'I asked as Ray calmed down.
'The nurse was about to take some blood from Raya and when she popped the cap open on the needle Ray started to flip and scream about a gun.What the hell does she mean by that Nick?'Jason asked somewhat calmer now that Ray had subsided to a soft whimper.
'She remembered everything about that night.She doesnt like to sleep alone now.'I whispered stroking her back like I had done so many nights before.She turned her face into my shirt and I sighed.This goes on for a few minutes.
'Everything?'I nodded slowly and saw all her brothers run their hands over their faces.
'Shit.'I heard Ray hiccup and I smiled softly against her forehead.
'Shh.Its okay.'I kept rubbing her back until I could draw away without moving her.

Later that week I stood in the gardens with Kai and her brothers talking about Joe. Kai and Joe had gotten into this arguement last night, over what nobody knows. But it was huge and Kai stormed out of the hotel room and down to the lounge area for 3 hours. I have no idea what happened but Im about to find out I think since Joe just grabbed my arm and is yanking me backwards towards a tree.
'What is Kai saying?'He asked in a low whisper.
'Um I dont know I was about to find out before you so rudely grabbed me away.'I told him crossing my arms stiffly. I have got to stop hanging out around Raya shes a bad influence.
'Oh.'Joes face fell into disappointment and I stared at him for a second.
'Oh my Lord. You didnt Joe. Please tell me you didnt.'I groaned rubbing a hand over my face and then glaring at him.'Did you have sex with her Joe?Is that the rea-'Joe clamped a hand over my mouth looking around furitively.
'No we did not!You know I wouldnt do that! We were talking about kids and stuff and I dont know it just was so weird I had the feeling I was way to old for Kai and that she'd be better off with someone else younger. So I told her that I thought I was to old for her and she gave me that look she gives you when shes pissed and I dont know after I told her that she flipped out and I just- I told her that that was the reason and she gave me a hurt look and stormed away.'I just stared at Joe the whole time he was talking and I couldnt help it I started to laugh. Almost hysterical but it was still a laugh.
'Joe. You so didnt. Oh Rays gotta hear this.' I pulled out my phone and then turned when my ringtone from her started to play. Ray held up her phone as she came around the tree.
'Nick. Im right here hon.' I smiled at her and dropped a kiss on her forehead quickly.'Whats up? Why is Kai so pissed?'She directed it to Joe but she was looking at me as she said it.
'Joe told Kai that he thought he was to old for her and-'I was cut off by a really upset Joe.
'I told her that I felt like I was gonna be taking her teenage years away from her since we were talking about familys and all that.' Joe sat down in front of her and looked up at her hopefully.
'Joe that was stupid.'Ray told him looking at him like he had grown 3 heads.'Kai is really sensitive about still being a teenager. She wants to get out of these years so badly.' Ray whispered softly and Joes eyes pooled up. Hes not gonna cry is he?!
'Ray what do I do?!' He pleaded with her staring at her then me then Kai who was a little bit away.
'Just go up to her say sorry and kiss her.'Ray told him shaking her head slowly and moving out of Joes way as he almost plowed her over in his hast to get to Kai. We watched as Joe grabbed Kai around the waist whispered something and then kissed her.
'Your a bad influence.' I accused her and her face went all confused.

Rays POV
'Your a bad influence.' Nick said with a perfectly straight face. I just stared up at him confused.'Lets break you out of here.' Nick grabbed my hand and took me around the tree before I could say anything.
'Nick!They'll be looking for us!' I protested when I finally found my voice. Nick just smiled at me and let me in the car before him.
'Not really. I cleared it with your brothers first.' I had to laugh.'What?!I didnt want to get you in trouble.' I kissed his cheek and shook my head at him slowly and somewhat happily.
'You say Im a bad influence. Where are we going?'I asked settling into the seat as he drove his truck around a bend.
'Somewhere.Youve been cooped up in the room to long.'
Okay officially frustrated!No matter how much I beg him he wont tell me where we're going! And if itll have any reporters! I mean if there are reporters I kind of need to hide from them right now. Im supposed to still be sick. Nick however refuses to tell me! I swear we've been driving for hours. I also think that we're lost. We've driven by that same house for 3 hours.
'Nick! Just tell me!' Nick shook his head and then gave me a glance. He must have noticed my eyes drooping because he told me there were blankets in the backseat and that I should just lay down back there.
'Go on Ray. Ill wake you up when we get there.'I gave Nick a little glare but couldnt manage much more than that since I was so tired.
'Promise?' He smiled back at me and pulled off to the side of the road.
'Promise Ray. Now get some sleep.Your gonna need it.' He leaned over and softly kissed me before pulling blanket more snugly up around me.
'Kay Nick.Night.'I yawned again and drifted off to sleep slowly but not so slowly that I didnt feel him pulling back onto the road.
'Go away.'I muttered flipping over onto my other side when someone tried to wake me up.
'I would but Ray youll love this sight.'I instantly perked up when Nick said that. It could have something to with the fact that he had a MONSTER already open for me. I reached out and grabbed it as I sat up.I looked around. Okay we are no longer in his truck. We're on a plane. Okay. I craned my neck to see what was going on outside my window and I couldnt help it. I gaped and hit Nicks shoulder.
'NICK!!THATS CORPUS CHRISTI!'I yelled as the plane started to land. Nick moved so that he was on my other side and I was pressed up against the window.
'Yes Raya I know.' Nick chuckled softly and thats when it hit me. Corpus Christi! Leahs going to college here!
'Nick! This is so awesome! I love it!' I smiled at him before launching myself at him and attacking him with kisses.

So nervous.What if she says no?She could. She could completely surprise us all and say no. Ray would do it to. She would completely surprise us all and just say no. Oh God here comes Joe and Kevin and her brothers.
'Nick just relax man. We didnt drag our sorry butts all the way out for no reason. Youve been dating for 2 years. Honestly Kai was getting fed up with you.' Joe told me as Kai appeared behind him and poked his back. Huge. Thats all I have to say. Appearently being 9 months pregnant does not put Kai in a good mood.
'Just do it Nick. Ray will say yes. She loves you and she wants it to happen so there.' Kai stuck her tonuge out at her brothers and Kevin.
'Dont worry Nick. Ray wants to be with you.' Okay all these people need to stop telling me this! Im gonna be so freaked out enough! Holy shit. Rays coming. Rays coming down the beach RIGHT. FREAKING. NOW!
'Dont blow it man. If she cries your ass is ours. ' Thats comforting. Really. Not so nervous now. Okay Nick just do it. Do it!
'Hola guys! I was talking to one of the other ladies on the beach over there. You know its really pretty over there. Really.' I could see wheels turning in Rays head but she didnt say anything so we all started to walk away from the beach towards the reception. Joe and Kai had planned on having the reception right after they were married but some of our guests got drunk and then arrested before they could make it. Add in a lot of screaming fan girls. It wasnt pretty so they put it off slightly towards the future. Future as in now. As in the time when Im going to propose to Ray on the same beach that I asked her if she loved me. Where I told her I loved her more than anything 2 years ago. Corpus Christi. Now I plan on asking her to marry me with everybody around. 'Nick are you okay sweetie? Is your blood sugar crazy?'I shook my head silently.'Then whats the matter doll?Your so quite.'
'Nothing Ray. You just look so amazing. So-beautiful.' I choked out. She really does look amazing. Shes wearing one of those outfits that she found in one of those crazy stores namely Karas. She spends more time there but she looks amazing doing it. Ray smiled at me and grabbed my hand swinging them loosely while talking up a storm. We finally got to the reception and sat down slowly.
'Okay! HEY! EVERYBODY!' Pey yelled angrily when nobody was quite.'Thanks. Anyway we put together a little scrap viedo of our favorite pictures! Kai did it all herself so you better all think its good.'Pey threatened everybody laughed but anybody close to her scooted far enough away so that she couldnt hit them.It started to play and we all couldnt help but laugh as they showed pictures of Ray and Kai growing up together. Even in Kais school pictures you could see Ray since she popped up in the background at the last moment. Then they showed Joes and when I turned to tease Joe I saw Kevin was already doing it. Then they showed pictures of them as a couple and I know for a fact that Ray took most of those pictures. Then they started to show pictures of me and Ray growing up and I had to laugh. Kia had pulled the same thing Ray did it in her school pictures. Then they did couples pictures and all those pictures that Kai and Joe had snapped when we first started the first tour came back to us on a huge screen.Ray turned to me confused.
'Why are they showing pictures of us Nick?' I shrugged turning her back around to look at the viedo as it ended.'Do it now Nick or else?What does that mean? Whys Kai threatening you?' I laughed. I couldnt help it. Of course Ray wouldnt know what this is.Shes so silly sometimes.I knelt on the ground in front of her as a spotlight shined on us.
'Soraya Heather Matthews will you please marry me and put me out of my bachelorhood misery?'I asked her softly and she stared at me for a couple of quite seconds.
'OF COURSE!'She flung herself at me and we went rolling in the sand. I have to admit that has to be the loudest acceptance of a marriage proposal.EVER.I looked at Kai and their brothers and saw them give me a thumbs up. Until Kai started to scream herself.
'HOLY MOTHER OF NIKES! THIS BABY IS COMING!'She yelled at Joe. Joe jumped up and looked around helplessly.
'What do I do?!What do I do?'Ray looked at me and I smiled at her.
'I got Joe if you got Kai.'I told her and she nodded kissing me one last time before running off to her.

6 exhausting hours later
'Kalliayn Heather Jasmyne Jonas.' Kai held up the little girl and we all turned when Joe walked in with another baby.
'And Gage Emmett Jonas.' I started to laugh as Ray siddeled up beside me.
'Joe named Gage and Kai named Kalliayn.' She said as if I didnt know that. I just nodded and kissed her hand softly.
'Ready for our own soon-to-be-Mrs.Nick-Jonas?'She glanced back at them and then towards me.
'Oh so ready.'Her brothers happy that I had finally proposed ignored us when I lifted her off the ground and kissed her.
'Guess they were right. Your my princess Raya.MY princess forever.'Its our end but its the beginning to.