Status: IT"S DONE

Fatality: The Final Race

Fights And Freedom


"Yes baby?"

"Can...Will...I want to see the ocean."

I nodded. "When your out of here...we'll go. "

"No...before I die."

I stood there shocked: she thought she was going to die. "James--you're going to live."

"No Autumn. I'm not." I saw tears in her eyes, "And you need to get out and be free."

"I'm not leaving without you."

"You have can have a life..without me."

I shooke my head as tears streamed my face, "GOD DAMNIT Jamie! You have to live--I can't live without you James."

I sat by her on her bed.

"Take me to see the ocean--just one more time." She was badly wounded--her ribs were still cracked but.

"Can she travel."

The doctors face grew solemn, "Yes--she's dying. If she wants to see the ocean--take her."

I was pissed because he thought she was going to die too. But in a way--I knew he was right.

The ocean was amazing. Sky line meeting the deep blue swirls of waves and little ripples of water--I helped her out of the car and down to the coastline. She laid her head on my lap and watched the waves.

"It's part of life Autumn."

I shook my head, "Not part of yours."


"Let's not talk aobut that right now." I kissed her and held her close to me.

"It's amazing, you know?"

"What is?"

"Well" I pulled her up and looked at the waves crashing against the sand, "Something so small--a little water drop.--can be such a powerful fighter. If it has the mindset."


"Well.....If you think your weak--dying, Persay, then instantly you are...if the water droplet knows it can be powerful--then it is."

She nodded understanding what I meant.

"Don't give up. Just try."

She nodded again.
Back at the hospital she started smiling--trying not to seem so depressed.

"Autumn..can I talk to you?"

Dr. Dexter pulled me aside.

"What is it?"

"She's...She's healing slowly--very very very slowly."

I smiled, "How much longer here?"

"She's free to leave tomorrow."

"Thank you."

He nodded.

"James. We're leaving tomorrow."


"He said you're healing."

"That's great."

"I...I'm going to go pack."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."


The next morning I checked James out of the hospital--we said our goodbeys and drove out of that place.

"We're free."

"I told you--You couldn't die."

She looked at me. Her eyes grew serious.

"What Jamie?"

"I told you Autumn, I'll never leave you." She whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Again--so sorry about that. But there's the full thing--nothings missing. Comment and tell me what you think.