The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Prologue: The Tree of Life



Bill stared blankly at Aerieus. He didn’t know what to do. He gripped the few blades of grass that surrounded the trunk of The Tree of Life. Why was she here? Why of all people? Aerieus stared at him wide-eyed. This continued on for a few seconds.

“What are you doing here?” He snapped.

“Bill, I---“Her voice trailed off.

The little girl stood between them. She smiled as she stooped to picked up.
“Bill, Aerieus is here to get forgiven.”

Bill stared at the little girl and then back at Aerieus.

“I’m supposed to forgive her! For all the **** she caused for the entire world?” Bill snapped as he stared at Aerieus angrily. Aerieus’ face grew pale.

“You have to forgive her Bill…in order for the world to be saved, in order to be the proper savior…you have to forgive her. She is your only hope to complete your mission.” The girl responded as she began to pluck petals from the daisy.

Aerieus shuffled nervously. The girl had warned her previously not to say a word, until the proper moment. Still, Aerieus struggled to fight the urge to speak…to defend herself.

“Besides…she has the answers to your origins.”
“My origins? What are you talking about?” Bill asked confused.

The little girl turned to face Aerieus. “It is time for you to reveal the truth.”

Aerieus gulped.

And she began her tale. The tale of how Bill is no longer the person that he thought he was. She explained how she conducted the most inhumane experiment, ripping from him the identity that he thought was himself. She revealed to him the ugly fact, that he isn’t human at all, but merely an experiment…Humanoid.

Bill stared at Aerieus in disbelief. “You are lying!”

Aerieus dropped her head.

“I’m so sorry.”

“You’re lying! I’m real! I’m human! You are just playing tricks on me.”

The little girl stared at Aerieus.

“Show him.”

Aerieus stepped forward. She kneeled beside Bill. She reached her hand out toward his chest.

“What are you doing?” He asked, leaning away from her.

She pressed hard against his chest. A pale blue light began to radiate from Bill. Bill eyes widen in disbelief. His chest cavity appeared to open ripping away at his t-shirt.

“What the ****!?” Bill screamed.

His chest was opened, and inside where wires…metal…and more wires…directly in the middle of his chest was a metallic lemon shaped object. It beat.

“My heart?”

Bill shook his head. “This can’t be.”

“It belongs to the heart of your donor.” Aerieus whispered. “Within the metallic shell, there is his heart. You are a miracle Bill! You are the first humanoid, to sustain life for a long period of time.”

“Why did you do this to me? If I’m not real…than…I am nothing!”

“And such was your purpose…that is why you are the savior…,” The little girl remarked. “You are sinless…you do not come from flesh…you are beyond that. The Light chose you for that reason.”

“Who is this Light? Who is this guy!?” Bill exclaimed with desperation in his eyes.

“He is everything…” The little girl replied. “He is the beginning and the end…he will be the beginning and the end of this world…”

“Why does He need Bill?” Aerieus said looking from Bill to the little girl.

“You have done many evil things in the Light’s eyes…but the most productive action of yours was when you created Bill. So…your creation will be used for the glorification of the Light, which is your punishment Aerieus.” The girl continued. “As for Bill himself…well he must find out his own fate, once his purpose has been completed, since he is not human, he is not a creation of the Light…he has no future in the afterlife…Heaven or in the Flames. He must return from where he came.”

Bill stared at his feet in sadness. “I am nothing.”

“I can’t accept that! Bill may not be human…but he is someone. He just goes back to nothingness?”

“He is your creation, you decide where he goes. You are his god. Tell him where he must end!” The girl remarked. “As for the Light, Bill your creation, is blessed…to still be allowed to live…the Light has aided in that…”

Aerieus frowned.

“All that matters is his counterpart. His true self.” The girl continued.
“My human self…? Bill asked. “The real me?”

“You have something within you that belongs to him. Something given to him by the Light…”

“His heart?”

“You are stealing his life…at this moment…he is close to death. If you do not move quickly…you will have his blood on your hands Humanoid. You and Aerieus.”

“Meaning?” Aerieus interjected.

“Meaning, that you will no longer be innocent anymore…no longer the savior…and the Earth will be decimated.” The little girl continued.
Aerieus and Bill look at each other.

“You are in a race against time…” The girl continued. “Aerieus, it is time for you to right your wrongs…and Humanoid…it is time for you to do your job. And you will both accomplish your tasks together.”

With that the little girl disappeared.

Bill and Aerieus were in shock.

“Together?” Bill stammered.

“Together.” Aerieus responded weakly.

~End of Prologue~
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Note: The story from this point on will be in script-form. I've written in prose up until this point so you will be able to understand what is going on.