The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Eight: The Invisible Ones

(Setting: In a New Babylon Apartment. A woman who is dressed in all black sits twiddling a long knife in her hand. When she notices a fly that lands on a kitchen table she quickly stabs it.)

Maika: I hate flies…

Kirsty: (looks at Maika horrified) What did that fly do to you? Cruelty! That was uncalled for Maika---

Maika: Kirsty…please…I don’t have time to hear your rant on animal cruelty---it was a bug---that swarms around garbage---no big deal---

Kirsty: That bug deserved to live…and you stabbed it…?

Maika: (covers her ears) I’m not listening---

Kirsty: (folds her arms) Fine! (She goes to a closet and pulls out a bow & arrow)

Maika: You know Kirsty…I find it interesting…on how you always get on me about cruelty…but I’ve seen you slay a few Humanoids…you are rather unmerciless…

Kirsty: Well that’s a whole different thing Maika…

Maika: (sighs) I don’t think so…I mean…the rest of us…just get it done…but you…still…torture them mentally and then kill them…

Kirsty: (snaps) I don’t have to justify myself! They deserve to die---
Maika: My point has been proven…I kill flies…and you kill robots…it’s a matter of choice…and whether we decide if they deserve to die---we are even…

Kirsty: URRRRGGGGHHH! You and your dumb reverse psychology…

Maika: (chuckles)

(A young man comes quickly out of a room holding a computer. He has a rather Steve Urkel appearance.)

Kirsty: Bryan! You finally come out of that room…for a moment I thought you died---

Bryan: (straightens his glasses and sniffs) No…actually I was in analyzing the skull of a humanoid machine. I find it extremely interesting…how complex it is…the programming…I’ve managed to hack in and now I am trying to figure out exactly how they work…it is extraordinary!

Maika: Blah, blah, blah…bro you seriously need a life…besides that dumb computer…what is there to know about them…we kill them…and its over…

Bryan: (sits down across from her) Sister…do you not realize…Humanoids are a species…like we are a species…

Maika: They are pieces of garbage…that deserve to die…they killed our families…I don’t want to know about them…

Bryan: We must learn about them Maika…to understand----

Maika: WHAT?
Bryan: Everything…as I go through the data in the skull…I see…that in a lot of ways…they are human…

Kirsty: What?

Bryan: They have a “Conscience”…

Kirsty: A conscience…how can that be? They are robots…

Bryan: No…they are not robots…they are able to think and make decisions…they even have the ability to examine situations and events…to chose right or wrong--- I mean (gets excited) its remarkable…how could a little girl…create technology as advanced as this…?

Maika: She was psychotic! That’s why?

Bryan: Maybe…but this particular humanoid…that I have examined…was…good…

Kirsty: Okay Bryan…what are you babbling on about----?

(Gunshots go off. All of three of them jump.)

Maika: What in the world?
(Another young woman walks in holding a gun.)

Kirsty: Sasha! What in the ****?

Sasha: Sorry…I was testing it out…did you hear it?

Maika: Uh…yeah…duh? You scared us half to death…

Sasha: It went off…it was supposed to be silent…**** it!

Bryan: Silent or not why are you shooting in the apartment…?

Sasha: Uh…were in New Babylon can I tote a gun in public? I’d be hounded by the police…

Maika: Goodness gracious Sasha…I swear that you are mad!
Sasha: I said “Sorry”!!!!

Bryan: But as I was saying that particular Humanoid was good…

Maika: How can that be…all humanoids are evil…

Bryan: Apparently not...the older models…were naturally programmed to be hunters of human organs…but Aerieus…also created other models of humanoid…called “normal” who had the ability to be good…I think she considered these types flawed…I don’t know…but this particular humanoid destroyed…was actually ‘normal’ he had never killed a human…

Kirsty: So…we…actually killed…an innocent one…

Maika: Don’t be foolish none are innocent…
Bryan: This one was…

Sasha: (rubs her chin) Hmm…this changes up things doesn’t it? Let’s ask Charlotte for some advice…she would probably explain this further…