The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Eight: The Invisible Ones (Con'td & Completed)

Maika: Speaking of Charlotte, where is she?

Kirsty: (rubs her nose) She and Miki went out early this morning…
Charlotte kept muttering something about lights…feathers…and humanoids…Miki went with her to offer protection…

Sasha: (sighs) I swear…Charlotte is awesome and everything, but she is one strange individual…

Bryan: (staring at the computer screen) She can’t help it…she lives mentally in a higher state than we, with her visions…and powers and things…she’s gifted…

Maika: Not to mention that seems like the only one who understands what is happening…

(The front door opens and in walks a woman dressed in all white, her hair was black and hung almost to her feet. She had a somber expression on her face, she looked at everyone, and then proceeded into another room shutting the door behind her. Another lady, of Japanese decent, and dressed in the outfit most common to a Geisha proceeds in and sits.)

Maika: What’s her problem Miki?

Miki: (shakes her head) She started seeing images again…

Kirsty: Of what?

Miki: There was a desert…and a Humanoid…except…she gave him a name…

Sasha: What was its name?

Miki: Bill…

Bryan: (Looks quickly at Miki and then at his computer he begins to type) AH HAH!!!!!

(Everyone looks at him.)

Maika: What is it?

Bryan: There is a Humanoid by the name of Bill…as a matter of fact…he’s supposed to be getting married to Phoenix at midnight…

Maika: Married? Humanoids can marry?

Bryan: Yes, I told you…they are like us…! Especially this Bill and Phoenix…they are more human than any humanoids Aerieus had created! She made them especially for each other…think of them as an Adam and Eve…the distorted version---

Miki: (nods) Yes…but Charlotte said something weird concerning this Bill…she mentioned that he had two sides…a false side…and a real side…
Sasha: How can he be both false and real?

Miki: I haven’t an idea…she said…that his heart is real…and unreal…and that…we must combine the real with the unreal…so that the real….can be unreal…and the unreal be made real…

Kirsty: (scratches her head) I don’t get it…why can’t that chic speak plain english…its always riddles---

Maika: (chuckles) Its okay Kirsty, don’t think so hard…you’ll give yourself a headache…things like this tends to go over your head….

Kirsty: (frowns) Shut-up! (Folds her arms) Since you know so much Maika…why don’t please tell everyone what Charlotte means---

Maika: It seems to me, that maybe…this Humanoid…is broken apart, and its our responsibilty to put him together again---

Bryan: CORRECT!!! I see what Charlotte means…According to the files I managed to rip from Aerieus computer…she had a human donor for this Humanoid…named makes since since the Humanoid is also named Bill…she modeled the humanoid after him, and according to what I am reading----she placed the human Bill’s heart…inside of the Humanoid!!!! AMAZING!!!!

Sasha: What’s amazing about that…?

Bryan: Aerieus managed to allow a human heart… function inside of a robot…

Miki: That’s sick….

Bryan: It’s a scientific discovery…but how she did it…is the mystery, she left it out of this file…

Sasha: So let me get this straight…The Humanoid Bill….that is about to get married…has a human heart…?

Kirsty: Making him “real” and unreal! AH HAH! In your face Maika!!!!!!
(She celebrates)

Maika: (Sarcastically) YAY KIRSTY! Should I give you a cookie----?

Kirsty: (rubs her tummy) Cookies…delicious…I would love one…

Maika: Again…I am proven correct that things go completely over your head…

Kirsty: Huh!?--- What happened?

Maika: (sigh)

Sasha: So this Humanoid…is robot…but in essence…Human…? Only through the heart---

Bryan: It would appear so…

Miki: Charlotte says that we have to bring the unreal and real together…
Bryan: How can we do that? Its already been done…

Sasha: Maybe not….what happened to the “real Bill”…? The donor?
Bryan: It appears that he escaped…with this friends after Aerieus’ death.

Sasha: Darn it!

Miki: We have to bring him and the humanoid together again…and what happens next I do not know…

Sasha: Well, since we have the Humanoid here already in New Babylon, we should go after him first…

Maika: What about the marriage? The wedding?

Bryan: It is going to be a private ceremony…only very few people are invited…

Kirsty: How will we get in?

Bryan: Luckily, I have the mapping of the palace, if we work quickly, we could grab the Humanoid without altercation---

Maika: I want an altercation! I want a fight! (she waves her fist)
Bryan: (sigh) Sis, sometimes I swear that you can be a bit barbaric!

(Everyone laughs.)

Sasha: So we have to kidnap…okay I’m up for it…but I have a question Miki, did she mention anything to you about feathers, or lights…
Miki: Yes, but she didn’t say much…she said that “The Feathered ones…from the glorious Light” are always around…along with the “Dark Feathered one, but beware…” Very creepy…

Maika: We’ll worry about that feathered stuff later…lets get the humanoid!

Meanwhile in another room…

(Charlotte lays on her bed. She stares at the ceiling.)

Charlotte: And so…the time of sorrows ends, and the “beginning of the end” is upon us…