The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Nine:

Meanwhile in the Palace.

(Bill was being hounded by butlers, who measured him, and dressed him.)

Bill: Uh---excuse me?

(Ziana stands observing what is going on.)

Ziana: You look beautiful Bill, Phoenix will be impressed.

Bill: I don’t know about this…I mean…I don’t know Phoenix all that well---

Ziana: (looks at him strangely) What do you mean? You do know Phoenix…Aerieus programmed you to know Phoenix…

Bill: All I know is…that…I remember meeting Phoenix, along with my brother and friends in a street…and she kept telling me that I was a savior…and supposed to save the world from Aerieus…and help the humans---

Ziana: (shakes her head) That can’t be right…I mean, I watched Aerieus program you…

Bill: Phoenix…just helped me to understand that I was supposed to save this world…she didn’t mention anything about marriage…

Ziana: You aren’t to save the world! You are to love this world…your mother made you to love this world…Aerieus wanted you to be happy…you and Phoenix together…

Bill: I don’t remember that… OW!!!! (He was poked by a needle by one of the butlers who was trying to fix a stitch on his arm, a drop of blood stains the cup of his shirt. Ziana looks at it horrified.)

Ziana: YOU BLEED? How is that possible? You are humano---GET OUT! ALL OF YOU BUTLERS GET OUT!!!

(The butlers rush out of the room.)

Bill: W-w-what happened?

Ziana: How are you bleeding?

Bill: I just got poked really hard Ziana…

Ziana: You are humanoid…you can’t bleed...unless---

(She looks at Bill horrified.)

Ziana: It would make sense…with you not remembering…saying these strange things…(She grabs him by the arm) How? How is this possible? I saw your heart…you have a humanoid heart…

Bill: I’m confused---

Ziana: (gulps) Bill…I’m afraid…that a big mistake has been made…

Bill: What are you saying?

Ziana: Uh…uh…(she starts pacing around) What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

Bill: Ziana…are you okay----

(The doors to the room swing open, and in walks Phoenix in a wedding gown.)

Phoenix: (She runs to Bill and hugs him) It is time my love!

Ziana: (eyes widen in fear)

Phoenix: We will say our vows, and then consummate our love----

Flashback (6 Months Earlier.)

(Aerieus works busily on the humanoid. Ziana watches on.)

Aerieus: Ziana…(she smiles) I am the happiest child in the world at this moment…do you not realize what I have done…

Ziana: Aerieus…are you sure…that…this is a good idea…

Aerieus: (snaps) You dare doubt me?

Ziana: I love you Aerius very much…but I don’t think that this is right it is a sin against the Light!

Aerieus: (rolls her eyes) I don’t even know why you belive in the Light sister…He is someone to be challenged not feared…and I am showing Him, that I have the ability, to do what He’s done, and perfect it!

Ziana: This will not fare well…Aerieus…everything you have done has led to destruction and devastation…aren’t you tired of this madness!
Aerieus: I’ll never be tired…until my Adam and Eve are concieved…I am almost done, for now…I will place the heart of this Bill into my humanoid…

(She picks up a little heart and places it into the cavity of the humanoid machine. The machine hums, and the eyes of the humanoid opens)
Aerieus: (claps) He’s alive, this heart will hold him, until I am able to perfect the humanoid heart…

Ziana: What about the Original…?

Aerieus: I placed a mechanic heart inside of him, think of it as a pacemaker…it’ll keep him alive until I am done with my experiment…then I’ll kill him…

Ziana: (shakes her head)

Aerieus: Phoenix and Bill…together forever…

Ziana: (gulps)

Aerieus: Humanoid with Humanoid…a perfect union…(sighs) I have to work quickly though…Phoenix is already showing premature signs of feelings for the human, perhaps I should have waited programming his image in her---I caught her one day trying to mate with the body…and luckily in time…I reprimanded her by locking her away…

Ziana: She tried to sleep with the human?

Aerieus: Yes…? Her sexuality is growing stronger, and she isn’t patient…however I can’t blame her, because she doesn’t know that the human and she are different, all she has in her mind is the picture of Bill that I showed her…(she scribbles something down) If she would have succesfully mated with the human, the consequences would have been dire---

Ziana: Like what?

Aerieus: A forbidden love, an unhealthy attatchement…Love is a tricky thing that I have yet to understand…you see…Phoenix only knows what I programmed on love…however the human Bill knows real love…if they both connected…I expect an evil thing…an unnatural thing. It can never happen Ziana, never happen.

Back to the Present

(Phoenix kisses Bill on the lips)

Ziana: (nervous) Uh, Your Highness…(She grabs Bill by the arm and pulls him toward her.) I don’t believe that he is quite perfect for the ceremony…

Phoenix: (confused) What are you talking about? He looks ready to me?

Ziana: (chuckles nervously) Phoenix...people will be taking photos, recording the ceremony…you wouldn’t want your Bill to be with a flaw would you? It would show poorly on your rule, that you cannot maintain your husband---

Bill: I don’t want to go through that whole dressing process again---(Ziana covers his mouth)

Ziana: You must be perfect for Her Majesty…

Phoenix: (cautiously) I suppose you are right Ziana…you tend to be…okay…I’ll give you an hour…but no longer…I am ready to be with my beloved…(She strokes Bill’s face.) Well, I am off, and I will waiting in the throne room…

Ziana: I will make sure to bring him…

Phoenix: (nods and then exits.)

Ziana: (lets out a sigh of relief.)

Bill: I am confused now Ziana…don’t you want me to marry Phoenix…since I am Humanoid…

Ziana: Please stop talking…I have to think----we have a big problem here Bill----

(The doors slam open again and Phoenix comes in.)

Phoenix: Forget what other people think Ziana! Even if Bill is imperfect, I love him and he’ll always be perfect in my eyes! I’m the one marrying him, not them…My Bill is stunning…! (She grabs Bill by the hand) We are going to get married right now!

(She drags Bill out, Ziana stares after them in horror)

Ziana: Oh no…oh no…