The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Ten

(Aerieus and Humanoid Bill walk slowly through the desert.)

Aerieus: Where exactly are we going?

Humanoid Bill: You heard him…to New Babylon…

(Humanoid Bill looks straight ahead of himself, he had an angry expression on his face.)

Aerieus: I know…that there is nothing that I can say…to make you feel better---

Humanoid Bill: You are right…there isn’t anything so just…do us both a favor…and shut your mouth…

(Aerieus frowns and a tear slides down her face.)

Aerieus: (she stops walking) You know what Bill? To be humanoid…you truly are heartless!!! Just like the rest of those humans!

(Humanoid Bill stops and looks at her angrily.)

Humanoid Bill: I am heartless Aerieus…this heart…that is in me…isn’t mine…I have nothing of my own…I am nothing…but a chunk of metal, like Michael says…I’m not real…I’m just something you made up!

Aerieus: You are more than that Bill…you are something…more than something…you are someone! A person…and you have me…I love you---

Humanoid Bill: Well I hate you!

Aerieus: (Begins to cry) You can’t hate me…I made you…you are supposed to love me…

Humanoid Bill: No…I was supposed to love Phoenix…right? Not you...

Aerieus: (bites her lip and still cries)

Humanoid Bill: How can I love someone who has taken everything from me---?

Aerieus: You don’t realize what you are saying Bill…I’ll forgive you…it’s just that filthy heart within you that makes you say these things…

Humanoid Bill: Well if it is the one making me say these things, than I am grateful---because I realize now, that I am able to hate…on such a great level you…and I hope that you die…just like me!

Aerieus: (snaps) Why are you saying such hurtful things Bill---?

Humanoid Bill: (points at himself) Because I am hurt Aerieus…can’t you see it? I had a life…I had family…and now…

(He sits down on the ground.)

Humanoid Bill: Maybe dying won’t be so bad…

Aerieus: I’m not going to let you die Bill…never…I’d die before you…I’d die for you---

(Humanoid Bill raises his hand to silence her.)

Humanoid Bill: Just be quiet Aerieus…just be quiet…

(Aerieus stares at him sadly.)

Aerieus: I promise you Bill…I’m going to fix everything…just you wait and see…
Humanoid Bill: (drops his head) There is nothing to fix…

(All of a sudden they hear the sound of gunshots ringing out. Humanoid Bill jumps up. A black Humvee is rushing toward them, and a black man who is dressed in army fatigues points a high powered rifle at them.)

Humanoid Bill: He’s going to run us over!!!!!

(The Humvee is 6 feet away from them, Humanoid Bill grabs Aerieus and they both dive to the ground. The Humvee circles them and barrels toward them. The man begins to shoot.)

(Aerieus and the Humanoid begin running.)

Man: DIE!!!!!

(Shots ring out.)