The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Eleven

(The Invisible One’s are riding down the street in their SUV. They are getting prepared for the kidnapping.)

Maika: It’s almost showtime girls…

Bryan: (types frantically on a computer) The wedding is starting, they are exchanging vows---

(Kirsty snatches the computer.)

Kirsty: Is that the Humanoid…? VA, VA, VA, Voom…he’s hot!!!
(All of the girls try to squeeze in to see.)

Miki: Hmm, he looks quite frightened doesn’t he?

Sasha: I’d be frightened marrying Phoenix, or anything that Aerieus has made…

On the Screen:

Phoenix: I am ready to accept you into my heart Bill…you mean everything to me…and I am glad…that we are going to be together forever…(she holds his hands.) Now say your vows…
Bill: (whispers) I don’t have any…
Phoenix: (chuckles nervously) What do you mean?
Bill: I didn’t know---
Phoenix: (aloud) Bill is speechless…because of his love for me…so we will just save his words of love for me later…and go on and seal our union with a kiss…
(She kisses Bill. Bill tenses up.)

Maika: (glances) Since they are married now…we have to bust up that honeymoon…
Miki: This has to be done discreetly, the Palace is covered with security…
Kirsty: Well handle them!
Bryan: Not to mention, there is always that possibility that the Humanoid would put up a resistance…
Sasha: He’s coming with us rather he wants to or not!
Bryan: (takes the computer back) Today is our lucky day…Phoenix has given her security the day off, due to her union, she says that “She wants privacy with her husband”…so we basically can walk in…however…there are hundreds of rooms in the Palace and they can be in either one…also…Phoenix…is a powerful humanoid…she would probably fight to the death for Bill…
Maika: Death…(chuckles) now that’s what I’m talking about---
Bryan: Maika…do not underestimate Phoenix---
Maika: She looks weak…
Bryan: She has an air of sweetness…but within…I fear that there is more…remember Aerieus made her--
Maika: Aerieus is dead!
Bryan: (sighs)
Sasha: (points) We are here…
(Charlotte looks up.)
Charlotte: (whispers) We must find the friend…
Miki: What Charlotte?
Charlotte: Find the friend…she can help us…
Miki: Who’s friend…
Charlotte: The friend of the former Crowned One…
Kirsty: She must be talking about Aerieus…
Charlotte: (nods) The friend will help you...but do not…harm…the bird from the Ashes…
Maika: She is talking about Phoenix…why can’t we harm her?
Charlotte: It isn’t your job, only her love can harm her.

Meanwhile in the Palace…

(Bill sits shirtless on the bed in Phoenix’s room.)

Bill: (gulps) Uh…I don’t think I’m quite ready for this…

(Phoenix comes out dressed seductively, and she hops on the bed.)

Phoenix: Whatever do you mean…? I mean, this is why we were created…(She kisses his cheek)

Bill: (jumps up quickly) I….I barely know you…

Phoenix: (pulls him back toward the bed) Of course you know me!!!! I’m your wife…and your mate…

Bill: (chuckles nervously) I thought that this was all a game…you know…a play or something…

Phoenix: There is no play going on Bill…this is real…me and you…we belong together…we are humanoid…like Aerieus made us to be…

Bill: I know that…but this doesn’t seem quite right…I mean…for us…to….you know…

Phoenix: Consumate our love…? It is right…! (She pulls him into the bed) Now enough of this hard to get! Let’s get this over with!!!!! (She kisses him roughly.)

Meanwhile in the throne room…

Ziana: (pacing) There is nothing that I can do to stop this…oh…they can’t…they can’t sleep together…Aerieus said!!!
(She falls to the floor.)
Ziana: Why did this happen? Why? (She stands to her feet) I know…it was because of them---(She frowns) They ruined my sister…

Flashback…(4 Years ago.)

(Aerieus’s parents place tons of books in front of little5 year old Aerieus, who plays happily with her teddy bear.)

Mother: It is time for your studies Aerieus…

Father: Yes…yes...(He opens it up) Today you are going to learn about quantam mechanics…

Aerieus: (looks sadly at her parents and then at the book) I’d rather not study…I want to play with Mr. Tickles…(She smiles as she hugs her teddy bear) I would like to have a tea party with him…

(Mother snatches the bear from Aerieus)

Mother: You are to be Queen! You haven’t time for silly bears----

(She throws the bear across the room. Aerieus begins to weep.)

Father: (pops her on the back of the head) Shut-up and read…you are not going to ruin our dream for us!

Aerieus: I am tired of reading father…can’t I not play with Ziana…

Mother: (snaps) Ziana…is a buffoon…she is slow…mentally insignificant compared to you…she would only bring you down to her level…
(Ziana, who is 14, and scribbles on paper in the corner looks up
Father: You need to only consort with intelligent people…Queens always consort with intelligent people…now read…

Aerieus: (looks sadly at Ziana, who in return gives a sad expression)
Mother: READ!!! And when return…this book had better be finished…
Father: Yes…
Aerieus: (alarmed) But its 400 pages long…I can’t finish it----
Mother: You will…or else…(She points at a strap hanging from a nail in the room)

(Aerieus cringes)

(The mother and father exit.)

(Ziana scrambles to where her sister is)
Aerieus: I hate them…

Ziana: I do too…you shouldn’t have to read this…

Aerieus: (sniffs) Why are they telling me what to do?

Ziana: They are tyrants!

Aerieus: I don’t want to read this book….

Ziana: Then don’t…

Aerieus: (She gets up and picks up her bear) I’m going to make them pay Ziana…pay for how they treat you and me…when I finish my idea…they’ll be history…

Ziana: What idea?

Aerieus: (grabs her sister by the hand) It’s a secret…but I’ll show you…
(She takes Ziana into a room, and pulls out three books that are in a chest. Two where black, and one was white.)

Ziana: What is that?

Aerieus: Its my diary…

Ziana: Oh…

Aerieus: I keep all of my secrets in it…all of my ideas…ideas that mother and father don’t even know about…

(She opens the book)

Ziana: Secrets? I love secrets…

Aerieus: (whispers) I know…these diaries are so special…So special that I gave them a name…

Ziana: What are their names?

Aerieus: Humanoid…

Ziana: Humanoid? Why that name…? It is quite odd…

Aerieus: Humanoid…is the name of my project…

Ziana: What project…?

Aerieus: The best project ever…Ziana…I’m going to make something very special…

Ziana: What? What are you going to make?

Aerieus: The people of my imagination…people that will be nice…and won’t call us names…people…who will listen to us…and do what we say…people who won’t be mean…to us like the world out there…everyone hates me…because of our parents…but my Humanoid’s…they won’t ever hate me…

Ziana: Ooooh….

Aerieus: And these…are my “Humanoid Diaries”…I am almost complete with my project…intwo years.…everything changes…this whole world will change…because I want it too…not because of our parents…And I’m going to put them…and everyone else in their places…when I rule this world Ziana…(chuckles) Everything changes…

Aerieus: (looks at the Diaries) Ziana…I want you to keep these safe…if something were to happen to me…these books belongs to you…in them…is the formula as to how to create my Humanoids…but as for this book…(She points to the white book) This book…isn’t to be opened…actually…it isn’t a part of my diary…however…it pertains to my diary…

Ziana: What is that?

Aerieus: Remember how parents had me learning about Nostradamus?
Ziana: Yes…
Aerieus: He predict things…he was extremely clairvoyant…

Ziana: I remember…
Aerieus: Well…this diary…or Prophecy…I should say…belongs to a man…that existed way before Nostradamus…(she stares deeply at the white book.) Zenith…I came across this book in the library…and I must say…that it gave me…many ideas…however…I am still confused at certain things in it…

Ziana: Why?

Aerieus: I don’t know…but Ziana…promise me…that you will protect these Diaries…and the Prophecy…never…I mean never…let them slip into the wrong hands…

Ziana: Cross my heart…and hope to die…I’ll protect them…

(Aerieus smiles.)

(She puts the books back into the chest and locks it.)

(They both jump when they hear the door to the next room open.)


Aerieus: (frightened) She is going to strike me! (She grips Ziana's hand tightly)

(Ziana holds tightly to Aerieus.)

Mother: You were supposed to be studying!

Ziana: Don’t worry Aerieus…it will be okay…I won’t let her hit you…
Mother: (angry-tone) You are being disobedient again…come out NOW!!!!

(The girls slowly come out of the room.)

Mother: (angry) I told you…there will be no play with Ziana…and Aerieus you disobey me…

Ziana: It was my fault mother…she wanted to study, but I forced her---

Mother: SHUT-UP!!

(Aerieus starts crying.)

Mother: (grabs Aerieus by the hair) CRYING iS FOR WEAKLINGS! (She slaps her) Shut-up or else your punishment will be worse…Ziana…get the strap…you both will suffer together…
(Ziana slowly grabs the strap off of the wall.)

Mother: If you both cry…the punishment will be worse…emotions…are futile…on your knees both of you…

(Ziana and Aerieus slowly obeyed. The Mother than begins beating them with the strap. Huge bruises and welts appear on the girls, and blood trickles down Aerieus’s head, as she is hit. Aerieus fights back tears, along with Ziana…they grab each other hands…Aerieus face change from pain to anger.)


End of Flashback

Back to the Present…

Ziana: They taught you to hate…she taught you to hate…(sniffs) And now look what you created to get back at heartaches for you...perhaps...the Light was merciful, and gave you rest in his kingdom...

Meanwhile outside in the Vehicle...

Maika: Come on! We’re wasting time!

(All of the girls pour out of the vehicle holding their weapons. The main doors to the throne room was open, they run it.)

Charlotte: (looks after them somber) They won’t make it in time…

Bryan: (looks up from his computer) What Charlotte?

Charlotte: What occurs is destiny…it is all apart of the cycle…it is the beginning of the end….

Bryan: The beginning of the end of what?

Charlotte: This world as we know it…we are at the dawn of the end of it all…(She looks at him) This goes beyond humans and humanoid…this deals with the spirtual realm…forces between evil and good…Light and the Dark…(She wrings her hands) Can’t you see it Bryan…? Technology will be used…in an ultimate battle…we are simply here to clean up before the major battle begins…what we are doing now…will be nothing compared to what is to come…I’ve seen it in my visions…we believe that Aerieus…and Phoenix were a threat to the survival of this world…but they merely are innocent compared to the final ruler to come…

Bryan: Charlotte…you are frightening me…

Charlotte: (looks off trancelike) He’s going to be cunning….intelligent…ambitious…and above all…he will convince millions to follow the darkened path…His only desire is to challenge the Light…and then…finally…the Light and the ruler will gather in a field…and fight the final fight…the war to end all wars…

Bryan: Charlotte…this is the final war…humans versus humanoids…
Charlotte: NO! This is not the final war….eventually…human…and humanoid…will have to unite…in order to overcome…


Bryan: (looks startled) Somethings wrong…

(He dials on his cellphone.)

Bryan: MAIKA! What’s going on!?

Maika: (on the phone) We shot someone…

Bryan: WHO!? WHO!? Humanoid?

Maika: I’m not sure, she was in the throne room, and when we came…she reached in her pocket…we thought that it was a gun…and Sasha shot her…

(You can hear struggling the background.)

In the Throne room…

Miki: (screaming) Oh sh—t! Guards!

Maika: Get her body!

Miki: (scoops up the womans body) Let’s get out of here…

(The group dives into the vehicle with the wounded woman and speed off with guards shooting at the vehicle.)

Kirsty: That was close… (She looks at the woman who is groaning in pain) Is she going to die?

Maika: (Checking the wound on the woman) No…luckily it went through and through….

Miki: (pulls out a little gadget and scans it over the woman) She’s a human…

Bryan: Who is she?

Charlotte: (Stares at the woman, who slowly opens her eyes and looks back at her.) Charlotte----?

Sasha: You know her Charlotte…?

Charlotte: (whispers) Hello Ziana…

Ziana: I thought that you were dead…

Charlotte: I lived…

Ziana: Where have you been so long?

Charlotte: I had to go…and discover the truth…I had to learn---
Ziana: (grimaces)

Charlotte: We will get you treated---

Ziana: But Phoenix---

(Charlotte places a hand over Ziana's mouth.)

Charlotte: We will talk of this later…first…we fix your wound…and then…we will talk…

(Ziana blacks out.)

(Everyone looks at Charlotte strangely.)

Maika: Something…strange is going on here…

Sasha: (nods) I agree…

(Charlotte just look straight ahead avoiding their eyecontact.)