The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Twelve

Meanwhile in the desert…

(Bill and Aerieus run quickly from the vehicle.)

Aerieus: (screaming) He’s going to kill us!

Humanoid Bill: (running)

(Aerieus trips over a rock. She falls)

Aerieus: (grabbing her ankle) Aarrrggggggghh…..

(Humanoid Bill stops and turns)

Aerieus: Forget me Bill! Let me die here! I deserve it…

Humanoid Bill: (frowns and then runs toward Aerieus and scoops her up) We have a purpose together…
(Aerieus smiles slightly)

(The SUV swerves in front of them blocking their path.)

(Humanoid Bill, as he holds Aerieus looks at the man in fear.)

(The man, steps out of the vehicle holding an automatic rifle.)

Aerieus: (Whispers) Oh no…

Humanoid Bill: Don’t shoot…

Man: (pointing the gun) What are you doing in this territory…?

Humanoid Bill: We were sent here…

Man: (Walks up to Humanoid Bill and looks at him) By whom?

Humanoid Bill: Michael…and Gabriel…

Aerieus: Angels…

Man: (chuckles) You have happened into my territory…and you are delusional…angels…Ha…

(The man then looks at Aerieus)

Man: And you…little girl…you look familiar…why?

Aerieus: I am Aerieus…Queen of New Babylon…

Man: (laughs harder) So you are…I knew that I recognized you---

Aerieus: I command you to leave us alone!

Man: (laughs) I Byron…take no orders from anyone especially a pissant child such as yourself…besides…in this territory…you are neither regarded…nor revered…we are not mindless that those fools you’ve made in New Babylon…

(Aerieus frowns)

Byron: Aerieus…however…we do…thank you for somethings…

Aerieus: Who is “we”?

Byron: “The Society”….

Humanoid Bill: “The Society”…

Byron: Yes…for you…have helped us dearly…with your wonderful…technology…

Aerieus: What are you speaking of?

Byron: (Pointing the gun at them and then at the SUV.) I’ll show you…before…I decided whether or not to kill you tresspassers. Get into the vehicle now, before I blow your brains out…

(Aerieus and Humanoid Bill shuffle into the vehicle. Byron gets in and starts up the engine. They speed off)

At that same time…

(Tom, Georg, and Gustav land in a small airport in South Africa.)

Georg: Where are we to look first?

Tom: Wherever the first city we come across with people, we’ll ask them…we’ll find him…I feel that we are close…

Gustav: (looks around the airstrip) This must not be used often, we are the only plane here…

Georg: I’m having a bad feeling about this guys…

Tom: Come on Georg…enough with the feelings…lets find Bill, and then get back home…

(They all file out of the plane.)

(As they step out, they notice a well dressed man, in a white suit. His blond hair seemed to glitter in the sun. He had a wide smile.)

Gustav: (whispers to Tom) Who is that?

Tom: I don’ t know…

Georg: Now I really have a bad feeling.

Man: Welcome to my airport… My name is Mr. Lou….CEPHER…

(He walks up to them shaking all of their hands.)

LOU CEPHER: I hope that you are here to have a great time…I know that I am…

(They all look at him strangely.)