The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Twelve Con'td


(Aerieus and the Humanoid look at each other confused.)

Aerieus: Where are you taking us to?

Byron: I wouldn't worry about that little Queen...besides...(He flashes a smile at her in the rear view) I can assure youu that it isnt anything like your New Babylone, however, I am sure that there are many people will have mucht to say and do to you when we arrive...

Humanoid Bill: Please, just let us go...we have somewhere to be, and very little time...

Byron: (chuckles) As if I would let you go! I'm sorry to tell you that that isn't an option for me...You are my prisoners now...

Aerieus: (Whispers to Bill) This isn't good....we have to escape somehow...

Humanoid Bill: (Whispers Back) I know I-----aaagggggghhhhh! (He grips his chest)

Aerieus: (concerned) What's wrong?

Humanoid Bill: (grimaces) The hurts...

Aerieus: (amazed) You can feel it...? You feel pain...

Humanoid Bill: (Nods quickly as he grips his chest, little tears form in the corners of his eyes.)

Aerieus: Amazing! I can't believe it!

Byron: What's going on back there?

Aerieus: Bill's heart must be fully aligning with your system Humanoid...this has only happened with two other humanoid systems I've created....but---

Humanoid Bill: ENOUGH TALKING AND MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!! This is torture....

Aerieus: Okay! Okay...I will have to shut you down for a moment, and check on the state of the heart...and then I will reboot you...

(Aerieus presses against Bill's chest, it opens revealing Bill's heart.)

Byron: (shocked) He is a humanoid? With a human heart? How can this be?

Aerieus: Once I push this button will be offline...

(Humanoid Bill grabs her arm.)

Humanoid Bill: (with a desperate look on his face) Make sure you bring me back!

Aerieus: I promise...I swear!

(She pushes a small silver button near the Heart, humanoid Bill's eyes film over, he goes deathly pale and stiffens...he dies.)

(Byron brings the SUV to an abrupt halt.)

Byron: Is he dead?

Aerieus: Only for right no0w...(She gently takes out the beating heart.) I see slight isn't fuctioning well inside of him, I have to get near proper equipment....and find a place to store this heart.

Byron: You made a humanoind fuction with a human heart?

Aerieus: Yes!

Byron: And you can bring the Humanoid back to life....?

Aerieus: Only through this heart....I didn't create him a regular humanoid heart...but put this inside him for the time being....I won't be able to bring him back until this heart is 100%! We still have to return it back to its original donor----

Byron: Donor?

Aerieus: (annoyed) Please sir! Help me!

Byron: (mutters to himself) Perhaps these two could benefit me----(He looks at Aerieus) Okay....I'll help you...but you will owe me big time...

(With that he pushes hard on the gas...and they speed through the desert.)

(Aerieus places Bill's heart back into the humanoid, and closes the chest cavity. She then grabs the Humanoid's hand.)

Aerieus: (a tear rolls down her face) I'll bring you won't die this are real...


(Tom, Georg, and Gustav stare at Lou Cepher, Lou Cepher continued smiling at them.)

Lou Cepher: So, Gentlemen...what brings you to my airport?

Tom: We are looking for someone...

Lou: Who? (He vontinued his eerie smile)

Tom: My brother....his name is Bill...

Lou Cepher: (eyes raise) Ah, yes...Bill...

Georg: Do you know him? Have you seen him?

Lou Cepher: (chuckles) Bill...

Gustav: Where is he?

Lou Cepher: I'm surprised that you dont know---

Tom: Know what?

Lou Cepher: This speak of...

Gustav: What are you saying?

Lou Cepher: Well, I was watching the news the other day...and...there was a Bill...getting married...

Tom: (sighs) let's go Georg and Gustav---he isn't talking about our Bill...

Lou Cepher: (aloud) And he had gotten married to the new Queen...Phoenix...

(Georg, Tom, and Gustav look at Lou in shock)

Georg: What!?

Gustav: No effin way!

Tom: (shakes his head)this can't be right...

Lou Cepher: I agree with you isn't right...however, it is all the same...

Georg: Are you speaking in riddles...?

Lou Cepher: why never sir....I think that I am quite easy to understand---

Tom: Why would Bill get married and not even tell us? We thought he had been in Africa this whole month...that stupid Phoenix---she has the hold on him---

Lou Cepher: (chuckles)

Georg: What is so funny?

Lou Cepher:Actually...Bill has been here the whole month---

Gustav: But you just said...that he had married Phoenix, so he must be in New Babylon...

Lou Cepher: Part of him is here...and part of him is there...but not all of him is anywhere...

Georg: There he goes speaking in riddles again---

Lou Cepher: The husband your brother is now---isn't the husband that should be---His heart is only numbers...but the real heart lies in the body of the unreal... dying to be real...

(The three boys look at Lou confused.)
Tom:I dont understand...

Lou Cepher: (smiles) Come with me...and all will be clear...

(With thst he walked off. Tom, Georg & Gustav follow behind him reluctantly at a distance.)