The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Thirteen

At Invisible Ones Headquarters...

(Ziana wakes up to Charlotte dressing her wounds.)

Ziana: Charlotte! I can't believe you are still alive---I thought you died...

Charlotte: Neither can I...but I am...

Ziana: I missed you...sister...

(Charlotte looked away.)

Charlotte: I am not your sister...I am simply a vessel...

Ziana: You are more than a vessel Charlotte...(she grabs her hand) You are are real...

Charlottechuckles) I am A Humanoid...with glitches---flaws...or so Aerius believed...

Ziana: You are more than that are a gift...a blessing even... Aerius was to preoccupied ro' notice that...

Charlotte: She threw me away...because...i had Feelings...

Ziana: (sighs) She regretted her later experiments...she tried to make others like you...but failed...

Charlotte: You know as well as i where my emotioms come from...(she placed her hand over her heart) This what majes me different...makes me less Humanoid...

ZianaNods) In you...our older sister lives on---you know---Charlotte the Originial...did not support Aerius's experiments...she would fight constantly with mom and dad over how they made Aerius a monster...She had tried endlessly to preserve what sliver Of innomcence Aerius vain...eventually the stress, and Of couse the "Flesh Harvesting" for the Humanoids...drove her mad...she committed suicide...because the pain the world endured through Aerius was to much for her to bare...Charlotte had always been inpacted by emotion---

Charlotte: That is tragic...I did not understand the whole story of my donor...

Ziana: When Charlotte died, Aerieus was driven more...she wanted to bring her back...

Charlotte: (looks off) So much for that...I wasn't good enough...nor perfect...

Ziana: You are perfect in your own right Charlotte---Aerius just had to realize that the Creation of Life belongs to the Light...Charlotte is in the Heaven now...and you...have your life to live...

Charlotte: An uncertain life Ziana...i am in danger---i sense it...

Ziana: (concerned)*

Charlotte: "He" is still alive Ziana! (fearful tone) "He" is near...

Ziana: (shocked) No! "He" cant be...

Charlotte: (nods) I'm afraid that "he" is...before i met these humans...i wandered...and one day...he showed up...and tried to kill me...and take the data regarding "Humanoid"---

Ziana: (gasps) Did he succeed?

Charlotte: He managed to extract some knowledge...He knows about the saviors...and who they are...

Ziana: oh no!

Charlotte: He wants New Babylon...he wants this world...

Ziana: (sigh)

Charlotte: Luckily for human comrades saved me---

Ziana: Speaking of they know what you are?

(Charlotte shakes her head no.)

Charlotte: They would certainly kill me---assuming that I am a spy...they harbor...hatred against my kind...

Ziana: So they know nothing...about---

Charlotte: "Do they know about me being The Diaries---? The key to everything? The heart of New Babylon..." No. I didn't tell them that---they would kill me as I've said.

Ziana: You don't trust them with your secret...?

Charlotte: Some but not all...I need all of them...Humanoids are the Source of their hate...their families were killed by the dark family killed their an sense i feel responsible...because their families lives were sacrificed to preserve mine---the city....

Ziana: So not blame yourself... Aerius is the one truly responsible...she made you who you aré...

Charlotte: (chuckles slightly) Aerius failed to make me who im not---human---sometimes i wish to be human in order to understand them *emotions aré limited and to some extent...the humans im with percieve me as being fake...a robot...

Ziana: (sighs)

Charlotte: Nevertheless...I know a few a things...Lou is alive and more dangerous than ever...We need to find the Saviors...and---

Ziana: One of the Saviors is with Phoenix...he has a humanoid heart, but is clearly Human--/

Charlotte: As I've seen...and his Humanoid I assume has the real heart---

Ziana: Yes, but I'm not sure if he still lives...

Charlotte: We must find him...

Ziana: I agree...but I'm afraid that we have a much bigger problem...Phoenix by now has conssumated the marraige with the human Bill...

Charlotte: (face goes pale) a great sin...
We are in even grave danger...

Ziana: May the Light have mercy...