The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Sixteen


(Bill sits on the throne in the throne room)

Bill: (thinking) Ziana---where are's been two weeks...
(A servant rushes in)

Servant: Your Highness---

Bill: What is it---and where is My wife....?

Servant: I'm afraid she is I'll sir---the doctors are still dealing
with her...

Bill: Why can't I see her!?

Servant: Queen Phoenix has instructed us not to allow you...she isn't
at her best...

Bill: I don't understand---did she eat something bad...?

Servant: (mutters) You could say that!

Bill: What!?

Servant: Nothing sire...

Bill: I want to see her---she's my wife---Im entitled---I mean, I
haven't seen her since---our honeymoon (smiles slightly) then she
rushed me out after...

(Servant clears his throat.)

Bill: (sighs)

Servant: On lighter note...we discovered the headquarters of the
renegades who kidnapped Ziana...

Bill: (face brightens) You did!?
(claps) Great news...

Servant: They are a group of Humanoid assasins...called the "Invisible

Bill: Humanoid Assasins? How could that be...I'm humanoid and I
certainly wouldn't want to be assasinated!

Servant: We will protect you---we have been survelling their
headquarters... We are prepared to attack on your command...

Bill: As King...and as Humanoid...I have the responsibility of
protecting New Babylon from uprisins such as these
humans...even in their New found freedom decides to usurp...the
authority given---fine! Perhaps freedom for them is too
gracious...after reading notes written by my former creator Aerius...I
see now, why she enslaved them...(chuckles) and to think I mistakes
myself as one of this moment I proclaim a new
law...called Aerius' Her honor...Let it be announced from
this day forward...every human living in New Babylon will continue
work in the Factories...

Servant: (eyes raise)

Bill: They will resume work on Humanoids...perhaps the work will keep
them busy---busy from making stupid for the
Invisible Ones...(smirks) Well I'll handle them myself...(He laughs

Servant: (shudders) And what if the other humans refuse...? Refuse to
do tge work...

Bill: (callously) They die...I mean, that's how my creator Aerius
ruled...I'll honor her by patterning her style...

Servant: But Sir---she was considered cruel by the humans...

Bill: She was perfect---I realize that now...I curse the days I cursed
her...! Humans are filth....

Servant: But are---

Bill: (leans forward) Im what---!?

Servant: (Lips Tremble) are King...

(Bill smiles in contentment)