The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter One: Bill And Aerieus


(Setting: The Tree of Life. Bill and Aerieus stand around in silence.)

Humanoid Bill: Why did you do this Aerieus…why did you make me?

Aerieus: It’s complicated really…

Humanoid Bill: I wish that I were never made…

Aerieus: Don’t say such a thing…you should be glad to be in existence…

Humanoid Bill: All that I am…my life…all these memories I have…have been fabricated by you…! I have nothing of my own that is authentic…! I thought that I was something…only to end up being nothing…just a copy of the real thing…

Aerieus: (drops her head) Perhaps…I have done wrong by you…

Humanoid Bill: (looks at her)

Aerieus: I didn’t think about the possibility of you discovering your true identity…I planned…to destroy your human counterpart immediately, but…something prevented it----

Humanoid Bill: What?

Aerieus: My death.

Humanoid Bill: (looks at her) Why?

Aerieus: Because he wasn’t you

Humanoid Bill: I do not understand.

Aerieus: He was the perfect specimen needed to create you…he had everything…the looks…the attitude…and a determined will…all these would contribute to your perfection.

Humanoid Bill: (chuckles sarcastically) Hmm…my perfection…wow…I’m flattered.

Aerieus: You should not take what I’ve said lightly…After he donated to your being…he had no purpose…

Humanoid Bill: (snaps) Apparently he did! The Light seems to love him…and what of me…? I’m a lousy copy with no future…!

Aerieus: You’ll never be that in my eyes…

]Humanoid Bill: Who are you!? Huh? You aren’t anything Aerieus! You are doomed like me! Cursed! Dead! And the kingdom you struggled to build…has slipped out of your hands…into someone else’s---

Aerieus: (snaps) SILENCE!!!

Humanoid Bill: I should know that you would not want to hear the truth… (He looks off) I, myself…didn’t want to hear the truth…(He places his hand over his heart) My heart…isn’t even mine…it belongs to someone else…the life I thought I had…my friends…my brother…(Eyes water) My brother…I just thought about it just now…Tom doesn’t belong to me…I have no brother.

(He falls to his knees covering his face.)

Humanoid Bill: I truly am alone.

(Aerieus places her hand on his shoulder.)

Aerieus: I’m sorry. I didn’t expect you to have an emotional connection with anyone…besides her---

( Humanoid Bill looks at her.)

Humanoid Bill: Who is “her”?

Aerieus: Phoenix…

Humanoid Bill: What does she have to do with me…?

Aerieus: I created her also.

Humanoid Bill: You WHAT?

(Aerieus walks off a few feet.)

Aerieus: You needed a mate…like…The first man…and first woman…in the Light’s Original Garden.

Humanoid Bill: A mate?

Aerieus: I had to make two of you…I needed you both---

Humanoid Bill: For what?

Aerieus: To love…to love me.

(Bill’s face goes perplexed.)

[COLOR="lightblue"] Humanoid Bill: To love you? That makes no sense…

Aerieus: I know…but…that was my reason…I will have to explain what I mean…at a later time…

Humanoid Bill: (shakes his head) You are a piece of work Aerieus…look at the mess you’ve made!

Aerieus: I did not see at as mess at the time...I looked to it as a technological scientific advancement…

Humanoid Bill: “A technological scientific advancement”! Listen to yourself…you have no intelligence!

Aerieus: (gasps)

Humanoid Bill: You have turned the human condition…into a science experiment…you didn’t even stop to realize the damage you were doing to everyone involved. For every action there is consequence…! Look what you created me for? Only to lose my life…to someone that it belongs to…?

Aerieus: I don’t know what to say…

Humanoid Bill: (shakes his head) I had to come to this Tree…to figure all of this out…to be stuck here with you!

Aerieus: I didn’t want to be here either! Under these circumstances…but we’re here…

Humanoid Bill: (sighs)

Aerieus: All I know…is that we have to work together…I know that you don’t want to…but that is what it is…I have to get you back to New Babylon…to save the world…and I have to get you back to your donor…before he dies…

Humanoid Bill: Why do you all of a sudden care about him now…?

Aerieus: After what I’ve seen before coming here…The Flames…Hell…is not a place I would like to go anytime soon…I’ve shed much blood…and never cared before…but it appears…that Bill’s…is more different than the others. His blood is worth more.

Humanoid Bill: I do not want to see him…

Aerieus: Why not? You were given your orders…

Humanoid Bill: Because when I see him…I can exist no longer…I just don’t want to let go of this life…