The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Two: Phoenix and Bill.

(Setting: Throne room in the Palace of New Babylon. Phoenix holds on tightly to the teddy bear that belonged previously to Aerieus. She presses up to her nose and inhales deeply.)

Phoenix: Bill…

(She then looks at the bear.)

Phoenix: Where are you? Where did that cretin hide you?

(She hugs the bear.)

Phoenix: I have become all that she wanted…yet…I am without you…

(She presses the bear against her face. Her eyes widen as a small ticking sound emerges from the bear.)

Phoenix: What is this?

(She unzips the back of the bear, removing all of the stuffing. She digs around until she pulls out this tiny black box. Green numbers raced rapidly on the face of the little box.)

Phoenix: A timer?

(She throws the flattened bear on the ground.)

Phoenix: (whispered) What were you up to Aerieus…? What is this?

(The box began to light up…and a light blue ray…pointed to a wall on the far side of the throne room. Phoenix cautiously made her way toward the wall.)

Phoenix: What is this?

(She presses her hands against the wall, and an unseen door appears.)

Phoenix: (laughs) Her lab…it was here all along…

(She pushes the door open. And walks into the dark place. )

Phoenix: My birthplace…yes…I remember it vaguely…

(The lab is filled with various tables of rotting female corpses. Phoenix covers her nose.)

Phoenix: Disgusting…

(She walks through the lab. She stops suddenly when she notices a gigantic water filled chamber. In the chamber, a woman…who looked identical to Phoenix…floated scarcely clothed…wires jutting from various places of her body. Her eyes were opened and stared glassily ahead to the outside. Phoenix walked up to the chamber.)

Phoenix: (breathed) My donor… (Smiles) How lovely…Aerieus keeps you alive…what was your name? Ah…yes Stephani…(chuckles) I should thank you…for what you’ve given me…you’ve given me a chance…a life…power…rule…and the tools to remain in power…I owe you everything—However…

(Phoenix makes her way toward a gigantic plug that kept the machine running.)

Phoenix: There can’t be two of us in this world…it would cause confusion…and we can’t be having that…can we?

(She wraps her hand around the plug.)

Phoenix: Aerieus neglected to finish the job with you…so I’ll do it…farewell…and I’m sure there is a place for you in the Other World…but not in this world…for this world belongs to me!

(She jerks the plug out of the outlet. There was a loud pop…and the machine began to shutdown…the water began to drain out of the chamber, and the body of the woman fell violently to the bottom of the chamber…the wires ripped away from the skin, leaving gigantic holes in the skin. The cardio logical machine…keeps track of the heart of the body…flatlined…)

(Phoenix laughed evilly.)

Phoenix: (dusts her hands) Now that that is handled...on to bigger and better things…

(She shuffles to various cabinets pulling out folder after folder.)

Phoenix: A busy bee you were Aerieus, my love. Look at all of the pretty experiments you made…look…(She holds a piece of paper in front of her face.) The plans…you made for my beloved Bill…I must admit…that you made a wonderful choice…I knew that he was right for me…from the beginning when I first met him…and you…like a doting mother…gave me everything I wished for…Well…not everything…because he isn’t with me…Where is he? Makes me think you hid him from me…

(She begins to look around the lab again…Her attention is drawn to another door in the core of the lab.)

Phoenix: Another door.

(She turns the knob.)

(She walks into the room. Her eyes brighten and a huge smile surfaces across her face.)

Phoenix: My…my…my…Aerieus…you have outdone yourself this time…

(A glass box sat in the middle of the room. A light from the ceiling radiated it. Inside…was Bill. His eyes were close, as if in a deep sleep. His skin was pale…but there was a beauty about him. Roses surrounded his body, his hands were crossed over his chest. Phoenix rushed to the box. )

Phoenix: (eyes water) Bill? I’ve found you...(she strokes the glass) She didn’t even take the time to power you up…Humanoids need power to live…

(She opens the glass box…she strokes his face.)

Phoenix: You look so realistic…almost more than I…it is amazing that you are humanoid …
(She runs her fingers through his hair.)

Phoenix: To think…that you belong to me…is a dream almost…

(She leans her face down into the box and presses her lips against Bill’s. Her eyes widen. She jumps back up quickly.)

Phoenix: You are warm also…! Aerieus spared no detail with you did she? Giving you the ability to radiate heat…as flesh would normally. I am always cold…she took time with you…(Smiles) I have to get you to wake up now, my love…my sweet prince…my sleeping beauty----
(She sits Bill’s body up.)

(She hugs it, an electrical charge surfaces from her body.)

Phoenix: You are all mine and no one else’s…
(Bill’s eyes open.)

Bill: (Whispers) Phoenix?

Phoenix: Always mine…