The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Three: Humanoid Bill & Aerieus

(Aerieus stares at her feet.)

Aerieus: Perhaps…I have made a mistake…

 Humanoid Bill: (looks at her and then away.) I am the mistake…

Aerieus: Well…we must correct…wrongs…as we were instructed…

 Humanoid Bill: Wrongs! I never asked for such a life…I just wanted to be free…with my brother…my friends…I wanted to do good for the world…or so I thought…that is what I wanted…but my thoughts…aren’t my thoughts after all…they are “his”…the real me…

Aerieus: Bill…you are bringing me down with such talk…it matters not if you are human…you are REAL…you are reality…you’re here…walking…moving…breathing and functioning as any living being on this world…forget that you do not have flesh…you were a fantasy of mine…made reality…

Humanoid Bill: A fantasy? I am a nightmare…I don’t deserve to live…I shouldn’t live----

(A bright light appears before Aerieus and Humanoid Bill. They both shield their eyes.)Aerieus: What?

(From the Light emerged two males. One of the males was dressed in all white and grasped a golden trumpet. Light radiated from his blonde hair, and whipped wildly against his pale skin, a smile was across his face. The other, who was dressed in all black, grasped a gigantic sword. He had a more serious expression on his face. Light surrounded him also, and his hair was coal black, aside from a red fiery streak. They stare at Aerieus and the Humanoid.)

Humanoid Bill: Who are you?
Aerieus: (holds Bill’s arm tightly) Yes…w-w-who are you?

Blonde Man: We are messengers from the Light…

Dark-Haired Man: Bow in the presence of the Light!

(A huge wind hit Aerieus and Bill forcing them to their knees.)

Aerieus: (Struggles to stand to her feet, but fails) I…I can’t get up…

Humanoid Bill: I can’t either…

(The wind ceases.)

Blonde Man: My name is Gabriel…and this…(points to the other) Is Michael, and we are representatives of the eternal Light. We have come to deliver you a message.

Aerieus: Why must we listen to you---

(Michael, points the long sword at her throat.)

Michael: I would be silent, if I were you transgressor…you have caused enough trouble, to be cast into the lake of the Flames…you will listen to this message and behave accordingly…if you refuse…I will give you the taste of death.

Aerieus: (gulps)

Humanoid Bill: (mutters) I wouldn’t mind dying if I could…

Gabriel: (to Humanoid) You are the False Human…(shakes his head) The abominable creations, that men come up with…which is so sad…you appear so innocent, yet…you were made by the hands of someone so sinful…

Aerieus: Bill isn’t abominable…he’s a person!

Michael: A fake…a meer…hunk of metal…stealing the life from his original self…this can no longer continue.

Gabriel: (Nods) Aerieus…your job…is to destroy the evil that you’ve created...Phoenix…she is unlike any iniquity that has surfaced upon this world.

Michael: A harlot.

Gabriel: She is warping the minds of the few humans…Michael: And denounces the Light…as you programmed her to do.

Aerieus: I can’t destroy her…I…I can’t…

Gabriel: You refuse to obey…?

Aerieus: I made her…

Michael: That matters not…what you made was a sin…sins must be wiped away…

Aerieus: Who says that Phoenix and Bill are sins?

Michael: One greater than you…that sees and knows all things…and one day…He will come…and make the world clean again…

Humanoid Bill: The Savior?

Gabriel: Yes…the True Savior of all…

Michael: But His way must be prepared…do not be fooled, the Light knew that such filth would contaminate the world…he knew that men’s mind would try to compete with His own’s creating their own destruction…

Gabriel: The Light knows everything….

Humanoid Bill: Why didn’t He stop it then…?

Michael: Who are you to question? You aren’t even real.

Humanoid Bill: I may not be real, but while I lived an existence of reality…I remember the things that I saw…people dying…slavery of the human race. It was suffering, and wrong.

(Gabriel and Michael look at each other.)

Gabriel: How do you know right from wrong?

Humanoid Bill: (drops his head) I do not know now…I thought I knew once…but I am not even myself---- (he looks at them) Why would the Light allow it?

Gabriel: He allowed it because…He wants purposes completed…He is a God of His Word…he put certain people here…to do certain works…and then He takes them away…In the end, when He returns to the World…He will demonstrate His Power, and for a final time…many will hold salvation…

Humanoid Bill: Salvation?

Michael: A gift to the worthy few…an eternal mercy…and then…they will dwell with the Light forever…in a paradise…that no one has seen…

Humanoid Bill: A paradise…?

Aerieus: What does this have to do with Phoenix…or us!?

Michael: Phoenix is the Great *****, mentioned in The Book…of the Revealings…she must fall again…

Gabriel: After she falls…there will be a Final Battle…between Good and Evil…

Michael: Phoenix…is the Lesser Evil…so she must fall first, to make the way…for the Main Evil…

Aerieus: Who is that?

Gabriel: One of the Fallen Angels…of the Light…once beloved by the Light…but now…the Enemy of the Light…

Aerieus: And his name?

Michael: You do not know the name of your master? He has led you all of this time Aerieus…?

Aerieus: Who is this Main Evil?

Gabriel: Lucifer.

Humanoid Bill: Lucifer…

Gabriel: There is none hated more than him…

Michael: He hates the Light…because He cannot be the Light…

Gabriel: He is the only being…that cannot be forgiven by the Light.

Michael: You have a better chance at being forgiven by the Light, than him Humanoid.

Humanoid Bill: (stares wide-eyed) 

Aerieus: So the Light…will fight…Lucifer.

Gabriel: So it is written.

Michael: The final war…Armaggedon.

Humanoid Bill: Armageddon?

Michael: The battle that will end all battles…

Aerieus: (looks at Bill and then at the angels)

Michael: In the end Lucifer will bow before Our Light

Gabriel: (Closes his eyes and puts his hands in a prayer position) Let it be so…Amen.

Michael: However Humanoid, our Light is kind to you...for you must accomplish a task...

(Humanoid Bill looks at him.)