The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Four-Phoenix and the "Real Bill"


(Bill breaks from the embrace.)

Bill: Phoenix…what is going on?

Phoenix: You are here now Bill…and you are alive…for me.

Bill: W-w-what?

Phoenix: You’re a humanoid…created by Aerieus…(chuckles) For my pleasure!

(She reaches for a strand of his hair.)

Bill: (leans from her touch) What are you talking about? What is this madness?

Phoenix: (grabs his hands) I just can’t get over the fact of how real you seem…how “human”…

Bill: That’s because I am human….(Looking around) And where am I? What is this place?

Phoenix: (looks at him deeply) It is our womb love…our birthplace…
Bill: (chuckles nervously) Uh…seriously Phoenix…enough with the weird talk…where is Tom, Georg----Gustav?

Phoenix: (frowns) She programmed you with memories of them----? Odd…(shakes her head) Never mind where they are at…what matters is where we are…together…

(She grabs his arm)
(Bill pulls his arm from her.)

Bill: Why are you all over me---where is my brother!?

Phoenix: (frowns an dturns her back to him) She programmed him also to play hard to get---that *****!

Bill: Why are you talking to yourself? And why haven’t you answered my question?

Phoenix: (turns to him) Why must you ask me questions…? It does not matter where they are…because they wouldn’t want you to find them anyways---

Bill: (confused) What?

Phoenix: Tom, Georg and Gustav, I’m sure would want to be as far away from you as possible…because of what you are…

Bill: I do not understand exactly what you mean.

Phoenix: How can you not? Aerieus has put it within you…in your system…your memory…

Bill: My system…my memory? What has she done to me?

Phoenix: She has given you life! Eternal life!

Bill: What?

Phoenix: You are humanoid---

Bill: (Stammers) Humanoid…w-what? No…I’m…I’m human…

Phoenix: Really now…? I’ll prove it to you…

Bill: Huh!?

(Phoenix slowly unbuttons his shirt.)

Bill: Hey! Hey! What are you doing---?

Phoenix: I have to prove it to you…

Bill: (moves away from her) You don’t have to prove anything to me…I know what I am…

Phoenix: Obviously you do not Bill…you are a Humanoid like myself---
Bill: How are you Humanoid…?

Phoenix: I’ll show you…

(She pushes one of the palms of her hands to her chest…a blue light radiates, and her chest cavity opens revealing a battery with numbers.)
(Bill’s eyes widen.)

Phoenix: You see…?

Bill: Aerieus…she made you…

Phoenix: (nods) She’s my mother…everything to me…or so she was…

Bill: “Was”…?

Phoenix: She’s dead now…

Bill: How---?

Phoenix: (looks away from him) That doesn’t matter…(she looks at him again) What matters is…that we are here…we are Humanoid…and we can love…

(She closes her chest cavity.)

Bill: Phoenix…I just want to find my brother and friends…and I want to leave this place…can you show me the way out of here…This is way too creepy…

Phoenix: The way out of here is through your heart!

(She pushes her hand against his chest, a pink light similar to what had shown on her chest. Bill’s eyes widen…when his chest cavity opened…a smaller battery illuminated.)

Bill: What in the h----

At that same time in Germany…

(Tom, Georg, and Gustav stand outside in the empty street in front of the remnants of their neighborhood.)

Tom: Bill has been gone for a long time...

Gustav: Its two weeks now…I don’t even get why he had to go to Africa.
Georg: He mentioned something about a phone-call…some voice…and then basically took off.

Tom: (sits on the curb) Everything that has happened to us has really torn into him…I really believe that he is mentally ill…

Gustav: Aren’t we all to some extent…I mean everything we’ve been through has been traumatic…

Georg: (sighs) So what are we going to do? Find him?

Tom: We have no choice…if something happened to him…I wouldn’t know what to do…

Gustav: Don’t think the worse Tom…

Georg: (stretches and yawns) So we’re off to Africa…

Tom: Let’s go…

Back at the Palace…

Bill: Where is my heart?

Phoenix: There it is…there is where it has been all along…

Bill: (disbelief) No…no…this is just a bad dream…I’ll wake up…and this will be over…

Phoenix: This is no dream…you are what you are…

Bill: (whispers) Humanoid?...but I thought that I was real…

Phoenix: Aerieus made you to believe that you were…as she makes me believe that I am…and I am…because I have the faith and the acceptance to believe that I am…

Bill: (gulps) This can’t be…I’m humanoid? I am supposed to be the savior…I was supposed to save humans from the humanoids…and now I see that I’m humanoid…

Phoenix: You speak as if you are saddened…You should be happy to be what you are Bill…

Bill: (slowly closes his chest cavity) I am not happy…

(Phoenix looks at him surprised.)

Phoenix: You are not supposed to be unhappy…(she walks up to him and places both of her hands on his shoulders) Aerieus, made you special…I automatically accepted being a humanoid…but you…you are hesitant…it is odd…but I suppose there was some purpose why she made you this way.

Bill: I can’t believe that I’m humanoid…even though I see that I am…

Phoenix: Well…you’ll learn to believe it…and I’ll help you…you and I are the last ones of our kind on this Earth…we will always have each other…always…and forever…

(She then places her head on his chest.)

Phoenix: I’m going to take care of you Bill…you don’t need anyone other than me…

(Bill just looks blankly in space, a tear slides down his cheek.)

Bill: I’m not even real…

(His teardrop lands on the floor.)