The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Five: Humanoid Bill & Purpose.

Humanoid Bill: What task?

Michael: You must destroy what your creator has built…

Aerieus: Do you speak of Babylon…certainly Bill wouldn’t do a thing like that!

Michael: (raises his hand to silence her) This has nothing…to do with you…
(Aerieus takes a step back.)

Humanoid Bill: Destroy Babylon

Michael: More than destroy…decimate…and most of all…rid the world of that *****…Phoenix

(Aerieus eyes widen.)

Aerieus: Why must Phoenix die?

Michael: She is evil…and she must be removed…and only this Humanoid…is responsible to get rid of her…

Humanoid Bill: Why am I the one who has to do these things…first I find out I am a savior, then it turns out that I am not, then you tell that I am not…and now you are making me go and destroy a city?

Michael: You will do it.

Humanoid Bill: I haven’t a choice…?
Michael: None…
Humanoid Bill: I destroy the city…and then what?
Michael: You die…
Aerieus: (gasps)

Michael: You weren’t meant to be…you are to give your heart…back to the Original…and fade into nothingness…

Aerieus: That is cruel! Nothingness! Bill is something!

Michael: To you…he is something…but he even realizes now…that he is simply artificial…living on the borrowed time of a legitimate human bieng created by the Light! Him fading into nothingness…is more merciful, then being in the Pit…don’t you think Aerieus?

Aerieus: (lips quiver) The Pit…

Michael: At least he will have some type of purpose…and can say in the end…that the Light used him, as a tool…for the Kingdom to come…
Gabriel: Amen!

Humanoid Bill: (touches his chest) To come all this way, only to find…that I was never what I thought I was…

Gabriel: (to Humanoid) You will always be…what you believe you are…
Humanoid Bill: Huh?

Gabriel: Do not let Michael discourage you Bill…although…you aren’t as real as they come…You believed that you were…and thus acting accordingly…so in some essence you are real…and even now…you are going to be used for a far greater purpose…than Aerieus has imagined…! Not for evil, but for the good of humanity!

Michael: (crosses his arms) Hmmph…

Gabriel: So there is some hope in this…yes, you are going to die…but the way you are going to die…is much honourable! You died…for Life! For the Everlasting Life! The Everlasting Light!!!! You were intended to be an instrument of death…but you will…make a way!

Michael: is time that we leave this place…the time is at hand…
(Gabriel nods.)

(A giant light shines before them, in tge midst of the light there is a door)

Michael: This door will lead you where you need to be...

Humanoid Bill: Where is that at?

Michael: Anywhere but here...

Gabriel: (Smiles) I wouldn't worry are in the Lights Hands...

Humanoid Bill: Why don't I find comfort in that?*

Gabriel: you've lost heart---

Michael: (interrupts)
Our time with you ends here...Aerius will accompany you on your journey...

Aerius: (exasperated) You can't possibly expect me to destroy what ive built with my own hands! Your Light is going to use my Humaniod for that purpose! For what? Filthy humans who don't give a **** about this world! Who destroyed it in the first place, but Humanoids like Bill, who actually cherished life, must be thrown away? That is unfair---

Michael: unfair you say? You caused this life for him. You stole another persons heart, inserted it into this machine, and cococted a lie, that he would believe! You gave him life, only for him to die in the end...You are his god...and you have sealed his fate.

(The door swings open)

(Gabriel sounds his trumpet)

Michael: The journey to Babylon will prove difficult for you Humanoid...but it must be accomplished. Walk through the door.

(Humanoid Bill walks through the door, Aerieus quickly follows, the light fades, and the door disappears)*

(Michael and Gabriel look at eachother)

Gabriel: I almost feel sorry for the Humanoid.

Michael: (nods)