The Humanoid Diaries: The War

Chapter Six: Phoenix, Bill & Wedding

Phoenix: I would cheer up if I were you Bill…(Smiles) All of your wishes will come true in this place! Babylon is wonderful…and now that Aerieus is dead…WE can fitfully rule this place…

Bill: Rule?

Phoenix: I am Queen, and you are King! Babylon is ours…

Bill: Me a King?

Phoenix: You were destined for it…I just knew it…

Bill: I can’t be a king…I don’t want to be a king…I just…I just want to be real!

Phoenix: What you want…and what can be done…are two different things Bill! You…are humanoid…always have been…

Bill: Its just hard for me to believe…and now I find out…I’m King!

Phoenix: (grabs his hands) We must get on with day Love, we must address our servants soon---I am eager to introduce you to the world!

Bill: Phoenix I-----

(A young woman runs in with a stressed look on her face.)

Phoenix: What are you doing running in here!

Young Woman: (bows) I am sorry your Majesty! But I have come to say that there a group of people gathered in the Throne Room…they demand to see you…

Phoenix: (sighs) I was in the middle of something---

Young Woman: They appear as if they may riot!

Phoenix: Arrggghhh….(She looks at Bill) I will have to handle this matter, I’m new to this ruling thing…and they are already hounding me…no wonder Mother…killed them for so long---

Bill: (looks at her shocked)

Phoenix: (to the Young Woman) Take him…and get him prepared….we will make an announcement in three hours….

Young Woman: (bows) Aye Ma’am…

Phoenix: (begins to walk out, stops, turns and blows Bill a kiss) I will see you later, my love…

Bill: (gulps)

(She shuts the door behind her. The young woman looks at her feet awkwardly)

Bill: You can look up….if you want…

Young Woman: (nervous) Oh…oh…sorry…Your Highness…

Bill: I’m not anyone’s “Highness”…I don’t even know why I am here…

Young Woman: You are to be Phoenix’s husband…

Bill: (stammers) H-h-husband!?

Young Woman: Yes! The announcement will be of such, you are her love…her husband…

Bill: Oh no! Oh no, no, no! I must be in a nightmare--- (He covers his face and falls to his knees)

Young Woman: Why are you acting so strangely----? You should be happy…

Bill: For what? My whole life is a lie!

Young Woman: (looks at him oddly) A lie? What do you mean?

Bill: I just found out that I am a humanoid…

Young Woman: So? You and Phoenix are both humanoid….

Bill: I thought that I was a human----

Young Woman: Why would you think that? I mean, you should already know who you are…Aerieus…made you that way---

Bill: But---But---how do you Aerieus?

Young Woman: I was one of her servants…(she looks down sadly) My name is Ziana…

Bill: I see…

Ziana: I was here…when she created you…

Bill: You were…

Ziana: (nods) Yes…and it was the proudest day of her life, when you came to life…she loved everything about you…you and Phoenix…she tried to make you as perfect as possible…and when you were born…she wanted to have a world to give you both…

Bill: (eyes water)

Ziana: (sighs) We must go now…and get you ready…(she grabs his hand) Time is passing us by…

Bill: (obediently follows)