Somewhere Out There

Find the Answers

I found my eyes growing tired after that small moment of ectasy. I watched as Hatter's glazed over eyes met mine with a small smile on his face. I reached up to brush some hair back from his face as I smiled back at him. Despite the lack of clothing, it was warm where we laid in this secret spot where it felt like time stood still.

"See, no breaking heart," I smiled as he leant on his elbows to look at me.
"Maybe I should listen to you more often."
"Duh," I rolled my eyes as Hatter moved to the side of me to keep me warm.

My eyes wanted to fall asleep but something was bringing me back. A sound, a distant sound, one that wasn't even close to us. My eyes snapped open as my mind made a connection to what as going on.

"Charlie!" I sat up as Hatter sat up with me.
"What?" Hatter asked looking at me.
"Charlie's in trouble," I tried to clear my head of the sound of a fight or something but they wouldn't go.
"What are you talking about?" He asked as he slowly touched my shoulder.
"I don't know," I looked at him, "But we should go back, make sure he's ok."
"Alright," He sighed as he handed me my missing clothes, "Get dressed princess."

I quickly pulled my clothes on as I watched as Hatter got re-dressed then fixed his hat to look at me. He held out his hand as we walked back to camp together.

"Charlie?" I called out seeing as he wasn't answering, "Charlie?"
"Maybe he's a sound sleeper?" Hatter shrugged.
"Charlie, seriously?"
"You're right," Hatter rolled his eyes as he looked around, "Charlie!"
"Hatter, I'm worried," I looked at him.
"I'm sure he's fine," Hatter walked over to me as his hands ran down my arms as I nodded.

"Hello sister," I heard from the side as I turned to see Jack standing there.
"Jack?" I looked at him.
"Am I interupting something?" Jack questioned as Hatter moved away from me.
"Where's Charlie?"
"A bit tied up at the moment," He walked closer to us as I crossed my arms.
"What are you doing here?" Hatter asked as he looked at him.
"You sent for me," Jack looked at Hatter as Hatter gave him a strange look.
"Sent for you?" Hatter questioned, "You almost got her killed. Why would I send for you?"
"He's got a point," I agreed as I looked at him.
"You're working for your mother aren't you?"
"No," He rolled his eyes, "I'm the agent that's here to take you to Catepillar."
"What?" I asked as I looked at Jack then Hatter.
"I'm an insider on the resistance," Jack looked down then back at us, "I have been for a while."
"You're lying," Hatter defended as he pushed me behind him a bit.
"You did your part Hatter," He nodded at him, "Now let me take my sister to Catepillar."
"No," I looked at him, "I'm not going with you."
"Alex," Jack sighed, "You want answers, answers that none of us can give you."
"Hatter's been with through everything," I looked at him, "I trust him."
"Alex," Jack looked at me, "You're the Queen's daughter, you're the princess. It's our kingdom to take back. So are you going to stay with this man or take your place at the throne?"
"Are you asking me that now?" I glared as I looked at him, "Because I-"
"Alex," Hatter started as I looked at him, "Go with him?"
"What?" I half glared at him, "No, I'm staying with you."
"You need to know what you can do," Hatter sighed as he looked at me.
"He can go with us?" I looked back at Jack.
"We have to go alone," Jack looked at me as I looked back at Hatter.
"Give me a minute."
"I said give me a minute!" I glared at him as he backed away.

"Hatter, I can't do this without you," I moved to the front of him, "I need you."
"Catepillar will give you the answers you need."
"But earlier, Hatter," I looked at him feeling the tears in my eyes, "I meant every word, every touch."
"I know," He smiled lightly at me while touching my cheek, "But you need to go with him."
"No," I felt a tear escape.
"I'll wait for you," He smiled kissing my lips, "Go with him."
"Stay alive," I looked at him as I turned towards Jack.
"Come on, we need to get going," Jack looked at me.