Somewhere Out There

Midnight Escape

"I don't know about your tattoo," Jack looked at me as we rode through the trail still, "I know you were born with it but that's as far as I know."
"But my childhood?" I questioned as I looked at him.
"You were always the more spirited one out of us," He looked ahead then at me, "You were always more carefree, never judged anyone."
"I kinda knew that," I rolled my eyes.
"You loved adventures, always imagined what lied outside of the woods, in the woods, if there was ever another world."
"It's how we met Hatter," He nodded slightly, "Or well you introduced me to him. You had gone into the woods one day and met him. I never seen you more happy about meeting someone ever. But mom didn't approve. She wasn't as bad then but she was an heir to a throne, something that meant more than anything to her."
"So she's always been a part of royalty?"
"It's in our blood," He nodded at me, "But you never let that stand in your way. You'd always sneak away from the guards that were supposed to watch you to go find Hatter. You'd play with him for hours at end then come home and get in so much trouble. That's why I started going out with you."
"I wanted to protect you," He looked at me, "You were different, special."
"You always were. Mom and dad never let you know but you had an ability, almost like magic, you could do things that others couldn't. If you were in trouble, danger, you could get out of it safely."
"The tattoo?" I questioned as I looked down at it.
"Maybe," He shrugged.
"But our parents, were they always like that?"
"Believe it or not, they weren't. Dad's not too different, he still has a heart," Jack smiled lightly, "But our mom, she changed when you were five. An old lady came to the house one night to tell her about the future since she wanted to know if she'd become Queen. She was so obsessed with wanting the power that it blind sided her when that woman told her that you'd take her reign from her. Mom didn't believe it at first but then she'd watch you. Watch how you always helped people, challenged everything, that's when she started thinking of a plan."

"To get rid of me?" I questioned as he nodded.
"They thought banishment was the best thing and then they told everyone that you never existed."
"And when it happened?"
"You had been on an adventure with Hatter when they took you. The doctors wiped your memories first, then his, then took you to the world you grew up in."
"How'd you find me?" I questioned as I watched him clench his jaw for a second.
"If you play dumb around her, then you can hide things easier," He took a sigh as he looked at me, "I went to your world every now and then, claimed I was trying to find my place but I'd watch you, make sure you were ok. Then when the time was right, I brough you back."
"So did Hatter forget about me?" I looked at my nails as I knew Jack was watching me.
"He's good at hiding things"
"It's late," Jack mentioned as he the sun setting, "We won't be able to get there before the sun goes down. We should set up camp."

We soon found a spot in the woods we came across in which we were hidden from anyone who may be looking for us. I shivered lightly since it was colder as I tried to pull Hatter's jacket he had given me, tighter around my body. The fire was slowly starting to die as Jack sat up a make shift bed.

"Get some rest," He looked at me, "You'll need it."
"I will in a second," I looked towards the woods as I heard something snap and thought I seen someone.

I watched as Jack went to sleep as I got up from my spot to investigate the sound. Knowing it could be bad, I didn't care. I knew for some reason or another, that I wouldn't be hurt.

"Hatter?" I whispered in the dark hoping that my suspiscion was right.

I heard the leaves move as the person who was watching me emerged from the shadows.

"Hatter," I smiled, "What are you doing here?"
"What are you?" He questioned.
"Hatter," I shot him a look.
"Ok, I am following you."
"I knew it," I smirked as he rolled his eyes, "Where's Charlie?"
"Asleep at camp," He nodded, "And your brother?"
"Same," I watched him for a second, "Look about what Jack said earlier. About you just being some "man", it wasn't true. You're more than that to me."
"It doesn't matter," Hatter shrugged.
"Yes it does. What Jack said was rude," I looked him in the eyes, "He told me about what happened when I was younger."
"Did he?"
"He um, he said you were good at hiding things," I watched him as he tried to look away from me.
"Like he would know," He smirked lightly.
"Hatter, come on-"
"What?" He let out in an aggrivated sigh, "You want me to tell you, I remember you being taken away from me? The way I could hear you scream in the next room and couldn't do anything to help!? Or I remember the way you looked the last day I seen you? I couldn't stand it!"
"And they won't take me away now," I looked at him confidently, "I won't let them."
"It was the worst," He sighed as he took his hat off, "It was so vivid, I thought I lost my best friend."
"I'm sorry," I smiled lightly as I walked up closer to him, "I can handle them now."
Hatter smiled lightly as I stood in front of him, "Oh, I believe you forget something."

Hatter took out the necklace as he held it in front of me. I smiled as I turned around and he fastened it around my neck. I turned around to face him as I was closer than before. My eyes traveled down to his lips as this time, his reaced mine first as we quickly kissed when a twig snapped.

"I should be getting back," I looked at him as he nodded.
"I know."
"Promise me you'll be careful?" I rested my hands on his chest as he nodded.
"As long as you do."
"I will," I smiled then kissed him quickly again, "When this is over, it'll be different."
"Goodnight Alex," Hatter kissed my cheek one last time as I smiled and watched him leave.

I walked back to the camp as I curled up against a rock next to the fire as I fell asleep. I found it a bit easier to fall asleep now even though I knew that tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day.