Somewhere Out There

Unexpected Help

"Not that it's any of your business," I crossed my arms as Mad March as the others tensed, "Oh what? You're all afraid of nuts and bolts for brains?"
"Oh you'll be fun when the Queen hands you over to me," Mad March looked at me, I think at least.
"Cookie jar head," I mumbled as Number 10 jumped in to stop the fight from starting.
"The Queen has orders to bring you straight to her," Number 10 looked at me.
"I'd like to see you try," I mentioned as I smirked at him in which he stepped in front of me.

"She goes with no one," Catepillar mentioned as he stood there, still, more still than anything before.
"And you," Number 10 looked him up and down, "The Queen will be happy to see you."

Before anyone of us knew it, Catepillar went silent than disppeared after swallowing what looked like a mushroom.

"Trippy," I mumbled as I stood there then looked at the rest of the suits who were all around, "Now boys, I think you know this won't end well."
"The Queen thought you'd say that," He mentioned as a doctor like character appeared in the area now with a needle.
"You think I'm scared of that?" I laughed as Number 10 smiled.
"Of course not," He motioned for people to hold me back as I tried to struggle against them, "We know what you can do."

Just as I was about to be approached by the doctor with the needle and syringe as Jack just stood there watching, as a horse approached in which I seen Hatter with a sword going after them. His plan didn't seem to work since he was knocked off his horse then hit by Mad March.

"Hatter!" I shouted as they picked him up then allowed for Mad March to sucker punch him, "Let me go!"
"This won't hurt that much," The scientist like doctor approached me as I was held back tighter.
"No!" I looked at Hatter as Number 10 went to pick up Hatter's head as I looked at him.
"Now, you can watch," Number 10 laughed as I felt the needle touch my skin.
"Alex!" Hatter struggled as I locked eyes with him as I felt whatever drug it was enter my system.
"I love you," I mumbled as I felt my body go numb then be drug off by the suits.
"Your mother will be so disappointed," Number 10 looked at Jack as he didn't say anything.

The next thing I remember was being woken up and still held up by the suits as stood in front of the Queen.

"You," I croaked out as she stood up and slowly walked towards me, "Where's Hatter?"
"Oh, he's still alive for now," She mentioned as I hung loosely around the suits shoulders.
"You're evil," I spoke out as she lifted my head up to smack me across the face.
"You've caused quite a deal of chaos here," She looked at me, "I for one, will not stand for it."
"You don't stand for much," I mumbled with a silent smirk as she turned around to glare at me.
"You think you're funny, don't you?"
"At least I can stand up for myself," I scouffed as she walked closer to me again, "And well I am taller than you, so I've got that going for me."
"Watch your tongue!"
"Me, take orders from you?" I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm here to end your reign."
"A bit hard to do now, don't you think?" She laughed as I looked at her.
"What have you done?"
"Like it?" She questioned as I looked at her, "A low dose of adrenaline is enough to stop you in your tracks."
"It took me a while to figure out what would, but adrenaline will stop your power from working. Lovely isn't it?"
"I will stop you," I glared at her as she smirked wickedly at me.
"Oh, I'm afraid not my tart of a daughter. You see, I plan on sending you back to your world. Alone. No way of coming back."
"They'll all stop you," I looked at her.
"It'll be a blood bath," She laughed, "And I don't these oysters will gather enough strength to fend off my army."
"What do you want?" I questioned as I looked at her.
"What I want is for you to leave here and never return," She looked at me.
"Fine," I sighed, "If you let Hatter go first."
"Hatter has his own issues to work out here," She walked towards her chair as I watched her when she looked at me, "Oh, I see it now. You love him don't you?"
"Like you know what love is," I scouffed as I felt someone hit me in the legs.
"I know what love is!" She shouted as I seen her get angry.
"Yeah, love for what you want," I challenged her as I looked at my dad, "Do you even love him anymore? You just give both him and Jack orders. You've become nothing but an old washed up hag."

Just like that, the room went silent as the Queen left her chair again to hit me harder across the face. I let out a soft hiss as the touch as she glared at me not moving from where she stood.

"On second thought, keep her here," She looked at me, "That way when her child is born she can watch it be sent away again."
"What?" I questioned trying to put together what she just said, "Child-"
"And you can watch your boyfriend send her away," She looked at me as the suits picked me up now, "Take her to the holding room. If she can make it past Mad March then she'll see."
"This isn't the end!" I yelled at her as I felt myself being drug away, "You hear me! I will stop you!"
"Children," The Queen mumbled as she went back to the chair, "They need more discipline these days."

As I was being drug to the room, the scientist stuck the needle in my arm one last time as I was tied to the chair. I felt my vision start to blur again as I held onto the thought of trying to save Hatter.

"Alex," I heard a faint woman whisper my name, "Alexandria. Alexandria Heart, wake up."
"Huh?" I groggily woke up from my sleep as I seen a woman with brown hair, a red dress, tall, noble like, and glowing, "Who are you?"
"A friend, someone to save you," She smiled as I looked at her.
"I can't."
"You can," She smiled as I watched her.
"Wait, you're the gypsy woman?"
"I prefer Angelina," She smiled as I watched her, "You can't let her win."
"I'm trying, really I am," I tried to move as I looked at her, "But how?"
"Your power?"
"But people said it was gone, because of Hatter."
"Oh Alexandria," She laughed as I watched her, "It's not gone. Power like that doesn't leave just because your family doesn't deem him noble."
"What?" I questioned as I looked at her.
"We've watched Hatter for a while now. He's more noble than anyone before him."
"We? Who's we?"
"It doesn't matter right now," She smiled lightly at me, "It's important that you get out of here."
"But wait," I looked at her as I felt myself being pulled from a dream like state, "It's all confusing, I don't understand it all."
"When you stop the Queen, it'll all be answered for you," She smiled as I could hear a faint sound in the distance at the door, "For now, help is coming."
"Wait, one more thing," I mentioned as I looked at her.
"The Queen said I'd watch my child be sent away-"
"You won't see it sent away," She smiled, "Don't worry about that."

Before I could ask anything else, I was brought back to the reality of me being in this room in which the door opened and two people rushed into the room. I looked to see Jack starting to untie me, followed by Dutchess who was undoing the ropes on my wrists.

"Jack?" I croacked out still feeling the drug in my system.
"Come on, we've got to get going," He mentioned as I went to get up but couldn't.
"I can't," I looked at him as everything was still pretty uselss.
"Help her up," Jack instructed Dutchess as she helped me up.
"Why are you helping?" I mumbled as she put one of my arms around her shoulders.
"Not all of us are under her spell," She smiled lightly as Jack got on the other side of me to help me up.
"Hatter," I mumbled as I was being taken out of the room into the light.
"For now, we've got to get out of here," Jack nodded as suits started to run towards us in which the two of them hide me in a small opening as they hide themselves.