Somewhere Out There

The Empire Falls

"I can't," I looked at Jack as the suits passed.
"What?" Jack questioned as I sighed.
"There are too many people in the casino who need my help. You said the Queen is harvesting good feelings right?"
"Yeah but Alex-"
"Thank you Jack," I smiled at him, "I know you meant to do the right thing and all."
"I can't just let you do this alone."
"Get as many people outside the casino out. I'll meet you there."
"Ok," He nodded as I hugged him quickly, "Please be careful."
"You too," I smiled as he started to walk off when I stopped Dutchess, "Oh hey Dutchess."
"Yeah?" She looked at me.
"Watch out for him," I smiled at her, "Take good care of him for me. And thank."
"I will," she smiled as she took Jack's hand.
"Give them hell kid," Jack gave me one last look before they ran out of the casino.

I made my way to the gambling room in which I locked one of the doors after hearing that all the suits were called to defend the perminiter because of an attack. One that I noticed was being conducted by Charlie and a bunch of dead skeletons.

Strange, but still, it got them out of the building and occupied which is just what I needed. As I was closing the door and getting ready to block the other, one of the Queen's Clubs stood in front of me with a smile on his face.

"Well, won't the Queen be glad to know that you're still here."
"You don't seem worried," I looked at him as he raised a gun.
"We know how to control you."
"It's not me you should be worried about," I smiled as Hatter whistled and punched the guy in which he was layed out flat on the ground.

I rushed up to Hatter to throw my arms around him as I felt him hug back.

"I was so worried about you," I mentioned as I broke away in which I seen the bruises and cuts on his face, "Are you ok?"
"It's nothing just some cuts and bruises," He smiled as I reached up to kiss him in which he started to kiss back until he broke away to clear this throat, "Let's save that until after we're safe."
"Right," I nodded as I looked at Hatter, "Help me block the other door."
"What do you have planned?" Hatter asked as he jammed the other door.
"It's something Jack mentioned," I watched around the room, "He said the Queen is only harvesting the good feelings and emotions."
"Well yeah," He nodded.
"So," I smirked at him as I felt the tattoo glow again, "We're going to give these people some hell."
"What are you talking about?"
"Stand back," I stood in the middle of the room as a wind started to blow.
"Alex?" Hatter questioned as I felt the wind grew stronger in which I could control it.

I started making a tornado of sorts with cards, chips, random objects around the room in which people were starting to panic, get nervous. It was something that hadn't happened to them in along time which I'm guessing had to come to a shock. Hatter took cover behind a table as I slowly let the wind die in which I smirked to myself but the people were still stuck in their spots in their dazes.

"Alright people," I took a gun off the gun who passed out, "Enough of this dream state, it's real!"
" 'ey!" Hatter shouted as he followed my lead and shot in the air, "Listen to her!"
"This isn't real," I started, "All of you have to have families, someone who loves and cares for you. They aren't here. They're probably back at home missing you. You've got to wake up, get back to them."
"Wake up!" Hatter added as people were slowly starting to wake up to something.
"No need," That guy called carpenter walked in somehow, "They're lying to you."
"Don't listen to him," I pointed the gun to him, "They're taking your emotions from you for their own use."
"Why don't you come with us and we'll talk," Carpenter looked at me as I cocked the gun.
"No," I glared at him, "This is going to end now."
"I'm afraid not, sweetheart," He looked at me, "We have direct orders to stop you from the Queen."
"Her reign is over," I glared at him as he didn't budge.
"She said you would say that."

Before I knew what was happening, a shot rang out in which I felt pain in my shoulder as I was knocked down.

"Alex!" Hatter ran over to me as I was passed out against the floor a bit.

The men tried to move closer to me as Hatter raised his gun, "Back off!"

Somehow, that's all it needed to create some chaos in which Carpenter realized something. I don't know what but he had a feeling that he couldn't shake in which he went to protect me from his Walrus character who did shoot me. The casino was starting to shake in which people ran, including Carpenter and Walrus as Hatter stood next to me, trying to get me to wake up.

As I did so, I caught my breath and my eyes shot open as I felt the bullet fall out of my shoulder and the woud heal.

"Ow," I grumbled as I sat up rubbing my shoulder in which Hatter looked at me.
"You're ok?" Hatter smiled as I looked at him.
"Yeah," I looked at him, "I guess I can heal or something too. Which is a good thing, I guess."
"Come on, we've got to get out of here," Hatter looked at me.
"No, there's something else I've got to do," I stood up slowly as he looked at me.
"Trust me, I need to take care of something."
"I'll go with you," He looked at me as I looked into his eyes.
"You need to get everyone out of the casino before it falls," I smiled, "I promise you if I'm not out of here by time you do that, than you can come find me."
"But Alex-"
"I meant it when they took me captive," I smiled at him, "That I love you. I want you to know that."
"I love you too," Hatter looked at me as I smiled and kissed him.
"Go," I nodded as he ran off in which I went to go find The Queen and my dad in which I had some unfinished business to take care of before leaving.