Somewhere Out There

It's Not Over

The Queen had vanished, like literally vanished. She probably left as soon as she felt th casino shake. It was one of those things that I figured. As I was still searching, I seen my dad sitting in a room as people were running to get out.

"Dad?" I questioned as I walked into the room, "Dad, come on, we have to get out."
"No," He smiled at me lightly, "I had my run."
"Dad, come on you're not that bad of a person," I looked at him as he smiled at me.
"You need to get out."
"Not without you," I held out my hand as he smirked again.
"See, that's exactly why you were brought back here. It's your place."
"Dad, I haven't known you my whole life, please come with me. You can tell me stories of things that used to be."
"I'm sorry it has to be this way Alex."
"No matter what happened or what anyone said, I've always been proud of you," He smiled at me as I looked at him.
"I kept an eye on you all those years, hid from your mother that I knew where you were. I'm proud of what you did with your life."
"Dad, please-"
"I love you Alexandria," He smiled at me as the building started to crumble, "Go. Listen to your brother and take care of Hatter."
"Alex, this is where you're supposed to be, now go."
"I love you too," I gave him one last look as I seen a tear escape his eye, like that's all he wanted to hear one more time in his life.

As I ran out the door, the casino started to fall quicker in which I managed to escape just as it crumbled to the ground.

"Goodbye dad," I mumbled as I watched the dust start to settle with tears in my eyes.

I managed to walk through the crowd of people who gathered around, most of them the oysters who were starting to come to their senses but not knowing where exactly they were at.

"Hatter!" I spotted the back of his head as he turned around to walk up to me to kiss me quickly.
"I was so scared you weren't going to make it out," He looked at me as I smiled.
"Me?" I half laughed, "Like you could get rid of me that easy."
Hatter kissed me again as he looked at the tears in my eyes, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I shook my head as he gave me a look.
"Did you find her?"
"No, I found my dad though."
"Oh and-"
"He's gone," I smiled lightly as Hatter pulled me into a hug as I let go of the tears from my eyes until I heard a noise come from the crowd.
"Come on," Hatter took my hand as we headed to the front of the crowd to see it surrounding the Queen.

"Guards," She smiled when she seen me, "Arrest those two! They are the reason for the casino collasping!"
"Me?" I raised an eyebrow at her, "You have no power anymore."
"This is still my kingdom as long as I have this ring," She looked at me.
"We'll see about that," I mumbled as I looked at the crowd, "Take a look at the Queen! She's kept you here this entire time, away from your family, your loved ones, your lives! I took you away from it and she wants me to be arrested?"
"This girl has tore down what has kept many of you safe," She protested as the eyes started to look upon, "I did not give you permission to look upon me!"
"It's over, mom," I looked at her as she glared at me.
"You ungrateful little-" She didn't get to say the last bit of whatever she wanted because I slapped her across the face as she reached up to touch her cheek in which she glared at me.
"You never were a parental figure, you don't even show it in the face of defeat."

I heard Jack and Dutchess run up behind us as Jake stood to the other side of me as he looked at her.

"It's over mother," Jack mentioned, "You can't run from it now. No one will listen to you."
"What do you want?" She asked quietly as I held out my hand.
"The ring."
"It belongs to Alex now," Jack looked at her as she looked at us.
"No, as long as it's on my finger, it belongs to me."
"That can be arranged," Hatter mentioned as Number 10 stood behind him, "Do you still have that knife?"
"Why yes," Number 10 brought out the knife as he handed it to Hatter as Hatter brought out the blade.
"We can either do this the hard way or the easy way," Hatter looked at her as she took off the ring and handed it to me.

After the crowd rejoiced a while, plans were made to send everyone home in which I let the castle scientists take to the Looking Glass as I went to clear my head at the top of a hill.

As I was thinking, Jack walked up to me in which a slight wind blew across my face.

"You know you always have a place here," Jack mentioned as I nodded.
"I don't want to be the Queen, Jack," I held my arms around myself as he nodded.
"I figured you would say that."
"I just don't know," I looked at him, "I thought I had everything figured out in my life and then it still feels like something's missing."
"So where will you go?"
"I don't know, I don't want to leave Hatter," I looked at Jack as he touched my shoulder lightly.
'You're always welcome back here," He smiled.
"How? One would need a ring to get back here."
"It's rightfullly yours."
"No, don't say anything. It's always been yours and if you ever want to come back, you can."
"Thank you, Jack," I hugged him quickly.
"We'll be waiting for you."

Jack walked off as I started to head down the hill in which I seen Hatter walking towards the Looking Glass as I caught up with him.

"Hey," I smiled at him as he looked down.
"So are you going to be the new Queen?" He asked as I shook my head.
"I just need to get away for a while," I smiled.
"You're leaving?"
"I want you to come with me," I looked at him.
"I don't know, I mean I'm needed here and-"
"We don't have to go back to my place. I don't want to. I want a new life. I always wanted to go to Australia."
"Australia?" He questioned as I smiled.
"I heard it's nice. What do you say?"
"I don't know."
"Hatter, don't think about it. What's your heart say?" I questioned as I watched a smile grow on his face, "Is that a yes?"
"Damn witch," He mumbled as I reached up to kiss him.
"Come on," I smiled as I rushed towards the Looking Glass with him.

After everyone who wanted to go back, did, I stood in front of Jack and Dutchess who I smiled at.

"Thank you for saving me, Dutchess," I hugged her quickly, "Make sure you keep my brother in line."
"Are you sure you can't stay?"
"You can always visit," I smiled at her, "I will too."
"I'll miss you," She hugged me quickly as she gave Hatter a hug in which Jack pulled me off to the side a bit.

"Alex, keep this safe, don't lose it," Jack whispered as he looked serious as I looked at him.
"Jack, what's going on?"
"Don't worry about it now," He nodded, "We'll need your help. Not now but I'll come for you when we do."
"I love you sis," He smiled as he hugged me, "Don't hesitate to visit and we'll visit you."
"Goodbye Jack," I smiled at him as I reached for Hatter who took my hand.

"Yeah," He smiled as we walked towards the Looking Glass.

Before we were about to get pushed in, I took one last look around the kingdom as Jack gave me a look. Something was about to happen again, which I knew I had to tell Hatter since he would need to know because I would need him too.