Somewhere Out There

Family Secret

The sound of rain had slowly started to fall against the window panes as I kept my spot in Hatter's arms, a pile of clothes on the floor next to the edge of the bed. His fingers slowly ran across my arms as I smiled then turned to look at him.

"You know," I smirked while thinking, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to have another baby."
"The scratches on my back are telling me, you enjoyed it," He smirked as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Shut up."
"Am I wrong?"
"To a point," I smiled lightly as I moved closer to him, "I mean I don't want to be pregnant again and go back to Wonderland."
"You were when we took your mom down last time," He reminded me as I semi-glared at him.
"What is it with you tonight?" I questioned as he rolled on top of me as he leant down to kiss me.
"You just look too cute," He chuckled as I slowly moved out from underneath him.
"I'm taking a shower," I took the sheet with me as I looked back at him, "I'm covered in you sweat."

As I headed to the shower, the warm water felt amazing against my skin. I let the steam take over my senses as my mind thought back to trying to figure out how to tell Riley about where we were going to be going. There wasn't really any easy way around it, it was pretty much "this is it" kinda thing.

Finishing my shower, I got dressed in some pajama pants and a shirt, then combed my hair as I headed back to the bed. I was about to walk to the bed when I noticed the small child sitting next to Hatter with big eyes as I looked at him.

"Riley here," Hatter looked at me as he looked at me, "Heard something at his window."
"Is that so?" I questioned as I looked at him with a smile then got back in bed.
"There's a vampire outside my window, mommy," He looked scared to death as I smirked lightly.
"I'm sure it's the wind," I nodded as he crawled in between the two of us.
"Can I sleep with you guys?"
"Just for tonight," I smiled at him as he rested his head down on the pillow.
"Get some rest," Hatter smiled at him as I gave him a look.

As soon as Riley's head hit the pillow, he was out like a light in which I soon found myself falling asleep as did Hatter. In the morning, I woke to the sound of Hatter, jumping then a child laughing. I opened my eyes slowly to see Riley looking directly into Hatter's eyes as I sat up slowly.

"Daddy, how come you snore?" Riley asked as I snickered as Hatter sat up.
"I don't snore," Hatter mentioned as he pulled Riley onto his lap as he nodded.
"You do too!" Riley looked serious as him as Hatter gave me a look.
"Do not," He protested as I gave him a look.
"You do," I nodded.
"Like you don't?" Hatter raised an eyebrow at me as I just giggled when Riley decided to jump on Hatter, "Ouch, don't do that."
"Why?" Riley questioned as Hatter looked at me.
"Come on, why don't we go get some breakfast," I smiled taking Riley, "Let daddy get dressed."
"Ok," Riley smiled as I pulled Riley over my shoulders, "Can we have waffles with chocolate chips?"
"Yeah," I smiled as I looked at Hatter, "Now you have alone time."

I walked with Riley downstairs as I sat him on a chair as he watched me get ingrediants to start making the waffles.

"Mommy?" Riley asked as I cracked the eggs.
"Where has uncle Jack been?"
"He went home for a while, sweetie."
"Where does he live?" Riley asked as I stopped what I was going for a second.
"Far away."
"Where's that?" Riley asked as I turned to look at him.
"I guess there's no use in lying anymore," I mumbled as I smiled at him, "Riley, do you know how daddy tells you the story of the princess and tea shop owner?"
"Yeah, I love that story," His eyes lit up as I smiled.
"You know how they live in a place called Wonderland?" I looked at him as I heard Hatter come down the stairs.
"What's going on?" Hatter asked as he kissed my cheek.
"I'm telling Riley about, well you know."
"Oh," Hatter nodded as he took a seat next to me.
"What?" Riley asked as he looked at me.
"How would you like to go visit uncle Jack?" I asked as Hatter cleared his throat.
"Really?" His eyes lit up.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Cool," He smiled as I tried to figure out how to word it.

"You'll have to stay with Dutchess for a while," Hatter jumped in as I nodded.
"Ok," He nodded, "Where are we going?"
"You know how I told you about Wonderland," Hatter looked at his son quickly as he nodded, "The reason we know so much about it is because, it's real."
"Wonderland's real?" Riley asked as we both nodded.
"That's where uncle Jack and Dutchess live. It's where your dad is from," I looked at him waiting to see what he would do.
"When do we go?" Riley's face lit up as both me and Hatter let out a sigh of relief.
"Your aunt is coming to pick us up in a bit," Hatter looked at Riley.
"So go find a few pairs of clothes," I smiled at him as I went back to breakfast, "Then breakfast will be ready."
"K," He smiled as he let himself off the chair then went up to his room.

"Well that easier than I thought," I mentioned as Hatter turned to look at him.
"And you thought it would be hard," He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Hey, it's our son, there's no telling what he would've done."
"Which is why we should have another," Hatter smirked as I rolled my eyes.
"We'll talk after we save Jack."
"Fair deal," He nodded.
"Hey, watch this for me," I looked at him, "I'm going to go get dressed."