Somewhere Out There


"So?" I asked as I watched Hatter lean against the wall, "What's the deal with the Queen's daughter?"

"As you know she had a son, Jack Heart, right?"
"Yeah," I nodded as I motioned for him to go on.
"Well she did 'ave a daughter. We were supposed to forget about her once she banished her."
"Banished?" I questioned as I looked up at him from my chair.
"When her daughter was 10, a gypsy came through the town, didn't live much longer afterwards, but told the Queen that her daughter would overpower her in the future. So, the Queen not wanting to give up said power, had her banished."
"It's that simple?" I questioned feeling like he was leaving something out.

"When she was a kid, she never believed in social classes or rankings. She never went to play with the other royal children, she had more fun with kids who were what the Queen considered to be beneath her. She was always playing some sport in the woods, pretending to be a pirate, go on adventures, but that wasn't the Queen's plan for her. They constantly were clashing, even with her being only 10.The Queen then ordered her banishment from Wonderland and had her taken to your world by her father and placed with a family to watch over her. When he came back, we were told to forget about her and she never existed but the library always holds those records."

"Did you ever met her?" I asked looking at him as he shrugged.
"I did once," He shifted, "She was always different from her family. Tan skin, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes that drew you in, she always wore a smile."
"She sounds nice," I sat there thinking since I knew how she felt since I was the same way, dark hair, dark eyes, tan skin, and the rest of my adoptive family had blond hair, blue or green eyes, "What was her name?"
"I don't remember," Hatter looked off into the distance as I watched him.
"Hatter, you know you don't have to hide things from me."
"According to legend, she was supposed to come back to Wonderland and save the kingdom from her mom."
"Wow," I looked at him, "But the way you talk about this girl, it's like you've known her longer than what you're saying."
"It doesn't matter," He mumbled as he looked at me, "But you, what's your story?"

"I guess I do owe that to you, huh?" I smirked lightly as I took a deep breath, "From day one, I always felt like an outcast in the world. Like I was supposed to be somewhere else but was always stuck in one spot."
"You didn't have any friends?" Hatter looked at me.
"A few, mainly because of dance and gymnastics but everyone always thought I was weird."
"This," I moved the jacket sleeve up a bit, "The heart wasn't always part of a tattoo. It's been there since the day I was born. From what I can remember of being a kid, I asked my parents what it was and they said it'd wash off but it never it. I got called freak so many times because of it."
"You don't remember much of your past?" Hatter asked as I shook my head.
"It's like anything that happened before I was 10 are small things, nothing major. I don't even remember where I lived before 10."
"Amnesia, maybe?" He shrugged as I let out a small laugh.
"Maybe, but I don't know," I hugged my knees, shivering slightly since I was still damp, "I just think that maybe I was given to the wrong people, placed in the wrong time. I seen it at family reunions too, like I didn't belong there."
"Wow," He looked at me.
"In a way, I'm kind of glad I fell through that looking glass and landed here."
"Why?" He asked as I let out a smile.
"I found you," I spoke lightly, "Call me crazy but I feel safe here, around you, like I can trust you with anything."
"Well if you are going to use my help then you should trust me."

"Talk about ego," I rolled my eyes as I shivered again.
"Chilled," I looked at him as I stood up to walk over to the window to look out it with him.

I watched as the sun started to set along the skyline, slowly disappearing behind the tall buildings. Becoming lost to the ones who were still around it at the time. It became a pretty dark place as I leant agains the wall looking at Hatter.

"You really don't want to be 'ere?"
"Not locked up in a building, afraid of who's outside no," I looked at him as a chill ran down my spine, "Or freezing."
"Well we can't leave tonight," He sighed while walking into the room, "They're really searching for you. What exactly did you do to piss off the Queen so badly?"
"I don't know," I shrugged while following him to an old couch that was sitting in the building.
"I mean, I get the ring but she was looking for you before the ring right?"
"Don't look at me," I shrugged as he sat down and I sat next to him, "I just got pushed in, remember."
"Well someone had to search you out in your world," He looked towards me as I went silent.
"I don't know who, you're the only person I know here."
"We should get some rest," Hatter nodded while looking at the window, "One of us should keep watch."
"Yeah," I smiled lightly at him.
"I'll take the first shift."

As I slowly drifted off to sleep, I felt like there was something Hatter wasn't telling me about everything but I decided not to push it. I kept shivering in my sleep which I found annoying until I felt weight join me on the couch then arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was since I felt his jacket against my skin. My eyes started to close again as I drifted to sleep against Hatter.

In the morning, the sun started to rise above the buildings in which I found that I was now underneath Hatter and his body was on top of mine. I shifted slightly as he woke up, looking down on me.

"Good morning to you too," I smiled up at him.
"You were shivering," He stuttered out as I smirked.
"I was."
"Come on," Hatter got up, pulling himself up then holding out a hand, "We can stop by my shop and pick up a few things before we continue our journey."
I took his hand as I watched him fix his hat, "Hatter."
"Yeah?" He looked back at me.
"Come on," He smiled at me as I followed him to the Tea Shop.

That in turn, turned out to be a journey cut short since there were suits and some creepy looking guy with a cookie jar type head outside the tea shop.

"And you said she said her name was Alex," This guy with a strange beard mentioned.
"Yes," Rat nodded quickly, "And she had a tattoo."
"Tattoo?" He raised an eyebrow at him.
"It was a heart, but she called it a snipper heart."

"I guess you can't tell people certain things in this place."
"Never can," Hatter mumbled as he watched that strange guy.
"Who is he?"
"I don't know," Hatter squinted as he looked at the guy, "No, it can't be."
"What?" I asked as that guy with the rabbit head noticed us and started to walk towards us.
"Run" Hatter said as he turned and drug me behind him.