Somewhere Out There

High Like the Sky

"Get in," Hatter motioned to a boat on a dock as I got in quickly.
"Where are we going?"
"Buys us time," He mentioned swiftly as he tried to start the boat.
"Crikey, do you even know how to start it?" I questioned as he looked at me.
"There's a techinique," He looked at me as I stared at him, "Which I, apparently never learned."
"Well that's obvious," I rolled my eyes as he moved to the steering wheel.
"Come on," He mumbled at it when it finally started as we drove away from the suits and that crazy rabbit headed man on the shore.

"I know a place," I mentioned as I watched the lake.
"I thought you never been here before?"
"I haven't," I glared at him, "But in school, we were always asked to describe a place we'd go to escape as a kid. This place would come to mind, it just seems all familiar now."
"Take a right," I nodded in our coming direction, "It'll buy us at least a day to keep those guys off our trail."
"Ok," He nodded as he took a right.
"Thank you for trusting me, even though I still have no idea how I know this."
"It's only fair," He shrugged while sending me a smile, "I told you, I'd help you find your family, maybe all you need is help remembering."

As we pulled up to the shoreline of th is small remote beach, I helped Hatter get the boat closer to the shore as we hid it the best we could. Quickly, he took my hand so we could further hide into the forest so no one could find us as we hid.

It was a beautiful forest, the one that would haunt my dreams every now and then. It would always be me running in the forest with someone who I thought was my brother, than another boy, one who I fell for when I was a kid. Only I couldn't remember much about him from the dreams, he was sweet, protecting, not royal like it felt like I was supposed to be with. For some reason, the dreams always made me feel like I was in a postion of power or royalty but it was all confusing since my parents, the adoptive ones at least, told me that it was just a dream and I shouldn't persue the meaning behind them any further.

"Alex?" Hatter asked as he watched me through the forest.
"I know this place," I looked at the trees and my surroundings.
"How?" He watched me.
"Seeing it as a dream, like a faded memory," I walked as he followed me.
"What if you were brought here?" Hatter mentioned as I looked at him quickly.
"I don't know," I shrugged as I walked on top of a log, "Then maybe I'm meant to be here."
"And you're sure no one will find us here?"
"Trust me," I looked at him as I balanced myself, "I may not know everything about here but I've got that gut feeling that this will keep us safe for a while."
Hatter nodded slowly as he looked up at me, "Don't fall."
"I was a gymnast for the longest time," I smirked down at Hatter, "I've got this."
"Yes but it's also a log with slick moss on it," He pointed out.
"Then if I fall will you catch me?" I looked down at him as I went to do a wolf jump for a quick second.
"Always," He mumbled.
"Nothing," He shook his head as I crouched down to his level and held out my hand.
"Come on."
"I'm not getting up there," He protested.
"Aww, chicken," I teased as he rolled his eyes and pouted.
"Alex, no."
"What's this, Hatter, scared?" I smirked as he sent me a glare.
"I'm not scared."
"Then come on," I held out my hand still, "I promise I won't let you fall."

Hatter took my hand as he looked down at the ground as I slowly lifted his chin up to look at my eyes.

"Look at my eyes, don't look down," I smiled as I took his hands, making a dance space then slowly started to moved across the log with him, "See, not so bad."
"No," He mentioned slowly as our eyes were locked which caused mine to look away for a second, feeling myself get lost in his eyes.

As we moved, it seemed as if time stopped and it was the two of us. The way my heart beat out of my chest as if it were about to explode as I looked at him. I hadn't felt like that in a long time, it was something that I couldn't describe that easily, it just made me feel higher than the sky.

"Come on," Hatter brought me back into the world, "We need to find shelter for the night."

Hatter slowly jumped off the log as he held out his hand which I took then jumped down to him. He pulled me close to him as I looked into his eyes for a second, feeling the tension grow between us. My eyes looked at his lips for a split second as I felt him move closer to me.

"We should find shelter," I murmed as I said the words but didn't make a move.
"Of course," He whispered as our lips were mere centimeters away from each other.
"Is it funny that I can't move?" I whispered as I looked into his eyes as he let a small laugh.
"This is where you're meant to be Alex," He whispered as he leant in just a bit farther when our lips slowly touched as I felt a spark run through my body.

I shyly kissed him back, afraid to make some mistake against his. It felt so right, like it was meant to be. The pounding in my heart stopped but my head was swimming. I felt like I was now alone with him in the middle of the forest, no one else around.

That is until a twig snapped which broke us apart and had him look down at the ground as I looked over his shoulder.

"Come on," He took my hand as we quickly made our way to find a place we could hide for the night.