Somewhere Out There


They drug my limp body through some forests in which all I could see where blurred edges, and memories of the past.

"She will not ruin my reign!"

I heard in my head as they threw me onto a ship.

"Take her to the other side, wipe her memories first. She musn't know to get back here"

"No," I let out a groan as I tried to get up when I felt a weight go to my back since I was on a stomach.

"Tie her up," I heard that guy with a rabbit head mentioned as I looked at him.

"And send Mad March with her just in case she runs"

It was the last thing I remembered before blacking out competely.

In the forest, Hatter had woken up from a peaceful sleep by Charlie's alarm system to look around to see where I was.

"Charlie," Hatter let out a soft groan since he was still waking up, "Where's Alex?"
"She was right there," Charlie looked as he looked at the empty bed, "Oh, hmm, now that's odd."
"Charlie," Hatter groaned as he went to look for me in the woods a bit.

As Hatter was walking, he stumbled upon the diamond butterfly necklace that I always wore on the ground as he went to pick it up.
"No," He looked at it trying to think it wasn't real, "No!"

Hatter ran back to the camp with a pissed look in his eyes for a second, "I need a horse."
"What why?" Charlie asked.
"I need to save Alex."
"I shall go with you," Charlie mentioned as Hatter got the horse around and Charlie did something with his so-called pyschic ablity, "We shall go west."
"You go west," Hatter got on the horse, "I'm going east."
"East, but why?" Charlie looked at him.
"Because she's gone to the casino."

In the casino, I was taken to a white and red room that had people surrounding the red carpet as I was pushed into the room and stumbled forward.

"What's the matter? Don't have you sea legs yet?" Laughed the one who I now connected to be Mad March.
"At least I have my head," I mumbled as a suit came up behind me to hold my hands as I let out a small groan.
"That's enough," The voice in front of me said as it hit me it was the same one I heard through the fog, "Untie her."
"You heard the derranged lady," I looked over my shoulder as he untied me as I went to rub my wrists after he moved.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked as I looked over at her.
"A power hungry small woman," I nodded at her, "Must be the Queen since you can't do anything for yourself, pathetic."
I heard gasps as her mood didn't change, "Watch your tongue, daughter."
"I'm sorry, your mistaken," I laughed as I looked at her, "You can't possibly be my mother, even if you were, well let's hope not."
"Tell her Winston," The Queen motioned as the man next to her looked at me.
"Perhaps we should bring in Jack first?"
"Jack?" I raised an eyebrow remembering my dream.
"Oh, very well," She rolled her eyes, "Send in Jack."

As I stood there, a man, blond, red suit walked in to the room. As I watched him, my mind went back to the night when I was pushed into the mirror and then the dream. He was then followed my a girl in a gold dress.

"Wait, you pushed me into the mirror, "I looked at him. You're the reason I'm here."
"Is that so?" The Queen asked as she walked towards us.
"I don't know what she's talking about," Jack looked away from me as I looked at him.
"Well if that's not a split personality," I mumbled.
"Silence," The Queen hissed at me as I looked at her, "Winston, tell her the tale."
"Very well," He sighed as I looked at him, "When you were 10 a gypsy told your mother that you would take her down from power, defy her. So she sent for you to be taken to your world, in hopes of you not coming back."
"And the heart tattooed?" I raised an eyebrow.
"You were born with it, a mark of the royals."
"Let me get this straight," I looked at them, "The two of you are my parents and decided I was too big of a threat, so you sent me away?"
"Yes," The Queen nodded.
"And told everyone I never existed?"
"But I'm back just like you were warned," I glared at her, "And I will take you down."
"No, you won't," The Queen encircled me, "You're going to tell me where the ring is."
"No," I looked at her as Jack spoke.
"Alex, give her the ring."
"Some brother," I mumbled.
"Take her to the doctors," The Queen ordered, "Then wipe her memories and send her back."

I was about to leave when Winston or my dad stopped me.
"Wait," He walked up to me, "I'll take her to ensure that no tricks are done."
"Good thinking," The Queen smiled.

My arm was taken roughly as I was pushed out into the hallway when Winston leant over to me.
"Don't let them get to you," He whispered quickly, "Give them nothing."
"Wait," I went to say something but he was already gone and I was being drug to another room.