Somewhere Out There


Dr. Dee and Dr. Dum dug around my head for what seemed like forever. They weren't erasing things but opening doors. I think because I was in more control then what they thought. It was painful though as my hands gripped the arms of the chair in which I soon felt the pain stop then it was cold.

Freezing cold.

I opened my eyes, to see that I was in an ice cave, one that I knew from as a kid. I got lost in one, this cold, no jacket much like now. Afraid that I wouldn't be found since no one knew where I was. I walked around the ice, looking at their crystal like structures, then seeing my breath form in front of me.

"Tell us where the ring is at," I heard a voice as I looked around.
"Never," I whispered as I took in my surroundings.
"Fine, I wonder how much longer if you get colder," I heard a dull voice as I shivered at the sudden drop in temperature.
"I'll...n-never t-tell," I shivered as I tried to keep myself warm.
"The Queen would care if you died," One of them said, "I'd be an accident."
"Convient for her," The other mentioned as I thought back to all the memories in which had been brought back to me.
"No," I shivered, knowing my lips were getting blue and my fingers were like ice.
"Tell us where the ring is."
"I need a map," I shivered trying to pull Hatter's jacket around my tighter as I stood there.
"Very well," One of them mentioned as a desk appeared and I tried to get my fingers to work.
"Better hurry," One of them said again, "I feel an earthquake is coming."
"Wait," I mentioned when I felt the ground rumble as the ice cracked creating a large crack that went a long way down.

As I wrote the fake directions to where the ring was, a door slide open on the other side of the ice as I looked up.

"Jump," Hatter motioned as I got up from the desk, cold but I still found a way to move my appendages.
"No! Get rid of him!" The two of them mentioned as I ignored them then jumped towards Hatter who caught me then realized how cold I was.

"You're freezing," Hatter noticed as he took one of my hands.
"Where are we?" I shivered still as I watched Charlie by a wall.
"Believe it or not, we're inside your head."
"What?" I quetioned as I looked at Charlie.
"Don't ask," Hatter rushed out as we finally got out of wherever we were as we ran to find our way out of the casino.

I followed Hatter through the casino as suits were on our tail in which he drug me to an elevator as the doors shut just as the suits tried to get us.

"Did you give up the ring, Alex?" Hatter caught his breath.
"Then why are you here?"
"I was captured," I looked at him while catching my own breath, "They took me here and-"
"And what?" Hatter looked at me as I looked down.
"I found my family."
"It doesn't seem like they were helping," Hatter looked at me.
"It's because they put me in the room."
"Come again?"
"Remember that tale of the Queen's daughter?" I looked at him as I paused, "I'm her."
"You're the princess?" Charlie asked as I nodded as Hatter fell silent for a second.
"But you knew didn't you Hatter," I looked at him for a second.
"I thought if you didn't remember than you wouldn't go back or it wouldn't change anything," He mentioned as he hung his head.
"It doesn't," I smiled at him as I lifted his chin, "I'm back for a purpose. I did get my memories back by the way, well most of them."
"So you remember-" Hatter looked at me.
"Us as kids?" I smiled, "Of course. That's the way Wonderland should be."
"But the Queen tried to keep us apart."
"And we're not," I smiled at him, "You saved me."
"I did?"
"I could've froze to death," I smiled at him as he leant in to kiss me but the elevator doors opened, "Come on, we've got to run."

Running to the roof, we looked for an escape when suits thought they had trapped us on roof but little did they know that I wasn't that defenseles. I watched as Hatter punched a few of them as I fended off a few since Charlie had been knocked out by one of them for a while.

"Come on," Hatter mentioned as he got on a pink flamingo as Charlie did the same.
"No way," I shook my head as Hatter looked at me.
"I've got this slight thing about flying," I looked at him as we heard gunshots.
"And I've got a thing about bullets," Hatter looked at me as he held out his hand, "I wouldn't let you do it if I didn't think you'd be safe."

Getting onto the back of the flamingo, we watched as Charlie flew off very quickly.
"Hold on," Hatter mentioned as he got the flamingo that we were on to to fly as well.