Somewhere Out There

Touch of Magic

The suits didn't give up easily.

Seriously, they were on our tails, Shooting at us the entire way.

I held onto Hatter as Charlie flew ahead of us. Which is how I seen him go down before we did. That's when the water hit like a ton of bricks as we both went under. I quickly swam to the surface but not before noticing the heart of my tattoo starting to glow like a light as I swam to the surface and swam to shore.

I collapsed on the shore, catching my breath as Hatter pulled himself up next to me.

"Are you ok?" Hatter asked while I looked at my wrist.
"Yeah," I watched the tattoo.
"What's wrong?"
"It's strange," I looked at the marking that looked normal right now, "When I was down there, as I started swimming towards the surface, the heart started glowing. Then it felt like I could almost breath under water."
"Like a mermaid?" Hatter smirked as I gave him a look as he stood up.
"I'm serious, Hatter," I stood up brushing the sand off my body.
"People don't breath underwater, Alex."
"I know," I rolled my eyes as he started walking and I followed him, "But think about it. I was brought back here for a reason. That gypsy, whoever she was, said I would, then all the sudden, this heart glows and I can almost breath underwater."
"So what you're a witch now?" Hatter stopped as I shrugged.
"I don't know," I looked at him, "I just know what happened and it did happen."
"Then why didn't it save you with Dr. Dum and Dr. Dee?" Hatter questioned.
"I-I don't know," I looked down, "Maybe it was something I didn't know how to unlock until they went inside my head."
"You do realize you sound mad right?" Hatter smirked a bit as I was getting aggrivated with him.
"Are you even listening to me?" I questioned as I grabbed his hand as he looked down at me, "What's your problem?"
"We just have to get off this shore," Hatter looked at me as I tried to look into his eyes.
"We've lost them for a while," I pleaded with him as he looked away but I brought his eyes back to mine, "Talk to me, Hatter."
"Fine," I sighed as I looked at him but didn't move, "But I'm still standing by what I believe."
"All I'm saying is, it's crazy."
"Crazy?" I raised an eyebrow, "If you failed to notice, I've landed in the one place that only exists in stories!"
"Then leave," Hatter looked at me as he dropped my hand, "Nothing's keeping you here."

I watched as he started to walk off but I ran to catch up with him. I stopped in front of him as he was about to say something when I pressed my lips against his.

"You're keeping me here," I broke away from him as I felt the warmth from his lips as his eyes grew soft and he went to kiss me again when we heard something.

"It can't be," Hatter looked over my shoulder as I knew the source of the sound.
"I don't believe it," I mumbled with a smile as Hatter smiled back as he walked towards Charlie.

As Hatter walked in front of me, I slide the sleeve down over the heart again since once I kissed him, it started to glow again. This time I could feel it, like it was a light that grew with his touch or something.

We both ran up to Charlie as Charlie hugged me. After he broke away, we stayed close to him as we tried to figure out something to do.

"I know some people," Hatter mentioned as I looked towards his direction, "They can help us."
"People?" I questioned.
"They know a man, Caterpillar, he can help us."
"He can answer all your questions you have, help you figure out what you're supposed to be doing."
"You're going alone?" I stood up stating it more like the obvious but it was still a question.
"Yes. If I'm not back before dark, then do whatever you have to do."
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" I questioned as I walked closer to him.
"Alex, you need to stay safe," Hatter sighed as he looked at me, "It's you who has to stop the Queen. Charlie will watch out for you."
"Wait," I closed the space between us as I stood in front of him directly, "Just in case I don't see you again."

I reached up to him on my tippy toes and kissed him lightly on the lips but it was still filled with a lot of passion as I broke away from him.

"Be careful."
"I will," He smiled down at me.
"You better come back to me," I crossed my arms across my over my chest as I looked at him.
"I will and I'll bring help," He smiled as he walked to the boat as I watched him leave.

"So what is our next move your highness?" Charlie asked me as I walked back to the fire that he built.
"For you not to call me that again," I mumbled as I sat down.
"But my dear, it is your rightful title."
"Charlie," I gave him a look as he didn't seem to notice, "We wait for Hatter and if he's not back by nightfall, we go find him."
"But the kingdom-"
"Charlie, we're saving Hatter if he's not back," I defended my decision, "It's important that we do."