Status: ahhhh screw it. I'll get around to updating this sometime soon.

She's Searching for No One But Herself

Slowly Searching

Thunder rumbled slowly as Clara made her way to the shoreline. She looked up at the cloudy sky and smiled as the first few drops of rain fell on her. She glanced over at the mothers picking up playtoys and hurrying their young children around. One rouge child had almost made his way into the water before his mother called to him loudly. He sighed and hung his head as he tromped over to his mother, whining about wanted to go find "fishies". It seemed like Cara had a permanate loving smile set upon her face as she settled into the sand, licking her melting ice cream. The beach was now deserted, the random people that were walking about were now under the cover of stores nearby.

Clara fished her phone out of the pocket of her lilac and black shorts to turn on some tunes. As Beethoven began to play, she layed back and closed her eyes as the rain pitter-pattered around her. There was a distant sound of sand moving, but Clara was off in her own little world of song and waves. A dark shadow fell over her and she frowned a bit but settled back down a bit.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that you can catch a cold from being in the rain?"
♠ ♠ ♠
:] I love my characters.